Chapter 164: The battle of New York sacrificed Coelson, who sacrificed this time?

"You don't even know what you are doing?"

"Captain, are you controlled by a witch?"

"Banna, after the disaster..."

"No, what is coming is the real disaster, we must prepare in advance!"

During their quarrel, Pietro used his fast superpowers to unplug all devices in an instant, "It's okay now."

However, two seconds before he was proud, the glass block under his feet was pierced by a bullet, and the glass block shattered and he fell down.

The eagle-eyed Clint Button underneath stood by and stomped on his chest, "I didn't expect me to have this trick, right?"

In the laboratory above, Tony Stark has already fought with Steve Rogers, and Dr. Banner and Wanda are also entangled.

In the chaos, Thor suddenly appeared again, he held up the hammer and summoned lightning, jumped onto the weird ice coffin, and injected lightning into it.

The next moment, the ice coffin burst, and a red weird figure jumped out.

Although he has a pair of eyes that are indistinguishable from a human being, he can also tell that this is not a normal human at all, but more like a special kind of life.

His name is Vision. Tony Stark and Banner created it based on artificial intelligence Jarvis. In other words, this is also an artificial intelligence life like Ultron?

Outside the video, Steve Rogers shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Tony, you will be so stubborn and crazy in the future. You have already created Ultron, but you have created another-Vision?"

"Please, didn't you hear what Thor said in the video? He said I was right, and he was on my side too!" Tony Stark defended.

He believes that his future self did not give up after failing to create Ultron. Instead, he created this illusion, which obviously perfected the artificial intelligence plan.

The follow-up video also confirmed his guess.

Thor introduced them to the yellow gem on the forehead of Vision. This is the gem of the soul, and it is also the core of the scepter of the soul, possessing powerful power.

As long as Vision is on their side, defeating Ultron will not be a problem.

Steve and Wanda brothers and sisters have doubts about this, mainly because they have learned from Ultron, they don't trust artificial intelligence.

However, Vision's truthful words temporarily gained their trust.

"I'm on the side of life..."

"Actually, I don't want to kill Ultron, because Ultron is special. He is very painful, but his pain will destroy the earth... So, he must be destroyed!"

"We must act as soon as possible. Only by working together can we defeat Ultron."

"I may be a monster, which is not what you expected, but we have to go!"

It was also at this time that Vision easily lifted the Thor's hammer on the table, and under the surprised eyes of Steve, Tony and others, handed the hammer to Thor.

The scene finally freezes on Thor's strong smile, and the video ends.

Not only the people in the video were surprised, but the audience outside were also surprised. The previous Avengers members tried to get the hammer one by one, and everyone succeeded.

Now it is replaced by an artificial intelligence, and it is so easy to do it!

Tony Stark scratched his head and said, "Can artificial intelligence fight the gods of Asgard?"

"It must be because of the gem on his forehead!" Loki glanced at him.

Mind gems have infinite power. The powerful Ultron was created by relying on the mind gems. In the video, there is a gem on the forehead of the phantom. It is not incomprehensible to be able to lift Thor's hammer.

Steve spread his hands out, "It seems that in the future in the normal timeline, we finally managed to survive the crisis."

"Of course, I won’t lose if I’m here." Tony Stark smiled: "Did you see it? I also created the illusion. He can lift Thor’s hammer, which means I can lift the hammer. ."

Steve Rogers frowned and said, "Tony, don't forget, Ultron is your trouble!"

"As long as I can solve it, it won't be a big problem." Tony Stark insisted.

Anyway, after seeing these futures, he felt that he would not make the same mistake again, maybe he could go beyond Ultron and directly create a vision of kindness and justice!

But he certainly can't sacrifice Jarvis.

Wanda Maximov is more concerned about the situation of himself and his brother in the video.

In the future, it seems that their two siblings have reconciled with the Avengers?

What happened to this?

At this time, the third question has been quietly given on the light curtain, "Excuse me, among the following four options, who is the superhero who died in the hands of Ultron?"

"A: Iron Man Tony Stark, B: Scarlet Witch: Wanda Maximov, C: Black Widow Natasha Romanov, D: Fast Silver Pietro Maximov."

Upon seeing this, Steve Rogers frowned deeper: "Look, Tony, because of your arrogance and mistakes, you eventually killed our companion!"

Tony Stark was silent.

In the Battle of New York, Agent Colson was killed by Loki. Will anyone die in the Battle of Ultron?

But from the previous few videos, it does not directly show how powerful Ultron has mastered destructive power!

Is it more powerful than the army of the Zetaris who invaded New York and the evil **** Loki?

The light curtain did not immediately give a countdown to the answer, but a new video was played.

As soon as the video opened, I saw a city slowly rise, and the shots showed the Avengers, their expressions dignified and serious.

Ultron’s cold and emotionless voice came: "YouAvengers, you are my meteorites, my blade! The earth will collapse because of your failure!"

"Knock me out of the Internet, let the body I made by myself betray me... It doesn't matter!"

"Because when all the dust settles, the only life in this world is robots!"

The huge city flies to the sky like a floating island. There are many innocent residents in the city, crying in despair, as if they can only wait for the fate of falling from the sky.

Iron Man loaded a new artificial intelligence and gave a warning: "The vibrating gold core inside the floating island covers the magnetic field, which makes the rock formations closely connected. If it falls, the destructive power will endanger thousands of people. If it rises to a certain height, it will cause A global disaster!"

What Ultron wants is to reproduce the scene of the asteroid hitting the earth hundreds of millions of years ago. In that extinction disaster, the overlord dinosaur on the earth was extinct. This time, it is human's turn!

The abrupt end of the video showed all the audience the destructive power of Ultron.

This is a real disaster that can destroy all mankind!