Chapter 5079: :Quiet as a chill

It is precisely because of this that the officials of the Inspectorate can be more timely and effective when investigating certain situations. In fact, this has a certain relationship with the intelligence agency of the Jin country. Part of the information detected by the intelligence agency will be transmitted. For the Inspectorate, according to the news from the intelligence agency, the officials of the Inspectorate can respond in a timely manner.

This makes the officials of the Inspectorate look terrifying in the eyes of Baiguan.

Zhen Yao stepped forward to salute: "Chen, I have seen the saint."

Lu Bu said lightly: "I didn't expect the Ministry of Industry Shangshu to come here in person."

Zhen Yao handed his hand: "Holy Lord, the minister is the head of the Zhen family. If such things happen to the Zhen family, the minister has an inescapable responsibility."

Lu Bu said: "The current matter is still inconclusive. I asked you to wait to better investigate the situation. After the matter has been investigated, it will not be too late to talk about other things."

"The minister understands." Zhen Yao bowed his hands in salute.

Zhen Yao still knows Lu Bu's character well, and he can be said to be vigorous and resolute. Such a monarch has advantages and disadvantages for the development of the country.

However, judging from the current situation, Jin’s development is very good, and all this has a lot to do with Lu Bu.

The officials of the Jin Kingdom have a lot of support for their monarch, and such support is of great help to the monarch’s policy.

Zhen Yao knows a lot about the situation in the officialdom of the Jin Kingdom. Although Lu Bu doesn’t care about small things in ordinary times, it doesn’t mean that Lu Bu doesn’t understand these things. If he ignores Lu Bu’s methods, he will It was as miserable as the princes wiped out for Lu Bu in the past.

When the princes fought, in the opinion of the princes, Lu Bu was a general. All the princes were shocked, some of Lu Bu's methods when governing the place were also awe-inspiring.

It is precisely because of Lu Bu that allowed Jin to develop.

And such Lv Bu is extremely terrifying, not only has great prestige in the court, but also has an absolute position in the Jin army, the army lieutenant generals face Lv Bu's order, dare to violate.

The military strength of the various states of the Jin State has been adjusted, and even the defenders have also carried out large-scale transfers. Have you ever heard that the generals in the army have violated the behavior. These are all because of the high prestige of Lu Bu in the army. Standing on the opposite side of Lu Bu on these things, what consequences will be can be foreseen.

Not long after the establishment of the Jin State, such a development was actually a miracle in the eyes of more officials. However, as long as they have a better understanding of Jin State’s policies, they will understand that such things are taken for granted. .

The real wealth of a country is not how many families and wealthy people there are, but what the living conditions of the people are. Even if the wealthy families have strong power in their hands, when the wealthy families and the monarch are not on the same front, the wealthy families and the monarchs help the monarch. Is weak.

Zhen Yao is very clear about what kind of nature the wealthy family have. For their own interests, they can desperately take risks, even for the interests of the family. When they finally fight, how many betrayal things happen, and betrayal things. , It is a common thing to happen under Lu Bu's rule.

But the people are different. As long as they can get the opportunity to go down in the ancient city of God, under normal circumstances, the people will not fight against the monarch. The officials of the Jin country are clear about the situation of the people living under the rule of Jin.

With such a policy, it would be the most strange thing if the people of the Jin State would stand up against the Jin State’s imperial court.

The fact that Jin State can have everything in the present is actually directed by Lu Bu. In order to have the current development of Jin State, Lu Bu has taken great risks. How many times, if he can’t get out of such risks, Lu Bu will Towards annihilation.

When a prince is headed for destruction, no matter what achievements the prince had in his lifetime, it is difficult to conceal such a failure. At that time, the prince will be greeted by many infamy.

If Lü Bu fails, the infamy is definitely the most serious, because Lü Bu violated the interests of too many families, and even made the ruling families panic all day long.

But now, when facing Lv Bu, the family of wealthy families dare to violate things. Sometimes just an order from Lu Bu can make the family of wealthy families who violate the order go to destruction. This is the power of the monarch.

So in front of Lv Bu, Zhen Yao did not dare to show any disrespect, and Lv Bu’s remarks gave the Zhen family a face. Before the matter was settled, the Zhen family would have no problem.

The underlying meaning of this sentence is that if there is a problem with the Zhen family and the officials of the Inspectorate are present, there is no way for Lu Bu to help.

Zhen Yao was able to get to this point, not only relying on the influence of the Zhen family, but also has a great relationship with Zhen Yao’s methods. If the owner of the Zhen family does not have certain means, he wants to let the Zhen family gain Today's development is not a simple matter.

And Zhen Yao's ability to stabilize in the position of Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry shows that Zhen Yao's strength.

In fact, officials from a wealthy family are not weak when it comes to their ability. They have experienced a lot, especially the officials from the wealthy family who have emerged from troubled times. They are unique in handling matters and sincerely seek refuge in Shanxi. It is normal for the country to be reused afterwards.

The premise is that when these officials from aristocratic families are doing things, they can consider problems more from the perspective of the monarch, instead of following the way the family and wealthy people think about problems in the past.

In this case, in fact, many aristocratic families have been pushed out of the camp of Jin. The existence of aristocratic families is itself for the better development of the family and a better continuity.

