Chapter 733: The tacit understanding of good friends

Questions and answers, starting from Marvel Chapter 733 The tacit understanding of good friends

In the light curtain, the video was paused, and then a new topic popped up: "Question, among the following options, who helped Professor X Charles Xavier out of confusion and predicament?"

"A: Beast Hank McCoyin, B: Mystique Raven, C: Magneto Eric Lanschel, D: Professor X Charles Xavier."

Outside the light curtain, Magneto looked at the question and said with a half-smile, "I hope this question is C, Charles, I really want to wake you up, if the two of us can cooperate wholeheartedly, the future of mutants will be bright. !"

Charles Xavier said with a stern face: "Eric, since you know this truth, why can't you listen to me? Can't you see it now? It's because of your extreme use of violence. Violence has brought us to a future full of danger and even destruction!"

The battle of ideas between the two has not only not been tempered by future videos, but has been stimulated and intensified.

Magneto restrained his smile and said solemnly: "You are wrong, Charles, all I see from these future videos is the oppression and hostility from human society, do you know that you put all your hopes on the development of our species with the development of human beings. Kindness is simply a stupid idea!

Humans themselves are in constant civil strife, and war, conquest, chaos and killing have always been the main theme of human history. Do you think humans will give mutants a chance to thrive?

what! You are wrong, what the dwarf scientist said is the truth, we mutants will become the enemies of humanity in unity, and based on this, they will keep suppressing us until they completely destroy us! "

Charles Xavier looked at him with incomparable anger and helplessness, feeling that Eric Lanschel was really hopeless, and sighed: "Your madness will send the whole world into the melting pot of destruction, regardless of human beings. Or mutants, will become the victims of **** confrontation and war slaughter!

Eric, I sincerely hope that you can give mankind a little more trust. There are indeed racists among them, and they will continue to appear, but we cannot completely deny the hope of peaceful coexistence with mankind.

This road is difficult, but as long as we have hope, we can reach the end! "

Eric Lansheer sneered again and again: "Charles, it's simply weakness to pin your hopes on others. Of course, the future of our race must be in our own hands!"

Logan Howlett was dizzy due to their quarrel, raised his hands and said impatiently: "Enough, you said enough! Quickly answer the question, I think this question should be selected...B!"

Now everyone can see that Professor X has a very deep affection for Rui Wen, who was raised by him, and can be said to be an old girl.

In future videos, Rui Wen's departure is also one of the main reasons for Professor X's depression, so it is normal to infer that as long as Rui Wen is willing to come back, Professor X will most likely be beaten by chicken blood, and will be alive and well immediately.

Logan Howlett thinks he is a genius, isn't he just analyzing problems, what's so hard about using his brain?

As a result, his inference was rejected by Charles Xavier, "Option B should be excluded. In this future video, I regained my ability to find Ruiwen...

But obviously, I will have problems in the recovery phase of the drug withdrawal, and at this time, Raven can't help me. Logan, you didn't get the logic right. "

Wolverine was naturally unhappy when he heard it, and said in a muffled voice, "What do you guys think should be chosen for this question?"


Professor X and Magneto unanimously stated their choice, and they looked at each other after speaking.

Seeing this, Wolverine couldn't help but show a strange look on his face. These two guys were quarreling just now, and this kind of tacit understanding came into being in a blink of an eye. It can only be said that they are good friends who love and kill each other for a lifetime.

The atmosphere was inexplicably awkward, Charles Xavier twitched the corners of his mouth and coughed twice to break the silence: "In the video, Logan's consciousness is connected to the future and the past, as long as I regain my telepathy ability, I can use him and the future completely. The...Charles dialogue, should get some help from him in the future."

Eric Lansheer glanced at Professor X and said calmly: "Logan, you must think that Charles and I are completely different, but I tell you, Charles, like me, is also a confident and Proud man.

No one can convince him of what he believes, or in other words, only the one who has experienced more himself in the future can convince him, so the answer to this question must be D! "

Wolverine shrugged: "Well, it seems that you know Charles better."

Charles Xavier also said in a calm tone: "The person who knows you best is your enemy."

Soon, the countdown to answering questions began. Team A Eric Lanschel chose D on behalf of the team, and Stephen Strange from Team B also chose D on behalf of the team.

When they analyzed this question, they used the method of exclusion. First, A was excluded. After all, after living with Professor X for so long, Hank watched Charles Xavier struggling in pain and depression. If he could be encouraged Coming out of the blow, Professor X has long since returned to normal.

Options B and C can also be ruled out. Neither has the opportunity or motivation to help Charles Xavier, so only option D remains.

Of course, compared to Magneto of Team A and Professor X himself, Doctor Strange still lacks confidence in this option.

Fortunately, after the answer was announced, they all answered correctly, but Team A succeeded in the answer and got 4 points, while Team B only got 1 point.

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The gap between the two teams has also widened.

Stephen Strange frowned and reminded: "We must be more active in answering the questions next, and we can answer as soon as we can! Remember, if we lose the game, we will let them punish!"

Kuaiyin also frowned when he heard the words, but after thinking about it, he said, "Professor X is a good person, if he wins the game..."

Doctor Strange raised his hand and interrupted him: "Where's Magneto? It's no surprise that this guy does anything. If he chooses to let us die, then we're going to die!"

This time, the team competition is more confrontational than before. Quicksilver and Little Spider are both full of energy and decided to seize every opportunity to win.

At the same time, the video of the subsequent correct answer also began to be played in the light curtain.

In the picture, Charles Xavier is holding the serum needle with pain and struggle on his face, but in the end he put down the needle and tried to get out of the blow and slump.

If the serum was not injected in time, the telepathic ability was restored, but he also lost the ability to walk and could only sit back in the wheelchair. +Bookmark+