
"Be careful!" Suddenly, a beam of golden light shot out from the bushes at the side.

"Am I that weak in your eyes?" Qi Wan County somewhat disdained Yu Ling Jing's reminder. Last time he saved Yu Ling Jing, Yu Ling Jing already knew of his strength.

Yu Lingjing didn't say anything. One person after another jumped out from the crowd. Yu Lingjing thought to himself that the Crown Prince had become smarter, knowing that there were more than twenty people who were no match for him. This time, it seemed to have doubled … Although not all the killers had come out, but Yu Lingjing quickly realized that not all of them came out at this point. There were still a lot of them. But he wasn't in a hurry. He had confidence in himself. He also had confidence in Qi Wan County.

"Being with you is a problem. I told you not to follow me, and now I'm going to solve your problem. " Qi Dian lightly said. When the killers saw the two of them bare-handed, they couldn't help but relax a little, and their movements also slowed down by a few steps.

It was said that Yu Ling Jing had unparalleled martial arts, but they didn't believe that he didn't have a weapon. They couldn't kill him yet, and the girl next to him looked weak, but she sounded very arrogant.

As he said this, Qi Shu quickly retracted his hand. When he extended his hand, there were already several dozen silver needles in it. Rays of cold light flashed through the darkness.

Everything happened too fast. The assassins were hit in twos and threes before they could react.

A few weapons fell to the ground. Yu Ling Jing stretched out his hand, and quickly moved his feet, picking up the weapons on the ground.

In fact, it only took them a few seconds to react to all these actions.

Their hearts trembled slightly. They didn't expect that they would underestimate them again. From the time they appeared onstage to now, it had only been less than five seconds, and they were still not ready to make their move. After that, he had already lost several people, although those people didn't seem to be seriously injured, nor were their faces in pain, but that was because of their good killer training.

Needless to say, their hand tendons were broken.

One figure after another flashed through the forest, waiting for the right opportunity to make their move.

The assassins did not dare to underestimate Yu Ling Jing and her group anymore, and their moves were sinister and ruthless. It was obvious that their target wasn't just Yu Ling Jing alone, but the two of them.

"Right now, it seems that I am not the only one who is causing trouble. You are also a big trouble." Yu Lingjing slit her throat with a sword.

"Hehe, your highness really has the leisure and elegance to talk nonsense with me even in such a situation." Although she didn't want to have any physical contact with him, but she didn't want to have any enemies behind her back. This was a principle that should be understood by everyone in the martial arts world.

"I am not spouting nonsense. I am merely stating the truth." Yu Lingjing said lightly. The assassins saw that they were able to chat as if there was no one around, and felt that they were too arrogant. However, they were indeed quite powerful. Their mouths were talking, but their hands' movements weren't as good as that little wind, they were still faster than lightning. In a moment, a dozen people were lying on the ground.

"Hur hur, indeed." Qi Dian also felt the killing intent of those assassins towards him, if he didn't have the order from his master. Ordinary killers wouldn't kill anyone other than their target. In truth, he had obstructed her heart, but at most, he would only be able to make her lose the ability to obstruct him. But now, those assassins were all fatal moves. They didn't seem to let him off the hook at all.

"But why do these people want to target you? Is it because of me?" Yu Ling Jing had killed two or three more people.

"It's good that you know this. If it wasn't for you, how could I have lost my family? "If it wasn't for you, I would still be able to use it. Here …" An assassin's sword hacked over. The words that were about to come out of Qi Wanli's mouth were not spoken because he wanted to block this sword attack.

"Yes, yes, yes. It's all my fault. However, I did not do it on purpose. The one at fault was actually not me." Yu Ling Jing smiled mockingly as he slept.

"I know what you want to say, I also know that this matter is just as you said. It really isn't your fault, but …" "I still can't do anything …" He actually said what he was thinking under such circumstances.

"Alright, I can understand."

"This is …" Qi Wan County focused his attention. But now is not the time to chat. " The sword slash descending from the sky had caused his arm to go numb.

"I think it's pretty good. There's an atmosphere." Yu Ling Jing replied with a sentence that made Qi Shu feel bad enough.

"Don't you always pretend to be fucking aloof? "Why did the fight start so quickly? So much bullsh * t …" Qi Wanli couldn't hold it in any longer and cursed. As expected, the world was as dark as a crow. Who would have thought that Yu Ling Jing would be so unruly with an official?

