Chapter 5169: : Jin Kingdom with abundance of talents

Such a move is of considerable help to the development of the local area.

And Lu Bu's strategy brings about stability under the rule. It will not be said that other bad conditions will occur after occupying the enemy's city.

Jin army soldiers can benefit from wars after they fought on the battlefield. Just the actions of the Jin army soldiers on the battlefield are enough to bring more influence.

When the Guishuang Empire's army confronted the Jin army, what they felt more was the fierceness of the Jin army. It was always very difficult to win the battle against the Jin army.

Otherwise, the Guishuang Empire will not have an association with Jin after the defeat of the war. Besides, behind such an association, it will be accompanied by the loss of Guishuang.

In order to achieve stability under the rule, it is obvious that Guishuang’s consumption of materials is not so concerned about it, or that even the people of Guishuang care more and want to have greater when fighting against the Jin army. The achievement is also impossible.

In terms of numbers, the Guishuang Empire’s army has a certain advantage against the Jin army outside the Western Regions, but in terms of equipment, it is far behind the Jin army, especially the equipment in the Jin army. In battle, the impact that can often be brought is too great.

It is so far away from Jin that the people of Guishuang don't know much about the situation of Jin. It is far from enough to just learn more from the businessman.

And when the army of the Jin Kingdom attacked countries outside the Western Regions, it was obviously more prepared.

The vast territory currently occupied by the Jin army has reached an unprecedented level. Such a Jin army is even more terrifying.

Anxi and Guishuang sent envoys to Chang'an. Isn’t it because the Jin Kingdom’s strength is too strong? If you look at the combat power displayed by the Jin army on the battlefield, if there are a hundred thousand Jin army on the battlefield, it will give the enemy The result will be a devastating blow.

The artisan workshops in Chang'an are even more mysterious. They are only produced from the artisan workshops, and the merchants of the Anxi Empire and the Guishuang Empire can hardly refuse. The exquisitely crafted divine glaze, immortal jade, Jin wine, and Jin paper, these But they are all things that can get huge benefits when doing business.

The reason why businessmen rushed to go to Jin to do business is to obtain more benefits through business methods. Now, Jin pays more attention to doing business. When the country stabilizes, Lu Bu's order can be very good. Implementation.

This kind of development is what makes Lu Bu the most satisfied. As long as the decree is unblocked, the next development path will be smoother.

In Lu Bu's view, it is not enough to break through Wusun and other four countries outside the Western Regions. Now Lu Bu is only more than 40 years old, and he is in his prime of life. It is okay to fight on the battlefield. It is reasonable to have greater deeds.

When Lu Bu led the Jin army to appear on the battlefield, it often brought devastating blows to the enemy.

The Guishuang army, which has a reputation outside the Western Regions, how fate it was after encountering the Jin army. The strength of the Jin army made Guishuang and the rest of the civilian generals involuntarily compare the Jin Kingdom with the Roman Empire.

Compared with the Jin Kingdom, the Roman Empire had a great influence on the Guishuang and the Parthian Empire, especially the Parthian Empire. The confrontation between the Parthian Empire and the Roman Empire, but there are more defeats and less victory. I want to fight the Roman Empire. It is quite difficult to win.

It is precisely because of this that the reputation of the Roman Empire between Guishuang and Anxi has become even more resounding. Nowadays, there are Jin troops appearing on the battlefield. The powerful Jin troops appear to be more powerful in combat effectiveness. It is often difficult to win a battle against the Jin army.

It is precisely because of the brave and skilled Jin army that the Jin country has a greater influence outside the Western Regions. In the face of such an influence, it is often that the enemy army will have a lot of fear for the Jin army.

There are grievances between the Guishuang Empire and the Jin Kingdom. In the face of such grievances, the Guishuang Empire has to bow its head. Even if it suffers some losses at some time, it seems that the people of the Guishuang Empire can temporarily endure it. Without sufficient strength, if it is arrogant in front of the Jin army, it is the most dangerous thing.

When the Jin army is on the battlefield, it can get many victories from the battle, and the shock to the enemy is often great.

The generals of the Jin army went to such a far place, and the lieutenants of the army also had no regrets. Even so, Lu Bu also paid attention to this aspect in the development of troops outside the Western Regions. It is necessary to have Jin's soldiers in the army. , But if the local people can enter the army, they can also enjoy the treatment of the soldiers of the Jin country.

Among the different races, there is no shortage of brave and warriors. By recruiting soldiers, it can also make the Jin country more smoothly occupy these territories and get the recognition of the local people faster.

In any case, this war was initiated by the Jin army, and the damage caused to the four countries in the battle was also great. Now the four countries have been destroyed and become the territory of Jin.

If there are local people among the soldiers in the army, they will be recognized by the people to a greater extent.

After entering the Jin army, there are opportunities for improvement. Only the treatment that the soldiers of the Jin army can enjoy makes it difficult for more people to remain calm.

The current Jin country's banknotes are in circulation under the Jin army's rule. This is mandatory. This method can make the exchange of materials easier.

As for Guishuang and Anxi who wanted to imitate Jin's banknotes on their banknotes, it was not a simple matter. The lords of the old man wanted to imitate Jin's banknotes, but they couldn't succeed, let alone the Anxi Empire. And the Guishuang Empire.

After Wang Yue left, Lu Bu fell into contemplation. The current development of Jin is still very fast. After many wars, the people are actually the most yearning for a stable life. The current Jin army’s battlefield is normal for the people. Life hasn't caused too much impact. They don't need to oppose the monarch at this time. They just need to do better in accordance with the monarch's orders.

