Chapter 226: Just after the game is over, a new round of answering starts again?

"Questions and answers to the heavens, starting from Marvel (!

S.H.I.E.L.D., the Avengers base.

After Steve Rogers and Thor returned from the eternal space, it is customary to hold a meeting to discuss the information and the future exposed by the quiz game.

"From this round of quiz games, we have seen more threats that will occur in the future."

The bald director Nick Fury held the remote control and pressed it a few times. The video clip of the quiz game played before appeared on the projection screen behind him.

After these future videos are exposed, they will be collected and photographed by S.H.I.E.L.D. agents as soon as possible, so that they can be watched carefully and study the details of the video.

The lens of the projection screen is frozen in the dark dimension, Domam's penetrating and huge face.

"The ruler of the dark dimension intends to swallow the light world we are in. The think tank analyzed and concluded that if we only rely on our existing strength, it is not enough to fight him!"

Director Bald's expression is very solemn.

Tony Stark shrugged his shoulders casually: "In fact, it didn't happen that way. Domam's opponent is the Supreme Mage. For so many years, Gu Yi Mage has been resisting the erosion of the dark dimension, and he has done a very good job.

The video also revealed that the future Supreme Mage Stephen Strange can also repel Domam on his own. Frankly speaking, I don't think his threat is enough to compare with Thanos and Yigo. "

Nick Fury glanced at him, "But we can't relax our vigilance because of this. By the way, after Stephen's return, did you get in touch with us?"

Agent Colson, who was in charge of the contact work, shook his head, "He should be back to Kama Taj to find Gu Yi Mage, and he cannot be contacted temporarily."

Nick Fury then asked Captain America Steve Rogers: "Captain, Stephen won the first prize in this game and the inheritance of the Supreme Master from various parallel worlds.

Can I understand it this way, Stephen Strange, that is, Doctor Strange, he has now surpassed the Ancient One Mage and has become the most powerful mage on earth? "

"Um..." Steve Rogers shook his head embarrassedly: "I don't know much about magic."

Thor raised his eyebrows and said, "Don't know enough about magic? But I saw you in the projections of the souls of the supreme wizards in the multiverse. This shows that you have a good relationship with magic."

Steve Rogers shrugged his shoulders and glanced at Tony Stark, who was interested in watching the show next to him, "There is also Tony in the Soul Projection, and there is more than one, which means nothing."

"What? You mean, in another parallel world, I will become the Supreme Mage?" Tony Stark asked curiously.

Steve Rogers nodded and said: "Yes, we have all seen, a young you, an old you, Stephen still complains that you want to grab a job with him."

When everyone heard him say this, they all found it very interesting.

Iron Man Tony Stark has always represented science and technology, and magic seems to be a completely different path from science. It is difficult for them to imagine Iron Man Tony Stark becoming the supreme mage and mastering magic.

Tony Stark was rather awkward: "You all seem to be surprised? This is not surprising at all! What I do is my brain, whether it’s science or magic, I can handle it. The ancient master even invited me to go. It’s just that I’m not interested in learning magic."

Natasha couldn't help but vomit: "You and that Stephen Strange do have something in common. They are both arrogant. Maybe the ancient wizard really likes your character."

"Cough..." Nick Fury coughed twice, interrupting their chat, and pulling the topic back: "Stephen is destined to become the Supreme Mage, and he is also an important barrier against Domam in the future.

The stronger he is, the more our safety is guaranteed. After all, many troubles cannot be solved by science alone, and magic may be more useful. "

After finishing speaking, he pressed the remote control, and the projection screen on the back changed a picture, but it was the planet of Xingjue's father, the **** Yigo, no, it should be the main body.

Looking at Yi Ge's planet from the universe, it looks very strange. There are actually fuzzy human faces on the surface of the planet. Under the background of the strange tones, it is indeed very similar to the evil gods in some myths and legends.

"We analyzed the information and intelligence revealed from the video and found the seed location of Yigo under the arrangement of the earth. However, after searching for a long time, we almost turned the forest all over, and we couldn't find Yigo's seed."

Nick Fury frowned.

After the quiz game revealed Yi Ge's related video, he immediately arranged for S.H.I.E.L.D. agents to perform the task, but unfortunately there was no gain.

Tony Stark said: "Frankly, we still know too little about the existence of Ego."

Steve Rogers suggested: "Perhaps, we can cooperate with the Guardians of the Galaxy? They seem to have found an infinite gem."

Tony Stark shrugged his shoulders: "Frankly speaking, Xingjue did a good job, but I still don't want to cooperate with this kind of pig teammate, it will make my blood pressure rise, which is not good for my health."

Steve Rogers frowned and said, "No, don't be misled by the quiz game. He was really impulsive at the time, but he can understand that Camora is his beloved family member!"

"Really? But if he can restrain himself a little, if he is not so impulsive, Thanos will never have a chance to snap his fingers! How many people have paid the price of their lives because of his impulse?"

"But since we know the tragic future ahead of time, we will definitely change everything, Tony, we can't blame Peter for what he hasn't done!"

"I have to say, Captain, you are still too naive, yes, our world has changed in the future, maybe those tragedies will not be staged, but what about other parallel time and space?

You and me in those parallel worlds, as well as everyone else, will pay a terrible price because of Peter Quill's impulse. This is an undeniable fact! "

The quarrel between the two became more intense, and there were some differences and conflicts in their concepts and styles. UU reading www.

The previous quiz game exposed the Avengers civil war, which made the conflict of opinions between the two people more intense. Although they both wanted to restrain, it was inevitable to have a fight.

Nick Fury was about to persuade him, and at this moment, two golden beams of light suddenly fell from the sky, one left and the other enveloped Steve Rogers and Tony Stark.

"Does the quiz game begin again? Isn't it just over?"

After many quiz games, everyone did not panic, they were just surprised. After all, the last round of quiz games was less than half a day away.

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