"Actually, I'm not talking much nonsense. Just looking at you, I can't help myself from spouting so much nonsense. Perhaps it's because you …" A person flashed past Yu Ling Jing's left side, and he didn't know what he was going to say. He flipped his right hand, and the assassin fell to the ground. Blood was still trickling from the corner of his mouth. Yu Ling Jing couldn't help but shout.

"Come out." The men in black that you hid in the trees jumped out. I don't know why they came out so obediently to seek death.

Qi Wanjun suddenly felt that Yu Ling Jing was born with the aura of a king. Yu Ling Jing looked at the men in black, his face revealing a cruel smile.

Qi Wan County felt that this kind of Yu Ling Scene was simply strange and terrifying. He was like an elegant ghost that had crawled out of the eighteen levels of hell.

This was a very dangerous person, Qi Wanshi told him. Yu Ling Jing's body was constantly shuttling back and forth in the dark night. Qi Wan County felt that there was nothing behind him, so when did Yu Ling Jing leave behind her?

A black cloud covered the moon. Qi Wan County finished off the people on their side and looked towards Yu Lingjing's direction. He was standing in the middle of a group of people who had fallen to the ground. He was dressed in profound clothes, and his black hair was as black as ink. His entire being seemed to be blending in with the darkness. It was clearly a bloody scene, yet it seemed so extraordinary. Qi Wanshan was actually stunned as he watched.

"Don't say that these people must have been sent by the crown prince. Is he bored or not? He has been here for quite a while, and now he's here again." The air was filled with the thick smell of blood. Yu Ling Jing turned around and looked at Qi Lun County.

"When you heard the word 'crown prince', you couldn't stay calm in Qi Shu County anymore. His eyes reddened, as if he was about to spit fire. He gritted his teeth and said. Crown Prince! One day, I will make him pay with his blood. I must overthrow him step by step and then personally kill him. "

Yu Lingjing looked at his out of control look and suddenly couldn't help but want to advise her. "For some reason, he felt a slight pain in his heart." You are a woman after all, so you can't be too strong. " Yu Lingjing would never know how gentle his voice was right now. Moreover, he wouldn't know if it was the completely out of control Qi Shu County.

"But if I don't rely on myself, who can I rely on?" Qi Dian smiled. His clear and cold eyes coupled with the faint smile on the corner of his mouth made him look very miserable.

At this moment, the moon had already revealed itself again. The weak moonlight shone on their bodies, but it did not slow down. It was now a sorrowful atmosphere. Yu Lingjing wanted me to give it to him, but didn't know where to start, and didn't know what kind of identity to use.

Friend? Were the two of them not that close to each other in society? Unmarried couple? Not to mention that neither of them wanted to admit it, at least not yet. Yu Ling Jing shook his head helplessly.

"Forget it." He spoke softly.

"I finally understand why you like to wear black." Qi Wanjun took a deep breath and said this without any reason. When Yu Lingjing heard this, he was slightly stunned. He looked towards Qi Wanli County, somewhat puzzled.

"Haha, you don't have to be afraid because of this. Because you killed someone, your clothes were dirty and you couldn't tell anyway. And the blood that flows from your own body, no one else can see it. It was a good confusion for both the enemy and his own people. A very good cover. " Qi Wanshi suddenly laughed, laughing so innocently, laughing so unrealistically. This was the first time he smiled like this at Yu Ling Jing.

Under the moonlight, her yellow skirt was dripping with fresh blood and there were a few drops on her face. Her eyes were like the moon in the sky, clear and cold.

She just stood there, smiling, with delicate features and bright red blood. It was a very flirtatious woman. For some reason, Yu Ling Jing suddenly wanted to walk over and stroke its head, or hug him and tell him that it was okay.

She was clearly smiling, but he felt that she was so lonely, so pitiful. But he knew he wouldn't, and he didn't need Qi'er, because Qi Wan wasn't the kind of person who needed someone else's pity, not someone who needed someone else's comfort.

He was very strong, not only because of his strength, but also because of how she felt in her heart. She was different from all other women. Yu Lingjing suddenly felt like he understood something.

"Hurry up and go, you smell too bad, I don't want to stay here any longer." Qi Wanshi and Yu Ling Jing were both much better to him, perhaps because they fought side by side just now.

Yu Ling Jing came back to reality. He had been in the battlefield for a long time, and the smell of blood was nothing to him. He looked at Qi Shu County again, but didn't say anything. Qi Wanjun felt his gaze, and he lightly smiled, cold and distant.

He didn't know what was going on.

He didn't know what was going on, so he just smiled and let it go.