
Whoosh! The arrow hit the target.

Miao Yi immediately pushed Yun Zhiyuan excitedly: "Master, Young Master has hit the target."

"What?" Yun Zhiyuan immediately turned her eyes, and upon seeing the arrow on the target, her old face finally had a smile.

The waiter glanced at the target, then raised the blue flag. "Three rings."

Yun Shaoning was stunned for two seconds and immediately jumped in joy.

Bai Li blinked her eyes foolishly, "What is he doing?"

It was just three rings, not ten rings. What was that fellow so happy about?

Xue Qingyan smirked, "He's celebrating that he didn't miss his target."

Murong Ling also laughed, "Big Brother Yun has improved. In the past, he was often off target."

Bai Li was instantly speechless. Often miss the target, that guy even dared to promise her ten rings.

The second arrow was also aimed at the target for a long time. This time, the target did not miss and it shot four times.

This made Yun Zhiyuan and An Family extremely happy. Two arrows shooting out seven rings, this was something that had never happened before.

Yun Shaoning was also very happy as he continued to shoot the third arrow. He hit the target again.

"Three rings." The waiter waved the little blue flag.

Yun Shaoning immediately jumped up in excitement and ran towards Bai Li with his bow in hand.

"Hey, Yun Shizi, Bow, Bow …" The servant shouted twice, but as he did not see Yun Shaoning coming back, he could only helplessly give chase.

"Yun Shizi, please wait." The servant panted heavily as he chased in front of Yun Shaoning.

"What?" Yun Shaoning frowned.

"Bow, bow …" The servant panted heavily, supporting himself with his knees, he stared at the bow in Yun Shaoning's hand.

Yun Shaoning's handsome face instantly turned pitch black, "What official, am I your father-in-law?"

Yun Shaoning angrily kicked the waiter's butt.

The servant immediately hugged his butt, and said in an aggrieved tone, "Yun Shizi, you misunderstood."

"Misunderstanding? "You were looking down at me, and you were even looking down at me?" Yun Shaoning said and was about to kick the servant again.

The attendant immediately said anxiously, "I didn't see what was below you, I only saw the bow."

"Hahahaha …" Everyone finally couldn't hold back and laughed out loud. Even Murong Xun, who always had a cold face, smiled.

Bai Li laughed and pointed to the bow in Yun Shaoning's hand. "Idiot, he wants the bow, why aren't you giving it to him?"

Following Bai Li's finger, Yun Shaoning finally saw the bow in her hand, and immediately recovered her senses.

"Oh, oh, oh. I forgot. Here you are." Yun Shaoning handed the bow over to the servant embarrassedly.

The waiter immediately took the bow, clutched his butt, and ran away.

"Enough, stop laughing." Yun Shaoning's face was flushed red as he glared at the crowd. Then, he looked at Bai Li with anticipation, "Junior sister, quickly give me the water bag."

Bai Li stopped laughing, and pointed behind him, "There's a bunch of them, take them yourself."

Yun Shaoning was immediately unhappy, "Didn't you say that once I get the ten rings, you will give me a water bag?"

Bai Li raised his eyebrow, "Then did you manage to shoot ten rings?"

"How come there aren't any? Isn't the combination of three, four, and three complete ten rings?" As Yun Shaoning spoke, he held up his ten fingers and calculated.

"Puff …" Bai Li instantly held her stomach and laughed, "Yun Shaoning, are you sent by the monkey to tease us?"

Yun Shaoning blinked his eyes dumbly. He did not understand what Bai Li meant.

"Alright, you've made some progress. Here it is." Bai Li finally stopped laughing and took out a water bag from behind his back and threw it at Yun Shaoning.

"Thank you, Junior Sister." Yun Shaoning happily received the water bag and squeezed to Bai Li's side, "Actually, this shooting is not difficult at all, I'll teach you, in a while you will close your eyes, aim, and after that, with just a whoosh, the arrow will hit the target."

Looking at Yun Shaoning who was full of enthusiasm, everyone was speechless. With his level, he still dared to take it out to teach others.

On the other hand, when Bai Li heard this, she would nod her head from time to time, looking like a obedient student.

The man finished the first round, and the results were quickly announced. The top three were Murong Xun, Xue Qingyan, and Murong Ling.

Seeing the result, Yun Shaoning looked at Bai Li excitedly: "Junior Sister, I am in second place."

Bai Li glanced at Yun Shaoning coldly, "You said less than last place."

Yun Shaoning grinned, not caring at all, "I'm also happy to be second from the bottom. I usually get first from the bottom."

Bai Li was exasperated, and she shifted in Murong Xun's direction with a look of disdain.

Yun Shaoning immediately followed and walked over, "Junior sister, don't be nervous, in a while, follow the method I taught you, you will definitely not be the last."

"Of course." Bai Li raised her eyebrows proudly. She would not be last.

After the men were done, it was the women's turn. The girls all walked to the target range but Bai Li did not move, she just sat there.

Seeing the first person pulling the bow, Bai Li raised his eyebrows in surprise. What the hell, why is it Bai Ruoyu?

"The order in which these shots will appear is in accordance with the results of the previous Spring Festival Gala." Seemingly seeing through Bai Li's doubts, Xue Qingyan explained.

Yun Shaoning also nodded, "Yes, this Bai Ruoyu was the first in the Spring Enclosure last time, so she was the one to shoot the arrows first this time."

Number 1 in the Spring Festival Gala? Bai Li raised her eyebrows, she never thought that Bai Ruoyu had this kind of ability, she thought that she would only know how to act.

In the field ahead, Bai Ruoyu had already shot her first arrow.

Whoosh! The arrow hit the target.

"Nine rings." The waiter immediately raised the small yellow flag.

Everyone cheered, but Bai Ruoyu did not seem to be satisfied, she frowned and pulled her bow, then shot yet again.

"Sou!" The arrow hit the target and hit the heart of the target.

"Ten rings." The waiter immediately changed his yellow flag and raised it.

Excited cheers instantly rang out.

On the stand, Queen looked at Bai Qingyan with praise, "Bai Family is truly worthy of being a family of generals. Second Miss Bai's archery skills are really not bad."

"The Empress is too kind." Bai Qingyan humbly bowed.

Bai Qingyan still liked Bai Ruoyu. Her big brother had died on the battlefield, and only her two daughters were left behind. Previously, Bai Li had always been an idiot, and the only normal child she had was Bai Ruoyu.

Since Bai Ruoyu was able to participate in the hunt, she had to put in a lot of effort. Logically, a concubinage like Bai Ruoyu simply didn't have the qualifications to come to such an occasion. It was because of Bai Lier's stupidity that she was able to represent Bai Li and participate in the hunt.

Bai Li smiled faintly. This Bai Ruoyu still had some skill, it was no wonder that she could speak up with the old lady.

Bai Ruoyu smiled confidently and pulled out another arrow. "Sou" it hit the heart again.

"Ten rings." The waiter raised the little red flag again.

"Ou …" Everyone in the stands cheered once again.

This Bai Family's expression was really good this time, much better than last time's Spring Enclosure result.

Bai Ruoyu's lips curled into an evil smile, and she suddenly raised the bow in her hand, "I want to challenge."

A clear and cold voice floated in the air, shocking everyone present.

The cheers came to an abrupt end as the entire audience fell silent.