Lu Bu’s prestige in the Jin country is not comparable to that of civil servants and generals under the rule. As long as Lu Bu’s orders are issued, it can be well implemented. It is precisely because of this factor that Lu Bu does not need to worry about governing. The officials and generals of the People's Republic of China have a high reputation because they have too much credit.

It’s a very common thing in history to sly rabbits and runaway dogs, but in the current state of Jin, this kind of thing will not happen, because after Jin has ruled the world, it has not stopped the pace of fighting. The way to make the Jin country more powerful, so that the Jin army’s battle flag can float to more distant places, only the strong combat power displayed by the Jin army in the battle can be seen, when the Jin army appears on the battlefield After that, how much shock it can bring to the enemy.

The current state of Jin’s national strength is in a period of ascendancy. The monarch has a lot of respect for civilians and generals. At this time, it is time for civilians and generals to show their abilities. In the process, more credit was gained. After the generals occupied the enemy's city, the civil servants used their abilities to manage the territories occupied by the Jin army.

Nowadays, in the Jin country, there are a lot of talents. The successive establishment of schools has a great impact on the children of the family. Even if the family members are dissatisfied with Lu Bu, they dare not have the slightest bit of dissatisfaction at this time. Of the representation.

As more students from academies enter the officialdom, Lu Bu's influence in the officialdom will be greater. It is basically impossible for aristocratic families to influence the decision of the monarch in the past, even at this time. The aristocratic families will be more cautious when doing things, lest there are improper actions in some actions, and after offending the monarch, it will be a nightmare for their family.

The current Jin State’s system is more rigorous. Officials from a wealthy family are monitored when doing things. This system is what Lu Bu wants to see. The people under the rule can live and work in peace and have their own fields. , Don’t worry about food and clothing. At this time, is it necessary for these people to take risks to fight against the Jin country?

It’s good that the big guys have had a lot of shocks in the past. In fact, it’s not because of such a thing. When more people can’t even guarantee their lives, they will have the so-called ruler. How much gratitude, it is very possible to fight against the ruler.

It is precisely because the military and civilians under the rule have such thoughts, the monarch will have more difficulties in governing the city.

Nowadays, the situation in Jin has been greatly changed. Only the support of Lv Bu by the lieutenant generals will give Lv Bu more power to speak in the court. In fact, Lv Bu can grow to the point where he is today. The support of the lieutenant officers has a lot to do with it.

Facing the enemy's offensive again and again, Lu Bu was always able to lead his lieutenant soldiers to victory in the war, causing the so-called enemy to pay a heavy price after the war.

Lu Bu’s growth path can be said to be rather bumpy. It is precisely because of this that Lu Bu was able to quickly stabilize the governance when he appoints officials to govern after the city was ruled by the enemy.

When other princes developed, they relied on the power of the wealthy family, while Lu Bu relied more on ordinary people when he developed his strength.

This situation also gave Lv Bu a great influence among the people. When Lv Bu's order was issued, it could cause a lot of sympathy among the people.

Such a thing was not what other princes wanted to see at the beginning. When a famous prince was wiped out by Lu Bu, what other princes could see was how big the impact the support of the people could bring. It was precisely because of this. , Lu Bu's reputation among the people will be even stronger.

Even if the princes wake up and see the influence of the people in the battle between the princes, can it be said that the princes can change the status quo.

After the prince’s strength is improved, ambition will grow, and the ruled family will be the same. If there is no relatively cautious attitude when dealing with the family family, the monarch will face a lot of troubles.

Sometimes, aristocratic families are not so easy to dismiss.

However, after these families came under Lu Bu’s rule, they could only be obedient. Even if the wealthy family rebelled against Lu Bu’s rule, how much influence could it have on Lu Bu? Even if the talents in the court changed, for Lu Bu, It still won't have more influence.

When there are more and more officials from school, it means that Lu Bu's control in the court will become more and more powerful. If there is a family of wealthy people who stand up against Lu Bu, it will often bring Lu Bu's revenge.

The revenge from the monarch is not something ordinary families can bear.

The reason why the aristocratic families are so respectful when facing Lu Bu is because these families know that it is only by virtue of their strength that they want to have greater deeds against Lu Bu. Unrealistic things.

Only with more cooperation with Lu Bu, can he get the capital to grow the family from Lu Bu's hands.

The existence of aristocratic families actually had a great influence on the development of the monarch. Lu Bu did not deny this. As for the fact that he wanted to make Lu Bu surrender by relying on this, it would be far from possible.

Since Lu Bu became a prince of a party, he can clearly see what kind of attitude he has when facing the family.

At the beginning, the noble families of the world had a lot of opposition to Lu Bu. It was under such circumstances that Lu Bu gradually rose among the princes. Even in the face of the joint offensive of the princes, Lu Bu was still able to lead the lieutenant generals to victory in the war.

Such things have had a great impact on the wealthy family. Now Lv Bu has grown up to become the emperor of the Jin country and unified the world. In the face of such a power, the power of the wealthy family is even weaker. The superior Lu Bu, In some cases, just a single order can cause a lot of panic among the wealthy family. .

Lu Bu has strong strength when fighting against the enemy, and when he manages the locality, he also has corresponding means. Just by relying on Lu Bu’s methods in this respect, more family and wealthy families can face it. Lu Bu had a lot of caution in his time.

As long as these officials are able to do their best, Lu Bu will not be prejudiced because of their origins. The current development of Shanxi requires talents. As long as they can get the corresponding support in terms of talents, they will develop The speed can get more protection.