Chapter 2453: : Return to Chengdu City

The next day, Lv Bu led an army back to Chengdu in a mighty force. The army of more than 20,000 people was magnificent.

After entering the vicinity of Chengdu City, Wutugu and Tuan felt a completely different aura. Compared with Chengdu City, they used to see the Han Chinese tall city really nothing.

Lu Bu's departure gave the family in the southern counties a sigh of relief, but the aristocratic family in Chengdu was strained. After Lu Bu's arrival, it meant that Lu Bu would take action against the family.

Among the southern counties, Lu Bu’s actions made the family more vigilant in the dark. At this time, confronting Lu Bu was definitely not a wise move. The most likely to bring about the destruction of the family, they learned from Liu Bei’s The reason why the camp turned to Lu Bu was to allow the family to survive the turmoil in Yizhou.

People’s greed is hard to satisfy. When a family enjoys a stable life, they will look farther and want more things. During Lu Bu’s campaign in the southern counties, great changes have taken place in Yizhou. Inspectors With the successive arrival of officials from the government and inspection offices, the Yizhou Chamber of Commerce was also established during this time.

In order to be able to enter the chamber of commerce and get more benefits in the chamber of commerce, the family also did everything possible. From the situation of Lu Bu's other governance, it can be seen that if they can occupy a sufficient position in the chamber of commerce, it means that they can help The family strives for more benefits, which is of vital importance to the family.

The family's struggle is to keep the family continuity. The Yizhou family has a deep understanding of Lu Bu and understands where Lu Bu's next move will be. Many families have gradually accepted the upcoming results. Currently, relying on the family's Although influence can cause a certain turbulence in Yizhou, it is not enough to shake Lv Bu, but will destroy the family. The family can still know which one is more important.

During this period of time, Pang Tong was not idle either. He had the Black Ice Terrace inquiring about the news in secret. Pang Tong had more control over the news of the family, but Lu Bu did not give orders. Well, it fell on deaf ears.

There were members of the Pang family who followed Liu Bei to Yizhou. Pang Tong was temporarily in charge of the affairs of Yizhou, which improved the Pang family’s status in the city. If the Pang family connects with Pang Tong, it is bound to increase the influence of their family and avoid more losses in the turmoil in Yizhou.

However, what disappointed the aristocratic family was that Mo said that it was for other aristocratic families, even for the Pang family, Pang Tong did not show any partiality in the slightest. For Lu Bu entrusted with the heavy responsibility, he could not do such things that were inconsistent.

The Pang family didn't have much expectation for this incident. Besides, Pang Tong has not returned home in recent years, but only occasionally exchanges letters, but if Pang Tong is in Yizhou, he can still get news about some things.

The successive changes in Jingzhou and Yizhou made the Pang family cautious, and they would not touch Lu Bu's bottom line at this time.

The main characters of the Pang family can understand Pang Tong, but the people below don't think so.

No matter what views the people of the Pang family have, Pang Tong has never been to the Pang family since he was ordered to guard Chengdu.

Knowing that Lu Bu led the army to return to the city, Pang Tong attached great importance to it. He set off for the southern counties. Within a month, he calmed down the southern counties and eliminated the factors that threatened the stability of Yizhou. Although the soldiers in the army paid not a small price. , These costs are worth it.

Yizhou is a place of wealth and prosperity. It will inevitably become an important place under Lu Bu's rule. It is very necessary for Yizhou to provide Lu Bu with more help.

Although Pang Tong is not very young, he has experienced a lot of things over the years, and he believes that Lu Bu can achieve world-class achievements.

It is not only Pang Tong who thinks that the counsellors under Lu Bu have the same knowledge. Lu Bu has led them to create a series of great achievements, and Cao Cao can hardly stop the pace of Lu Buping's negotiation.

Lu Bu’s ambition can be seen from Lu Bu’s claim to the king. The great Han system made Lu Bu feel dissatisfied, so he would start to break all of this. Although Sun Ce became king one after another, his influence is far less than that of the first one to claim the king. people.

At present, Lu Bu has the strength to dominate the world. The army under his command has proved their ability on the battlefield through battles, and it is extremely rare that they can defeat the Chang'an army on the battlefield.

If Yizhou had not been calmed down, the three families of Cao, Liu and Sun would be able to bring a lot of trouble to Lu Bu. Now, even if Cao Cao and Sun Quan are united together, Lu Bu has the strength to fight against them.

In the future, the battle between Lu Bu and Cao Cao will inevitably affect the situation of the big man. The winner can aspire to the highest position, and the loser will be forgotten by everyone. No matter how beautiful you were before, it will disappear after failure.

Lü Bu has used powerful means to prove that the family's reckless actions will inevitably lead to the consequences of destructionThe Yizhou family has become well-behaved for a while, as for what kind of actions they secretly have. I see, if the Yizhou family knows that someone secretly inquires about the family's situation, I don't know if they will constrain their small movements.

No matter what kind of power Lü Bu has among the family, what is difficult to stop is the actions of the family. There will always be some families who are clever and think that their methods of action are sufficiently concealed.

The civilian officers and generals of Yizhou followed Lu Bu out of the city for ten miles to welcome the army's triumphant return. For the people in the city, the Zhou Mufu did not have too many requirements. At this time, the people lacked a sense of belonging to Lu Bu, and few people came out to meet Lu Bu. In fact, from the people In terms of reaction, it can be seen whether a monarch has enough influence.

For the people, the prefecture can't force it. Past events have proved that Lu Bu doesn't want to see the people who greet him unwillingly.

Although the officials in Yizhou had some doubts about this matter, they did not refute Pang Tong’s order. If the same thing were put on other monarchs, the people would welcome the monarch’s return on the streets and outside the city, just like Liu Bei came to the lord. Yizhou is average.

Huang Quan saw Lv Bu's extraordinary through this incident. Compared with Liu Bei, Lv Bu's treatment of the family is indeed too cruel, but Lv Bu's boldness is far beyond what Liu Bei can compare. It has just been settled. After Yizhou, he led the army to the southern counties to stabilize the southern counties.

After Liu Bei entered Yizhou, he made good friends with the family, instead of attacking the southern counties. Perhaps Liu Bei was waiting for an opportunity, but Lu Bu showed vigor and resoluteness. I want to talk about "{?$article_title?}" with more like-minded people, follow "Excellent Literature" on WeChat, read novels, talk about life, and find friends~