Chapter 257: The real behind-the-scenes ambassador, the leftover

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"Player Rocky Lawfson answered incorrectly and deducted 4 points. Player Tony Stark, player Nick Fury, player Scott Long, player Hank Pym all answered the wrong question and deducted 1 point. integral!"

Everyone was dumbfounded, this was completely different from what they had guessed!

Rocky cursed Shit silently, and Scott Lang put his head in his hands: "Gosh, I was misled by you again! If I stick to my own ideas, I can get this question right!"

Tony Stark smiled: "Well, although the answer is wrong, only 1 point is deducted, which is much better than some people deduct 4 points."

Just now he was still envious of Loki's dog luck, grabbed the right to answer, and now he changed his face decisively.

Nick Fury frowned and said: "Judging from the previous content, Rocky and Sylvie should be able to complete their goals smoothly...Where is the problem?"

Hank Pim shook his head: "I don't know, watch the video of the answer."

Sure enough, the video of the correct answer began to be played in the light curtain, and the lens was given into a void, and a ring of light band could be seen surrounding a strange-shaped meteorite.

In the last video, the last two strange castles that Loki saw were on this meteorite.

"Is this what TVA calls the sacred timeline?" Loki frowned.

Tony Stark groaned: "It's more like a Mobius ring. From the beginning to the end of time, a closed loop is formed. The meteorite is just outside this closed loop."

As soon as the camera turned, Loki and Sylvie came to the door of the weird castle. The two looked at each other, but before they could break in, the door of the castle opened.

The expected enemy and danger did not appear. Only TVA's mascot, Miss Time, was seen inside the door. "Hello, welcome to the castle at the end of time."

Congratulations, you have gone through many difficulties and obstacles, and he sincerely admires you for coming here. "

Both Loki drew their weapons and stared at Miss Time vigilantly. Sylvie asked, "Who is he?"

"The people left behind, he created everything, he controls everything, at the end of time, there are only people left behind. He wants to make a deal with you."

Obviously, this person left behind is the master of TVA, and he offered very generous conditions, claiming that both Rockies can be sent to a timeline and meet their various needs.

Defeated the honourable Avengers? piece of cake!

Throne of Asgard? piece of cake!

It can even help them break the fate of death, kill Thanos directly, and claim to give them gloves inlaid with infinite gems.

Such conditions are not unreasonable, but at the same time too much important information has been exposed.

Nick Fury frowned and said: "He compromised. This leftover man claimed to be in control of everything, but in the end he compromised. He tried to redeem himself with these seemingly beautiful promises?"

Tony Stark snorted coldly: "Avengers that are polite? I think they are a bunch of liars!"

In the previous video, TVA seems to be on the side of justice, supporting the Avengers to travel through time and space, claiming to be an organization that maintains time order and peace in the multiverse.

But now, when they had to face failure, they finally took off these masks. This is the real moral integrity!

Scott Lang said: "But to be honest, the conditions set by TVA are really tempting, and they have the ability to do it. The precious infinite gems are used by them as paperweights!"

Rocky sneered: "It's impossible for me to agree to this condition."

In the video, he also rejected Miss Time's promise, "From now on, our destiny will be written by ourselves!"

No matter how good the conditions are, it is also the charity and arrangement of others. Loki has experienced so much in TVA and has had enough of being arranged for the fate.

What's more, with his ambition, he naturally wants more!

Sylvie was also unmoved. After so many years of fleeing for her career, she has tempered her will to be extremely firm, only spotting one thing, that is, destroying TVA, which is what she really wants.

They all refused to talk to each other, and Miss Time, or the people left behind, didn't become irritated because of this, and suddenly started something.

Miss Time's response was also very flat: "As you please, good luck to you."

The two Rockies didn't think much, and continued to explore the strange castle with their weapons in their hands. They came to a door. After the door opened, there was a sofa inside. On the sofa sat a black male wearing a purple robe.

He held a green apple in his hand, as if welcoming a guest, with a smile on his face: "It's so exciting, you two... are one person, a bit unusual, but... exciting."

"The one left behind?"

Both Rockies were vigilant for twelve points.

The black man looked very relaxed: "Does she still call me that? It's a bit weird, isn't it, but I like it, come on, go to my office and talk."

The two Lokis each looked at each other, and they had already found this place, so naturally they wouldn't shrink back, and followed each other into the elevator.

Scott Lang said: "He is the master behind TVA? It doesn't seem to be the same. Seriously, it doesn't have the temperament of the three fake robots before."

Tony Stark shrugged: "This guy is a chatter. The pajamas boy must have a common language with him, maybe he is also a robot?"

The two Lokis in the video also had doubts about this leftover man. They found it after a lot of hardships. The enemy they expected to encounter should be a big villain similar to Thanos.

It turned out to be just a chattering black man?

The black brother left his back to two Rocky holding weapons With an apple in his mouth, he said vaguely: "Is it different from what you expected?"

Of course it's different!

The male Rocky asked, "Are you just a... ordinary person?"

The black man said casually: "Yes, there are ordinary people of flesh and blood, don't tell me that you are disappointed?"

Sylvie said, "No, it will be easier to kill you like this!"

She didn't hesitate to finish her words, and she swung her long knife directly, but she cut nothing. The black brother teleported to the sofa behind them, lying down comfortably with a smile on his face.

Sylvie continued to attack, but was always avoided by the opponent teleporting in advance, slashing into the air.

In fact, they are no strangers to this situation. When TVA puts the collar on them, they can use the time controller to control their time to achieve this teleportation effect.

Finally, he teleported to the outside of the elevator altogether, and after the elevator opened the door, he smiled and invited them in.

The black brother did not make any counterattack, but politely poured them drinks and motioned them to sit down and talk.

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