Chapter 5052: : Great excitement

The rest of the titles, in the eyes of the officials in the DPRK, are quite normal. The key is the birth of the king, which has a great impact on them. Gonghou Bozinan, as long as the civilian officials in the DPRK do not understand.

In the past, the county princes were more prominent in the awards, but now they have become the sixth-class knights.

The system of succession to these titles is more recognized by officials in the DPRK. Whether it is a king or a vassal, there is no hereditary replacement. If a title is hereditary, what will happen in the future? Such an impact can also be expected.

Hereditary resignation means that as long as the king has descendants, their descendants can always be kings.

Such a system is actually not beneficial to the development of the country, and adopting a gradual reduction method will make future generations with the title also have a sense of crisis. If you want to keep your title, you must have a sense of crisis. Corresponding efforts will do.

The officials in the DPRK and China have put forward a lot of opinions, all of which are details of the details, which are recorded in detail by the officials in charge of recording.

The emergence of the new system will definitely require a lot of discussion, and it will be announced after ensuring that there will not be more problems.

After the dispersal of the dynasty, officials took the new system and left the palace. After returning to the mansion, they still need to carefully consider and check as much as possible the deficiencies in these systems. Only in this way can they be able to deal with the Jin country. The long-term development of the company is of great help.

The new title system was quickly spread in Chang'an City after all the North Korean and Chinese officials spread it.

Ordinary people may not be very concerned about such things, because the title system does not have much to do with them, but these systems can be spread to various states and counties very quickly.

The new system will have a certain impact on both civilian officials and military commanders, and it will even have a great impact on an official.

Of course, what kind of credit the officials have at present is decided, and what kind of reward they will wait for later. Now that the new system is about to be finalized, the rewards will definitely be on the agenda. Among the awards, the words of being crowned have great significance for an official.

Even civilians and generals who can't get such honor can get a lot of encouragement from such things.

Civil officials and military commanders worked hard for the development of the Jin country, in order to make the Jin country more prosperous, and when they paid, they naturally wanted to get more credit. These awards were the recognition of the imperial court.

How many officials dream of enforcing kings and princes.

With the emergence of the new system, there will be many people who will be nominated in this award, and the rewards received in the past will need to be reassessed at this time.

In the past Jin’s awards, it was the generals who received the most titles. It does not mean that the civil officials did not make enough contributions to the development of the Jin, but that the generals risked greater risks during the war. Getting more generous rewards is also a matter of reason.

Officials in Chang'an City often have discussions about the new system, and the time given by the court to hundreds of officials is half a month, when the new system will be completely determined.

There is plenty of time, which also shows that Lu Bu was not in a hurry when this system was promulgated.

After Ardaban and Aluqi learned of what happened in the Jin Dynasty, they had a lot of feelings in their hearts. The emperor of Jin actually promulgated the system of entrusting kings. That is to say, in the future, there will be The existence of the king, which is invisible, is the contempt for their king.

There is a king in the court hall of the Jin Kingdom, and he obeys the orders of the Emperor of Jin. Doesn't it mean that their king, when he sees Lu Bu, should be shorter.

These things, even if they have a lot of dissatisfaction in their hearts as messengers, cannot be expressed. It is currently in the Jin country. If some actions have angered Jin's civil servants and generals, it will not be good for the mission.

And after the two had a certain understanding of the history of the Han people, it became clear that in the history of the Han people, there were kings, and since the beginning of the Qin emperor, the emperor has been the most respected existence in a country.

Moreover, the Jin Dynasty's awards have great restrictions on the power in the hands of the king, and they are more used to reflect the affirmation of the merits of civilian officers and generals.

After this recognition, Aldqi and Aldaban felt much better.

However, the two of them can clearly feel that in the face of the new title system, the civil servants and generals of Jin are more excited.

There are not many generals who have made outstanding contributions in the recent war. Because of the internal stability of the Jin State, the war gradually moved away from the Jin State. It was only a small number of troops and horses dispatched by the Jin State.

In this way, it is not a simple matter for military generals to gain more credit in the war.

However, the new system is about to be promoted. It is a great stimulus for the generals in the army. If possible, how would you not want to be awarded a higher title, even if there is no contribution in the time, it will continue to reduce the title.

But after becoming a first-class king, can it be said that among the next eight generations, there is no one with a lot of promise.

And this kind of thing is also a kind of affirmation for the civilian generals. Their descendants will have a higher starting point. This alone is actually enough for the civilian generals in the DPRK.

Efforts were made in the war, and when managing local areas, they racked their brains to get affirmation.

In fact, when the award was granted, the competition between civil officials and military generals was much weaker.

The title is only one of the points of merit. In fact, it still requires the efforts of civilian officers and generals to be promoted in the position.

It's not that after you get the title, you will have the corresponding power. There is no such situation. Even if you have the title, you still need your own efforts if you want to get the promotion. If you can't even guarantee this. If so, the title system has failed.

The most basic system of selecting officials in Jin is still the imperial examination. To choose the path of civil service, one must pass the imperial examination. It is also possible to pass the imperial examination in the path of military generals, but the difficulty for generals to be promoted is more difficult than civil officials in peacetime. Difficult.

Besides, the military commanders were awarded the rewards for their lives on the battlefield. How many times have they fought on the battlefield to exchange the credits and achievements they have now.

