
The people in the palace were quite efficient. They only chatted for a short while before the steaming hot bathtub arrived.

She did not ask any further questions. This palace maid, Rulan, was extremely cautious and her answers were watertight. She relaxed her limbs and allowed Shi Xiaobai to wait upon her. She was feeling displeased on rainy days and having a hot bath was extremely comfortable.

When she asked if she was going to wash her hair, Roran carefully wrapped her long hair in brocade. It was getting late in the night, so the water cooled down faster. After adding some hot water, she got up. She did not soak for long.

The lights were already lit in the room as she put on the brand-new palace attire sent over from the dressing room. Her face was rosy red and her eyes roamed the room.

"Esteemed wangfei is really beautiful. There's no need to be so pretty with rouge."

Everyone liked to hear nice words. However, they never expected such a cold girl to suddenly say such a thing. With a smile, Sheng Lingyue glanced at her and said, "You speak just like that close girl of mine. That girl's heart is unfathomable, so I'll have to trouble you to guide her when she enters the palace tomorrow."

"Princess is too polite. If you have anything to tell Ruo Lan, feel free to tell her."

"Your highness has already been away from the Hua Qing Palace for a few years. Have you been here all this time?" The palace is very quiet. " Sheng Lingyue asked in a casual manner.

Ruo Lan was startled for a moment before she replied, "This servant is from the empress's palace. I only came here yesterday."

"No wonder." "So you are someone from the Queen Mother's palace. No wonder you are so clever and clever. The Queen Mother has thought it through thoroughly. It's great to have someone as exquisite as you help out. This wangfei doesn't understand anything after entering the palace for the first time."

"Princess, you flatter me!"

"I'm a bit tired from walking around today." When she saw the sky darken and that there was nothing to do, she walked over to the bed to rest.

"Your servant and servant are in the outer room. If there's anything you need, call her." Ruo Lan hurriedly followed him, waiting for him to fall asleep. She added a layer of lampshade to the palace lights before gently exiting.

The lampshade dimmed the light, and the window was still gray and not completely dark. The bedding had all been smoked by the sleeping incense. Today, although his physical strength was not considered tiring, he was extremely tired. The moment his entire body relaxed, he could feel his tiredness.

She ran through a series of events in her head. When she thought about how Murong Yu had promised to let her go, she felt that there was still some hope in her life. However, there was no news from Baili Yu.

As he let his imagination run wild, he unknowingly fell asleep …

In the middle of the night the wind began to blow and hiss and thump.

When she came back to her senses, she felt that something was amiss. Turning around, she saw a vague figure beside her, but before she could even cry out in surprise, a large hand had already covered her mouth.

"Don't yell, it's me." It was Murong Yu's deep voice.

Yun Sheng Yue stopped struggling and immediately let go of Murong Yu's hand. Sheng Yue immediately retreated back into the bed and spoke with a slightly angry tone in a low voice, "How can you sleep here?"

"This is a palace, not a prince's mansion." Murong Yu snorted coldly. "Don't worry. I'm not interested in you. I just need to hide things from others. The servants in Hua Qing Palace aren't people of this king. Be careful with what you say."

"You!" He had promised to accompany him in his acting. The servants were waiting in the outer room, so she could not chase him out. After a moment of hesitation, she did not say anything else and moved deeper in, lying down stiffly.

Murong Yu seemed to be staring intently at her for a moment before he fell back into sleep. The bed was originally big enough, with one of them inside and the other outside, it was more than enough to sleep with the other in the middle.

However, it was always awkward. Furthermore, he had slept early, so he did not know what hour it was. With her eyes glued to her tent, he was no longer sleepy. Listening to Murong Yu's breathing, even though he was breathing steadily, he didn't seem to be sleeping. From start to finish, he felt that it was strange, since even though he was close to Baili Yu and they occasionally held hands, they had never slept in the same bed before.

"How many days are we staying at the palace?" After a while, Yun Shengyue, who could not help but ask, felt like speaking.

"Three days." There was no reply. Just as Yun Shengyue turned her face over to see if Murong Yu was asleep, he suddenly said with a depressed tone. His tone wasn't very good.

His eyes had gotten used to the darkness and could see some things now, but he was still unable to see Murong Yu's expression clearly. Yun Shengyue continued asking, "The crown prince's birthday, what do we want to gift him?"

Murong Yu's tone was filled with disdain as he said, "You don't have to worry about this. Just stay in the palace and don't provoke anyone."

"I understand. Why do you have to speak to me like that? I …" She had very few memories before the age of five. In her ten years in the Baili family, Yun Shengyue was very understanding and lively. She was very popular with the people in the family and had never received any cold treatment.

However, Murong Yu didn't want to explain. He coldly said, "Shut up and sleep." He leaned out and ignored her.

Sheng Yue stared angrily at his back for a moment before also turning around to sleep on the bed. He was completely unaware that the two of them were like a young couple who were bickering.