Chapter 582: Moderate and Aggressive

In front of a young child, he shot and killed his mother. This kind of madness is truly worthy of the notoriety of pornography. There is no doubt that the audience outside the light curtain scolded and scolded.

As for Eric Lansheer in Eternal Space, he has recovered his calm at this time, at least his face is calm, only the anger in his eyes is raging, just like the young man in the video.

Over the years, hatred and anger have never subsided, but Eric, who has grown up, has learned to forbear. He knows that incompetent rage is useless at this time. Only by staying calm can you gain something from this future video.

In fact, Eric Lansheer was very surprised that the light curtain suddenly released the video of himself when he was young, because there were a lot of future videos of Wanda and Little Spider before, and it stands to reason that it was Wolverine's turn. There was more than one paragraph, and it was a bit unexpected that he jumped to him so quickly.

Logan Howlett was naturally a little surprised. He thought he could see more of his future from the light curtain video, including what happened after he lost his memory, but there was only one paragraph.

"Fairy Wood"

Glancing at the expressionless Eric beside him, he asked a little curiously, "What is your ability? Can you control it?"

Eric Lansheer said with a cold face, "You'll know when you look at it."

In the video, after witnessing the death of his mother, the young Eric Lansheer finally burst out with supernatural powers. Along with his immature roar, a copper bell on the table seemed to be grasped by an invisible big hand. Shrinking and pinching into a ball, Sebastian Xiao shouted loudly when he saw this, this is the result he wanted.

But little Eric's ability is not only that, the metal objects in the office are deformed one after another, and there seems to be a transparent sledgehammer in the air, which is like smashing these things!

Seeing this scene, Wolverine's expression became solemn, and he suddenly realized that this ability seemed to be his nemesis!

"You can control all metals?" Logan Howlett raised his eyebrows and asked. He has now completed the transformation and has been implanted with Edman alloys. Of course, he cares about Eric Lanschel's ability.

Eric Lansheer shook his head, but did not intend to elaborate.

At this time, in the light curtain video, the camera turned and came to a luxuriously decorated villa. There was also a boy about the same age as little Eric. He was very handsome and cute. His name was Charles Xavier. , The family background is prominent, and it belongs to the end of many people's lives from birth, especially compared with the little Eric Lanschel, it is even more cloudy and muddy.

Young Charles sensed an intruder one night, and when he found the kitchen, he saw his mother,

However, he could see at a glance that the other party was pretending, although from the outside, the other party's disguise was very perfect, just like his mother.

However, little Charles' mother had never been to the kitchen, and as a lady, she would not cook or make tea. A maid was in charge of these mundane matters, so little Charles immediately judged that the 'mother' in front of him was fake.

Little Charles is very smart, and he is also a mutant with superpowers. His mouth is closed, but he can make his voice appear in the other person's mind, and can communicate with people from the spiritual and spiritual level.

Now that her identity was discovered, the lady immediately changed back to her original form. She was actually a little girl with a blue body. She had no clothes on, just like the legendary banshee. If it was an ordinary child, she would definitely be scared to cry. Come out, but little Charles is smiling and not afraid at all, because he finally found his kind.

Both children are mutants. Miss Lan's name is Ruiwen. Because she looks so weird, she was abandoned by her family at a young age and could not integrate into society. Home, became his mother, just to find something to eat.

As soon as the young Charles met her, he adopted her and took care of Rui Wen as his own sister. As time passed, the children grew up day by day, and the once young Charles became a heroic figure. , a handsome young man,

But Rui Wen still has that blue-skinned appearance. She was still a little cute when she was young. When she grew up, she lost her childishness and looked like a freak.

Ruiwen and Charles grew up together. It can be said that they are childhood sweethearts. Charles is gentle and elegant. Because of his ability to read minds, he can easily know the thoughts of people around him, and it is easier to understand others. He has always been very kind to Ruiwen.

Because of her blue skin, Rui Wen has been rejected by the people around her since she was a child. Even her family and parents did not accept her, so she developed feelings for Charles who accepted her without reservation But it can be seen that Charles is just a Taking her as his sister, and at the same time, he and Rui Wen have different ideas. Charles' gentleness and tolerance are not only for Rui Wen, but for everyone else.

He knows how mutants will be treated and rejected in normal human society, and as the number of mutants increases, the racial problem will become more serious, but Charles has always been optimistic, he believes that humans and mutants will eventually mutual understanding, tolerance and acceptance.

But Rui Wen has some doubts about this. Although Charles can accept himself, what about others?

Her biological parents are unwilling to accept her, let alone other people, but she has been living with Charles for so long, and she has been infected and guided by the optimism and positivity of each other. If one day mutants can be with normal humans, there is no problem Living under the same sun was of course what she dreamed of seeing.

"It's naive." Eric Lanschel curled his lips in disdain. "Humans have deep prejudices and auras with each other, and they have been unable to tolerate each other for thousands of years, let alone treat mutants."

Logan Howlett folded his arms and didn't express any opinion, but he could see that Eric Lanschel was a radical, and Charles in the video was undoubtedly a moderate. Sooner or later, the two would collide. Then it must be the scene of Mars hitting the earth.

It was at this moment that the light curtain video finally brought the camera back to Eric Lanschel. The former child had grown up, but his childhood experience was like a soldering iron, leaving a deep mark on him. Just like the number on the arm, it represents the painful memory of the concentration camp.

The grown-up Eric Lanschel had a resolute face. He had been tracking down Sebastian Xiao for so many years, intending to kill him to avenge his mother's death.