Chapter 715: exiled

Questions and answers, from the beginning of Marvel's runaway Chapter 715: Exiled

However, even if Wanda is injured, he can easily defeat his magic, not only knocking Doctor Strange to the ground, but also destroying the book of Emperor Weishan!

Seeing this, the audience finally understood why the answer to the question just now excluded the book of Emperor Weishan.

Outside the light curtain, Little Spider frowned and asked, "Mr. Strange, can't you open the portal? Why don't you take them away after getting the Book of Emperor Weishan?"

Stephen Strange shook his head: "Opening the portal requires a suspension ring. Obviously, I don't have a suspension ring in my hand in the video, and even if there is a suspension ring, it may not be able to open the portal in such a special place. ."

Speaking of which, he felt that when he answered the questions earlier, he still made some mistakes, and he didn't think carefully and carefully enough.

Judging from the information revealed in the video, the book of Emperor Weishan does have a high probability and can help them defeat the mad Wanda, but the problem is that this magic book is not available for use, at least there must be a learning process.

And Wanda is aggressive, chasing them to this gap is a matter of time, and the three of Doctor Strange are trapped in the gap, so it seems that the book of Emperor Weishan is indeed not enough insurance.

Unless the Illuminati are willing to trust him from the start, and then buy him time to stop Wanda, and then give Stephen Strange enough time to use the Book of Vesanti to find a way to deal with Wanda.

Too bad there is no if in the world.

Focusing back on the video, the book of Emperor Weishan was destroyed, and Doctor Strange no longer had the confidence to resist Wanda. As soon as Wanda raised his hand, he tied him and Christine with magic power!

However, facing this former comrade-in-arms, Wanda is not as cold-blooded and cruel as dealing with the members of the Illuminati. She controlled Amelica with one hand, and with the other hand, she used magic to bind the two of Doctor Strange, and then gave Amelie When the pressure was applied, the multiverse portal was forcibly opened.

When America is in danger and feels scared, her ability will be forced to activate. Wanda has already mastered this law at this time. Even if she does not absorb America's ability, she can still be used as a tool.

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After the multiverse portal opened, Wanda threw Doctor Strange and Christine into it, which was considered to have expelled the former old comrade-in-arms. and kindness.

Seeing this, Kuaiyin couldn't help sneering and said, "Don't say, Wanda treats you well. Even if you go against her again and again, she still helps you realize your dream."

This refers, of course, to Wanda's exile of Doctor Strange and Christine together, helping the two men and women to fly together.

Stephen Strange snorted coldly: "Don't worry, Pietro, I think you can see how Wanda failed soon."

When Kuaiyin heard the words, he was not as excited as before. To be honest, he must be leaning towards Wanda's side, but seeing his sister's crazy and unfamiliar appearance in the video, he couldn't help thinking, if he jumped out and tried to stop him Will her, sister also do something to herself?

There is no answer to this question, or from the time he thought of this question, he actually already had an answer in his heart - she would definitely do it, because this is not the sister she knew.

Quicksilver didn't like Stephen Strange, and the guy wasn't much more popular, sometimes more annoying than Tony Stark.

But Quicksilver also has to admit that what Doctor Strange said before is very reasonable. When treating Wanda in the video, you can actually regard her as another stranger, not a familiar sister.

After thinking about this, Kuaiyin thought rationally and felt that if Wanda failed in the video, it might not be a bad thing. He really didn't want his sister to become such a lunatic.

Therefore, he looked up at Stephen Strange and said softly, "I hope you can find Wanda in the future."

Stephen Strange was stunned for a moment, then a sincere smile formed on the corner of his mouth, and nodded: "I hope so too."

During their conversation, in the video, after Wanda sent Doctor Strange and Christine away, he strengthened his interference with America, and really controlled her ability, locking the multiverse portal to Universe 616.

From this point of view, Wanda's talent is indeed remarkable. Amelika herself has not been able to figure out how to use her abilities for so many years.

As soon as the camera turned, the exiled Stephen Strange and Christine once again traveled through the multiverse and came to another familiar and unfamiliar New York City.

When they came to the street, they were stunned to find that this was a world that was heading for destruction. There was no one on the street, and there was a broken building overhead. In some places in the distance, it was like a broken mirror, where reality and illusion collided. Road cracks.

This is the aftermath of a multiverse collision!

Not surprisingly, the universe of UU reading has been reduced to this point because of the collision between the multiverse, and it is on the verge of collapse...

Stephen Strange is quite calm. In this desperate situation, he is not too panicked. Thinking of asking for help from Doctor Strange in this world, he took Christine all the way to the sanctuary he was familiar with. past.

I have to say that Stephen Strange is indeed a person who is proud to the core. Seeing the scene like the end of the world in front of him, he still firmly believes in his heart that even if the whole world is dead, the self in this world must still be alive.

It didn't take long for them to find the New York Sanctuary. Like other buildings in the city, the Sanctuary was badly damaged and smelled of old corruption.

Standing outside the iron gate, Stephen Strange keenly noticed that there was a gaze watching him in the sanctuary, and he also saw a familiar figure flashing past the window.

Doctor Strange walked towards the sanctuary. This time he did not bring Christine with him, because he himself did not know the situation in the sanctuary. After all, he was pitted in the sanctuary once in universe 838. Stephen Strange still Up memory.

The interior of the sanctuary was also dilapidated. Doctor Strange was careful, and before he took a few steps, he was stopped by the owner of the house. Not surprisingly, the owner here is of course Doctor Strange, Stephen Strange of this universe.

Compared to the Doctor Strange in Universe 616, although this one looks exactly the same, his temperament is different, appearing vicissitudes and shadowy.

It is understandable, after all, the universe he is in has already become like this, and he must not be happy. +Bookmark+