Chapter 5064: :18 prefectures of Jin State


In this regard, the officials of the Jin state have always seen it more clearly, and they will have merits only after the city under the rule has more development.

"Dear Aiqing, what do you think about the military stationing in various states?" Lu Bu asked.

The officials of North Korea and China did not have too many opinions. Through Guo Jia’s account, they have seen what kind of plans the Jin Kingdom has for these places, including the generals of the states have also made great adjustments.

Mo said that he is a general in the army. Even the officials in the DPRK have to be adjusted after they have been in one place for a long time. Such adjustments are of great help to the development of the city and avoid the development process. There are more problems in it.

At this time, what the military generals can do is to obey. If they violate the order of the imperial court and have other actions, they will be punished by the imperial court. After the Jin Kingdom has absolutely not violated the order of the sage, he can still be able to do so. Survive well.

The power of the Jin emperor is deeply rooted in Jin. If you want to challenge the authority of the Jin emperor, the first thing you need to consider is how serious consequences it will bring to itself after doing so.

The emperor of Jin, who conquered the battlefield, governed the place, and made great achievements, had such prestige in the minds of civilians and generals, and such prestige could not be provoked by civilians and generals under the rule.

As for the fact that the generals have the power in their hands, they have the capital to resist the imperial orders. If you think about it this way, you will not be far from being taken down.

The Jin State Army’s system is strict. If the generals in the army have bad behaviors, the following generals also have the power to supervise. Besides, there are supervisors in the army. When the supervisor reports the situation to a general, What kind of impact.

Besides, even if the generals can fulfill the orders to the military lieutenants, when the military lieutenants know that their behavior is to betray the Jin country, what kind of reaction will they have? I am afraid that the general has not succeeded and died in the robe. Hands.

The system in the Jin army determines what kind of bravery the Jin army officers will have in the war, and how the army lieutenants will deal with it in the face of betrayal.

These things are all important factors affecting the development of the army.

And the army that Lü Bu has worked so hard to manage can be destroyed by someone with a heart. If these people can succeed, there will be no such powerful Jin country as it is today.

The strength of the Jin army has been tested by the war, which is also an important foundation for Lu Bu to stabilize the Jin country.

"Maybe for a while, you Aiqing didn't find too many problems, but after Aiqing went back, please think carefully." Lu Bu said.

After the DPRK and Chinese officials left, the important officials of the three provinces and six ministries remained. The adjustment of the army has been temporarily completed, and the assessment matters have been determined. Even the title system has been established. The next step is to The matter of Feng Chan.

Feng Zen has great glory for a monarch.

The feng zen refers to the sacrifice to the heaven, and the zen refers to the sacrifice to the earth. Only after the prosperity of the peace or the prosperity of the sky can a huge large-scale ceremony be carried out. The current state of Jin, the universal peace, the people live and work in peace, the treasury is abundant, from the thirteenth The land of the state has also expanded to the land of the eighteen states. In the eyes of the officials of the Jin country, such great achievements can definitely be conferred on Zen.

After the emperor had made great achievements, Feng Chan was a matter of course.

And when Feng Chan, I chose Mount Tai, which is known as the number one mountain in the world. Qin Emperor and Han Wu chose this place when they were Feng Chan.

"The Saints calmed the country and stabilized the country, the people lived and worked in peace, the aliens on the grasslands surrendered, the Japanese people from abroad bowed their knees, the monarchs of the Western Regions saw the arrival of the Jin army, watching the wind, and all the foreign places such as Wusun belonged to the Jin country. All, with such great achievements, should be appointed as Zen to inform the world.” Shangshu Guanning of the Ministry of Rites said.

Lu Bu enjoyed Guan Ning’s words. Lu Bu was the emperor of the Jin Kingdom. He was a powerful emperor. He was indifferent to his emotions and anger. However, he still liked the good-sounding words. Besides, such words of praise came from the Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites. The mouth is more comfortable.

In the past, officials of the Ministry of Rites often picked the emperor’s faults. In their eyes, the emperor should follow the system completely, and many officials of the Ministry of Rites even proposed to further refine the system.

In fact, after the establishment of the Jin Kingdom, some systems have been simplified a lot, especially the irrelevant systems have been modified.

Such behavior is an inappropriate move in the eyes of officials of the Ministry of Rites. The country’s ritual system cannot be changed easily, but Lu Bu’s argument is that after the establishment of Jin, the ritual system has not been fully clarified.

The ritual system can demonstrate the majesty of the monarch, and there are even clear requirements for the costumes, wear, and what kind of vehicles and residences of North Korean and Chinese officials travel.

Such a system, in Lu Bu's view, is necessary to better restrain the civilian officers and generals under the rule.

The civil servants and generals of the Jin State gave a lot of help when the Jin State was strong. These are contributions to the development of the Jin State. Lu Bu naturally recognizes the contributions of officials. This does not mean that officials can fail to follow suit. System to do things.

After the troubled times, those who have contributed may become presumptuous, but at this time, the laws and regulations of the Jin Dynasty have played a very good role in restraining.

Officials of the Ministry of Rites often make comments that Lu Bu will naturally agree to some reasonable ones.

"Finalizing Zen is to show the merits of the monarch, to the merits of the sage, to appoint Zen is an act of conforming to the heavens and responding to the people, and the sage has since conformed to the destiny, the weather is smooth, the people are peaceful, the world is peaceful, the barbarians, see the sage's army When they arrive, all have surrendered." Shang Shu ordered Gu Yong to say.

The other officials also persuaded that Lu Bu did not have a clear statement on the matter of Feng Chan before. Officials in the DPRK would naturally not agree easily. Feng Chan has a great influence on a country, which is a manifestation of the Jin Dynasty. The strength of the country.