Behind the successful generals are densely packed white bones. Among these white bones, there are robes and enemy troops.

However, there is no doubt that the generals who can continuously improve from the war have their own abilities. There is no doubt that the stability of Jin requires the maintenance of military generals. Their continuous efforts on the battlefield are for the Jin to obtain Greater development.

Such efforts have resulted in the stability and prosperity of the Jin country.

In the Han dynasty, the civilian officials looked down on the generals, and would not recognize them more because of the merits of the generals. However, this kind of thing would not happen in the Jin country. Civil officials and generals get along relatively well. harmonious.

The main reason is that the emperor of Jin is a military commander. If civilian officials despise military commanders, does it mean that they lack sufficient respect for the emperor of Jin? If these things are reflected in the subjects, what will happen? The impact of this is imaginable.

The civil servants and generals of the Jin Dynasty have absolute respect for their monarch, and this respect was obtained by Lu Bu with one shot and one shot.

The civil officials of the Jin Dynasty respect the military commanders. Although they rarely talk about happily between them, they still have respect for each other.

This situation is also relatively satisfactory to Lu Bu. If the officials of the DPRK and China despise each other, it will have many disadvantages to the sustainable development of Jin.

Respect each other, in this respect, let each other's abilities get greater improvement, let each other make more credit for the development of Jin, this is the most critical.

The victory of the Jin army on the battlefield is not only the efforts of the lieutenants and soldiers, but also the support of the rear. If the court lacks sufficient support for the lieutenants and soldiers in the battle, Even if the lieutenant soldiers are powerful, how much role can they play in the war?

Without food and equipment, no matter how powerful an army is, it is impossible to win a battle.

At this time, the generals of the states who received the news are in confusion, because the first news they received is that the army is about to be reduced. The strength of the Jin army is obvious to all. And the number of the Jin army is large, and the generals of the Jin state are also aware of it. of.

The heads of the states understand that the presence of the army alone puts a lot of pressure on the court. The key is the equipment of the Jin army and the ordinary enjoyment of life, but it is not comparable to the previous army.

Under such circumstances, the pressure on the court will be even greater.

After the Jin Kingdom has gained a lot of stability, it is reasonable that the number of troops will be reduced appropriately. After all, the consumption of military officers and soldiers is not a small amount.

Especially the army of the inland states and counties, there is no need for that much.

However, the Jin Kingdom still has places that need military lieutenants, such as the Western Regions, such as Wusun and other places.

But these places will make the soldiers in the army feel frustrated.

It is not ruled out that there are soldiers in the Jin army who are heading to these places. In fact, many soldiers have thought after learning the news that the Lord will tell. They went to the Western Regions and Wusun. In the city of Jin, there are soldiers of the Jin country. The existence of the Jin army is the greatest guarantee for their safety. If you want to say that the safety of people in the Jin country is threatened, it depends on whether these people have such capabilities. The Jin army gained benefits.

However, when making such a choice, soldiers in the army must be more cautious. This is related to all aspects. If the handling is not proper enough, what will happen once they reach a more distant place. Things are also unpredictable.

For the monarch of Jin, the soldiers in the army naturally have absolute confidence. It is Lu Bu who has given the people of Jin a stable life, so that the people of Jin can see the hope of life, and let them have more about life. Look forward to.

Migration is a big deal after all.

If you do not choose to move, you will have to perform well in the subsequent training. The state army will choose to go to the Western Regions or Wusun and other places through the assessment method and the soldiers' own wishes.

The generals in the army who have a certain degree of vision need more thinking. Wusun and other places have occupied the Jin army for a short time. If they go at this time, they will be taken seriously. It is also a matter of reason. If you have the corresponding ability, your status will be improved more easily than in the current army. This is also a normal thing.

After Wusun and other places were occupied, there must be a large number of soldiers, and the order from the imperial court is to encourage the soldiers of the Jin army to go to the Western countries, and even more distant cities. After they reach these cities, as long as they are With the ability, there is no need to worry about not getting the opportunity to promote. For the lieutenant soldiers, the most important thing is the opportunity. If there are not enough opportunities, how can it be with the greatest ability.

Among the Jin army, there is no shortage of elites, but among these elites, how many can really stand out, and more of them are unknown in the army. Perhaps they have the ability, but now the stable Jin country, and Without a large-scale war, it is difficult for their ability to be effectively embodied, and it has become impossible to stand out among the generals in the army.

And such a thing is indeed a good opportunity for some soldiers. If you can grasp it ~ can go further in the Jin army, there is no problem.

Then the civil servants and generals of various states and counties learned the news that the new title system was about to be finalized.

Such a system is undoubtedly a great encouragement to the generals in the army. Among the current generals of the Jin army, there is no shortage of the existence of the prince, but there is no more mention of things after the prince. There is no clear statement about what should be done to the descendants of these meritorious soldiers.

Judging from the system of the Jin Kingdom, it is impossible for their descendants to inherit the title of a meritorious general, because in the Jin Kingdom, everything is worthy of merit. If there is no merit, it will be yours. No matter how great the parents are, it won't work.

After such a system is finalized, the generals in the army will see the hope after hard work. If they make more contributions on the battlefield and get the rewards of the title, their descendants will receive the corresponding rewards. benefit.

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