When they do things, they think more from the perspective of the family, so it’s not for themselves.

When the survival philosophy of the family and the monarch conflicts, the unlucky one must be the family, unless the influence of the family can reach an extremely terrifying degree.

When dealing with aristocratic families, Lu Bu’s attitude was not cautious, especially at the beginning, but now the situation in Jin has settled down. These situations are what Lu Bu wants to see most.

If this kind of thing is involved in the big man when it is involved in the noble family, it needs to have more fear, under their influence, such things can only be turned into small things in the end.

When Lu Bu saw the crowd, he coughed lightly: "Now you are all here. I have dinner today, but with the officials at the Inspectorate, in order to understand some things, many officials know. Because of my temper, if I can’t figure out some things, it’s hard for me to sleep peacefully."

“Perhaps in the eyes of some people, Jin’s current strength is at its peak, and the lieutenant soldiers have won victories in battle on the battlefield. This is a very good embodiment of Jin’s prosperity.”

"But behind these victories, how many officials' efforts are behind them, and what we have always upheld is that those who have done meritorious services will reward those who have gone wrong, and those who have worked hard will be punished if they fail to get the corresponding rewards. They will be disappointed in me and received. Officials who are at fault cannot be punished, and the same goes for them."

"Maybe this time, some officials did not know about it, but your family members were involved in these things. Isn't it because of your reasons? If you are not officials from Jin, even your relatives think It is also difficult to do such a thing."

Lu Bu's tone was flat, but the officials present were silent, because they knew that behind such calm words, there might be thunderous anger.

Even many officials did not dare to make any comments after they arrived, but the emperor of Jin was sitting at the top.

"Okay, we can start." Lu Bu said: "It's not too early. After the early disposal, I won't delay you from going back to rest."

That being said, the officials who were called are destined to have trouble sleeping tonight, because the investigation by the officials of the Inspectorate will not be stopped after Lu Bu's disposal.

After one thing happened, as long as it attracted Lu Bu’s attention, there would be many things to worry about, especially for officials of the Inspectorate.

Zhangbu was brought up again. At this time, Zhangbu no longer had the arrogance he had before, because he discovered that many of the officials present were more noble than Dongcheng Ling.

The arrogance that used to be the son of the younger brother is gone. At this time, the thing Zhang Bu wants to do most is to return home, but he also knows that this time, it is mainly because of him. Uncertainty how many officials secretly hold hate. .

Even if he can escape from this incident, Zhang Cheng's desire to make more progress in the court of Jin will also become a huge problem, unless Zhang Chengzhen has great ability.

Today, Lu Bu’s control over Jin has reached an extremely terrifying level. The victories on the battlefield have increased Lu Bu’s influence to a greater extent. Lu Bu’s words and deeds are very important to Jin’s Officials will have a great influence.

Zhangbu may have been guided by the inspector, and slowly recounted what he knew.

Anyone involved in this matter must come forward and explain.

Under such circumstances, even if some officials' children want to conceal, they must have such courage. At this time, they are facing Lu Bu's interrogation. In front of Lu Bu, there are only a few officials who can truly be calm and unhurried. Yes, let alone the children of officials.

Jin has a strict system, especially when dealing with officials. The officials’ children make mistakes, which are likely to involve officials in the family. These are important reasons why many officials have strict restrictions on their relatives.

How many capable officials ended up sadly because they did not pay attention to this aspect.

The son of a famous official came forward and explained the situation, which gradually became clear.

There are many merchants in Chang'an City, and the merchants will definitely have trouble in the process of doing business. What these people do is to solve the problems for the merchants. Besides, many people have status in Chang'an City. In return, it is reasonable for the businessmen to give certain benefits to the children of these officials.

Officials are rich and generous, and they are naturally loved by some officials' children. Besides, such things are also for the development of Chang'an. Of course, this is in the eyes of these officials' children.

They are not bright enough in the means of secretly helping. Sometimes, they even use the system. Of course, such use is not desirable.

There are officials in the family. When doing certain things, it is naturally a lot more convenient. Certain things are naturally biased when dealing with certain things. Besides, when doing these things, they are not reckless.

Such success has gradually expanded the scale of officials’ children From now on, the number of officials involved in this matter has reached 23, which is a good illustration of this problem.

In such an event, Dongcheng Ling’s son is not the lowest in status, but his status among them is also low. Even Zhangbu can get so many benefits in this event, so other things can be seen. How much money did the officials' children get?

After the results of the interrogation gradually came out, the officials involved in the family members were terrified. You can imagine how angry they were at the behavior of their relatives, but after such a thing happened, all they need to do is frank. Accept, in front of Lu Bu, if it is to play with other means, what will happen to it is imaginable.

If this matter is counted as an official from the Inspectorate, there will definitely be a lot of difficulties. It would be more difficult for the children of some officials to truthfully explain the problem if there is no evidence. Officials from the Inspectorate When handling cases, they are still more cautious.

Especially when dealing with the children of officials, if you can not move the sentence, try not to use it, because once other situations occur, even the officials of the inspectorate will be implicated to a certain extent.

When dealing with things, we must pay attention to methods, but it will be different when we put it in front of Lu Bu. If we don't explain it, we will take it for Dianwei, so that they will think about it.

In this case, facing Lu Bu, would they dare not explain it?