If Jin is not strong enough, officials in the DPRK will certainly not make such a proposal. If it is not, not only will it not be famous for future generations, but it will become a laughing stock.

Throughout the past Fengchan, whether it is the Emperor Qin or Emperor Wu of the Han, they are all talented and roughly talented generations. When they were in power, they made great contributions to the development of the country.

Today, such a thing can be achieved in Lu Bu's body. Since Lu Bu became the emperor of Jin, how much development has been made to Jin. It can be said that Lu Bu has achieved achievements that previous monarchs did not possess.

After the unification of China, even the vast grasslands became the horse farms of the Jin Kingdom. Such things were done by Emperor Qin and Han Wu. Emperor Wu did defeat the mighty Xiongnu and avoided war on the frontier, but Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty accomplished this. Before the incident, how much preparation was made and how much national strength was consumed before he succeeded. However, Lu Bu swept Xianbei in a tyrannical manner and occupied the grassland. Perhaps some fish that slipped through the net escaped from the grassland, but like this Tribes have little influence on the stabilization of the grasslands of Jin.

Today's Jin army, what is shown in front of everyone is extremely tough. In front of Lu Bu, there is nothing that cannot be done.

Occupy the grassland and let the nomads on the grassland use it for himself. Lu Bu did it. Just such a feat is enough to make Lu Bu get a lot of praise.

After a long silence, Lu Bu said slowly: "Everyone of Aiqing just said that the matter of feng chan is important. I have no opinion on the matter of feng chan, but I must make proper preparations for feng chan. The battle, as well as the consumption along the way, need to be considered."

"Holy is wise." Everyone said one after another.

The current officials in the DPRK did not have the slightest objection to Lu Bu's Feng Chan matter, which shows that Lu Bu's prestige among the Korean and Chinese officials has reached a high level, and after Lu Bu agrees to the Feng Chan matter, the rest is left. It's even simpler. All you need to do in this regard is careful preparation, and Feng Chan is just around the corner.

However, there are definitely a lot of things that Feng Chan needs to prepare. The consumption of one Feng Chan is not small, but in front of such major events, even if there is a certain consumption, it should be. You should not worry about the consumption of materials because of Feng Chan.

After everyone left, Lu Bu fell into contemplation. The current military strength of the Jin country is about to be adjusted. This will definitely have a certain impact on the next evaluation of the elite of the states, but such a thing is also imperative.

Some adjustments to the army will help a lot in the main direction of Jin. After being responsible for the expansion of the Jin army, it is only a burden on the strength of the army, and the national treasury needs to be put under great pressure.

The adjustment of generals in the military is also a normal thing. It is not a good thing to let a general stay in a large army for a long time. Although I am familiar with the generals in the military, it is sometimes difficult to do it. Come to pull down your face.

This situation actually has disadvantages for the development of military generals.

Military generals want to make greater progress, and it is necessary to have corresponding actions. If they cannot do this, they can only step in place or regress.

Being in an unfamiliar army, being able to grasp the situation in the army at a very fast speed, and to have a timely understanding of the generals in the army, and to have more training for the abilities of the generals.

Actually, under normal circumstances, the chief generals in the army do not mobilize much, but the exchanges between important generals under his command seem to be a lot.

This is also inevitable.

Let the generals be trained in other armies, so that the generals can see more things and help them grow in the future.

Although things like    make the generals in the army temporarily uncomfortable, as a general in the army, the most important thing is to execute orders.

At present, the strength of Jin is strong. Even if there are countries in the surrounding area, they are in awe of Jin, and they dare not take the slightest offense to Jin.

How much credit did the soldiers of the Jin army gain when they fought on the battlefield? When facing the enemy's offensive time and time again, the soldiers of the Jin army were able to move forward fiercely, disintegrate the enemy's offensive, and let the enemy bear the cost of failure.

It is this kind of constant fighting that has brought together the tenacious fighting spirit of the soldiers of the Jin army, so that they will not have more fear when facing the war.

Lu Bu would not refuse such things as Feng Chan. Even if it has a certain consumption, Feng Chan is worth it. Besides, the current situation in Jin is very good. The people can get more protection when they farm. His life will be satisfied, and he will not violate the orders of the government.

And this kind of obedience is the greatest support for the faster development of the country. If even the people don’t have more support for the monarch’s orders, such things are the most cruel to the monarch.

How much effort the monarch has made for the development of the rule to gain the recognition of his people is also a matter of reason.

But sometimes, the development of the situation is very different from what you imagined. After the monarch's order is issued, it is naturally good for the people, but after problems occur in the implementation process, UU read The people didn't get any benefits. They might blame the monarch for such faults. Therefore, it is simply impossible to get the support of all the people.

The recent busy period has made Lu Bu mentally exhausted. The deployment of the troops stationed in each state also requires Lu Bu to coordinate. In the selection of garrison generals, he must be more cautious. If the selection is not appropriate, It is very likely that there will be many problems.

And when some problems arise, it may be too late to deal with them. As a monarch, many things must be considered.

Since returning to Chang'an, life has become hectic, and there is no time to pay more attention to the changes in Chang'an City. This has a lot to do with the orderly development of Chang'an City. When North Korean and Chinese officials deal with matters , Can follow the normal rules, the development of the Jin country will not have more problems, in this way, it will be relatively easy to be a monarch.

The development of the Jin country has gradually stepped onto the right track. As a monarch, it is natural to delegate more things to the hands of the ministers. It is only by virtue of the monarch alone that in many cases, it is not enough. The abilities of the ministers need to be exercised. If it is not the case, the consequences will be unpredictable if something unexpected happens.

When the Jin army soldiers fought on the battlefield, they were able to achieve invincibility without worrying about the things behind them, because they were supported by the strong national strength of Jin. If not, there will definitely be more bad situations.