Chapter 612: Which is right and which is wrong?

At this time, the standings in the light curtain slowly faded, and a new question was replaced: "Question, which two of the following options will be caught in the laboratory for analysis and research?"

"A: Beast Hank McCoy, B: Angel Salvador, C: Red Devil Azazel, D: X Professor Charles Xavier."

Eric Lanchel narrowed his eyes, and his body exuded a cold murderous aura. This question evoked his painful past in a concentration camp, and it seemed even more serious. Well, it was finally deconstructed?

Immediately snorted: "Look, as I said in the video, the human race has completely gone to war, and they will not let us go. Only by resisting can there be hope. The answer to this question should be A, D, after all, Charles is still He will pay for his innocence!"

Logan Howlett's face was equally ugly. Before he came to the quiz game, he had experienced the feeling of experimenting with mice,

He gritted his teeth and said, "I don't think Charles is stupid. He has already suffered losses. Even if he chooses a gentle way to integrate into human society, he will not end up like this, right? Don't forget, with his ability, if you want to hide If you get up, no one will be able to find him!"

This question has been pointed out as a multiple-choice question, and the four options are also divided into camps, A and D, and B and C, which belong to the camps of Professor X and Magneto respectively.

Thinking about the future video just now, it is easy to think that this question should occur in the timeline after Professor X and Magneto parted ways, and it also implies that the route chosen by the two is who is right and who is wrong?

Therefore, without thinking much, Eric Lansheer decided that the answers were A and D, belonging to Professor X's camp, but Wolverine felt that B and C were more suspicious.

In addition to deliberately raising a bar with Eric, he also gave very good reasons: Charles formed the X-Men, he wanted to remain anonymous and live a low-key life; look at you again, you are taking the initiative to go to war with humans, and the mutants who follow you It's normal to take damage in battle and thus be captured, isn't it? "

"Let me do it!" Eric Lansheer did not convince him at length, but said coldly, "Logan, I won you so many points, listen to me."

Logan Howlett shook his head: "Come on, it's enough to say something like this once or twice. It's boring to say too much. I have my choice. It depends on luck. Whoever succeeds in the first answer will answer the question!"

On the other hand, the little spider and Wanda of team A communicated, but they did not reach a consensus. Wanda felt that they should choose A and B, while the little spider felt that they should choose B and C. The two chose Red Devil in C. There is disagreement over Azazel.

Through the video exposed by the previous quiz game, they also witnessed the ability of the Red Devil with their own eyes, and they can move in a magical instant. This kind of ability is not so powerful in terms of aggression, and escape is definitely first-class.

"Uh, I've heard that people who drown can swim... Yes, the Red Devil's ability is really good at running away, but he's always negligent, think about it, in the style of Magneto , he will never be as low-key and quiet as a professor, but will lead people everywhere to do things, and there will always be times when he misses, right?"

The little spider finally convinced Wanda. Soon, the countdown to answering the question began, and both parties took pictures of the quick answer button in front of them. This time, Wolverine really succeeded in the quick answer.

Without any hesitation, he said his choice aloud under Eric Lansheer's anger: "I choose B and C!"

Team A's Wanda also chose B and C for the team. The countdown ended and the correct answer was announced: "Congratulations to Team B's successful answer, player Logan Howlett and player Eric Lanschel both scored 4 points, and Team A scored 4 points. If the answer is successful, player Wanda Maximoff and player Peter Parker both get 1 point!"

Seeing this, Eric Lansheer's eyes widened immediately. Although he scored 4 points, the answer was beyond his expectations. Logan missed cigars very much at this time, and licked his tongue. Provocatively said: "If you come, we will be overtaken!"

Eric Lanschel clenched his fists, not because he was angry at Wolverine's provocation, but at the future of mutants. Could it be that his own resistance in the future has no effect?

Why did the mutant brothers and sisters fall to such a tragic end?

The countdown was over, and a video soon began to play on the light curtain. The first was a quick clip that revealed what happened after the Cuban Missile Crisis. Professor X returned to his ancestral home to live a low-key life. Magneto formed the Brotherhood of Mutants and began. Actively seek partners and fight against human society.

After realizing the threat of mutants, the high-level human beings also responded one after another. The President of the United States signed the PWA Act against mutants, namely the Awakening Plan, which granted the CIA more funds and authority, allowing them to form special operations. Squad, stop mutants marked as wanted in the country.

Among them are Magneto, Professor X and their followers!

It was also under this plan that the Red Devil and Angel Salvador were ambushed and killed.

Magneto was furious and planned to seek revenge from the official, but when he learned that the president was going to be assassinated, he planned to go to rescue the president, because the president of the United States was also a mutant at the time. He was able to save people, but he also exposed himself because of saving people, and was directly labeled as the murderer who assassinated the president.

Magneto did not resist. He chose to surrender and was detained in a special prison. The Brotherhood of Mutants also lost its leader and fell apart. Many mutants were killed.

Blue sister Ruiwen, who is good at hiding herself, is alive and well. She has not given up her plan to help her fellow mutants and fight against the authorities. During an investigation into Trask Enterprise, she accidentally discovered a top-secret file.

In the photo are the comrades, brothers and sisters who once fought with her, but they have all been killed and have been dissected and studied!

Seeing this, the little spider looked unbearable, shook his head and sighed: "Eric is wrong, they really shouldn't choose war, teaching gentle ideas is the hope and answer to solve the problem of mutants, Eric His excesses will not only hurt himself, but also those around him."

Wanda took a deep breath and felt aggrieved inexplicably. The experience of the mutant made her think of herself, and in the future video, she was framed and used by the conspiracy and tricks set up by the Tianjian Bureau, even if she followed the Avengers and tried her best. to save the world, but in the end he ends up being a 'monster'.

But soon, Peter Parker's eyes widened, because he saw that in the video, Professor X's gentle ideas also caused harm to those around him.


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