Chapter 303: Who has changed the most in the reunion?

Options are given under the title:

"A: Hawkeye: Clint Button, B: Black Widow Natasha Romanoff, C: Thor Odinson, D: Iron Man Tony Stark"

The first question is very exciting, but the second question is very strange.

"The biggest change in appearance?" Tony Stark pondered, "Could it be me? Frankly speaking, I almost didn't recognize myself when I saw myself in the video just now!"

Thor scratched his hair: "I will have short hair in the future. Is this considered a big change?"

Tony Stark rolled his eyes: "Is it okay to use my brain to examine the question? The biggest change after the Battle of Thanos! You already had short hair when the Gods Twilight!"

Thor grinned: "Yes, I forgot it!"

Tony Stark felt even more tired when he saw this, and felt that the team confrontation this time was clearly aimed at himself!

On the other side, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff and Scott Lang are also discussing.

Steve Rogers smiled and said, "Natasha, I have to say that your white hair is pretty cool."

Natasha raised her eyebrows and said, "Thank you, your new look is also good, but the biggest change... should be me or Tony? By the way, I didn't see Button in the video just now, could it be that he..."

Steve Rogers sighed: "After Thanos snapped that finger, we must have sacrificed too many people, but if I remember correctly, Patton never appeared when Thanos invaded the earth.

At that time Thanos didn't snap his fingers. Let's think on the bright side. Maybe he retired before Thanos crisis came? "

Natasha thoughtfully said: "What you said makes sense, he has always longed for a peaceful and peaceful life."

Scott Long listened to them and asked, "Then we should choose between D and B for this question?"

Steve Rogers pondered: "Normally, it should be like this. After all, from the future videos we have seen, after the Battle of Thanos, one of them has changed the most. I think it should be Tony. After all, Natasha only dyed her hair."

"Normal situation... what about the abnormal situation?"

After the last round of quiz games, Scott Long has made some progress. He speculated: "When I answered the questions before, the answers to many questions were actually regular. The most unlikely one among the options was the correct answer. The most likely!"

Steve Rogers shrugged his shoulders: "I understand what you mean. Among these options, the least likely is...A. After all, for the other three options, we have all seen their future videos."

Natasha suggested: "I think it's A too! Actually, when you think about it carefully, Thor hasn't changed much among the four options and can be ruled out.

After a battle with Thanos, Tony wandered in space for a while, and his skin was almost deformed. It seemed to have changed a lot, but as long as he recuperated for a period of time, he should be able to recover. .

In my case, I just changed my hair color. The only thing that hasn't appeared in future videos is A! "

Steve Rogers nodded and said, "Okay, let's choose A, Natasha, you still have to answer this question, Scott, are you okay?"

Scott Long shook his head: "Of course I have no problem."

They have reached an agreement here, but Team A is still arguing. Tony Stark thinks this question should be A, but Thor thinks the answer to this question should be B. The reason is very simple-black The widow dyed her hair.

As for Nebula, she watched them arguing and didn't speak.

"God, Thor, I'm really helpless with you, okay, let's do this. You answered the last question, so it's my turn to answer this question. How about letting you answer the next question? "

Tony Stark took a step back.

Thor shook his head and said, "No, I answered the last question correctly, so I still have to answer this question, Tony, believe me, I will definitely lead you to victory!"

I believe you a ghost!

Tony Stark only felt extremely tired, and waved his hand: "Forget it, even if we have discussed it, there is still a blue sister, it doesn't matter, whoever of us can answer the question successfully, let whoever answers the question. "

As soon as he finished speaking, the answer countdown appeared on the light curtain, so he immediately snapped the answer button.

Others also snapped the buttons, and in the end Thor really got the right to answer. Before Tony persuaded, Thor directly reported the choice: "Ha, I got it, I choose B!"

After he was done, he grinned at Tony and said, "Trust me, Tony, that's right!"

On the other side, Steve Rogers chose A. Although the two teams could not hear each other's communication, they could see each other's choices when answering the questions.

Seeing Steve and the others work together, Tony Stark felt that the future was dim, shaking his head and sighing: "Look, Steve and them also chose A! Thor, you will hurt us miserably!"

At this time, the correct answer is announced-C: Thor Odinson!

"Team A rushed to answer the wrong answer, and the team deducted 4 points. Team B answered the question incorrectly, and the team deducted 1 point!"

Both teams actually got the wrong answers, but team A obviously lost even more. It just scored 1 point, which was deducted to -3 points.

Tony Stark was so angry that he cursed, "Tor, you killed us, and we will be electrotherapy later!"

Thor scratched his head: "I’m not to blame, and I didn’t expect the answer to be Well, the next question is for you... wait, Tony, if you choose, you choose It’s A, and it’s also a wrong answer!"

Tony Stark's eyes rolled: "No, if I was asked to answer the question, because I didn't succeed in answering the question, even if the answer is wrong, I will only deduct 1 point, so I won't be electrotherapy!"

Thor was still confused by what he said, and nodded, "You are right..."

On the other side, the three of Steve Rogers were also very surprised. Natasha frowned and said, "Why is Thor? He obviously hasn't changed much!"

Steve Rogers shook his head and said, "I don't know, I can only watch the answer video."

Scott Lang let out a sigh of relief: "We are lucky, we didn't succeed in answering this time, otherwise we will be deducted 4 points."

Under their curious and puzzled eyes, a future video of the correct answer to this question was also played on the light curtain.

In the picture, an old-fashioned dump truck is driving on a mountain road. The Hulk Hulk is honestly curled up in the car, sitting very well-behaved. Next to him is the Rocket Raccoon, looking around curiously.

"Hi, Hulk doesn't look like Hulk anymore." Thor said in amazement: "Haha, Tony, look at him, do you look like Banner with a bigger green skin?"

Tony Stark shrugged his shoulders: "It's really weird, thinking about it, Dr. Banner fought against Thanos twice, wearing my anti-Hulk armor instead of transforming into Hulk... From my point of view, He is the one who has changed the most!"

Thor nodded and said: "You are right, but he is not among the options just now... I'm just curious, why am I? What can I change?"

Soon, he will see another self, and that will undoubtedly become another famous scene for him...