Chapter 5260: : Growth and victory

When a lieutenant general is fighting on the battlefield, the most important thing is the morale of the lieutenant general. If there is a lack of morale, it will inevitably be more affected in the course of the campaign.

When the Jin army soldiers appeared in a confrontation, why could it bring so much shock to the enemy army? It is because the Jin army soldiers' attack can make the enemy army feel the fierceness of the Jin army on the battlefield.

In the face of such a fierce offensive, it is almost impossible for the enemy to do more blocking, and it will even make the enemy pay a greater price in such a process.

The victory of the war often has a great influence on the lieutenant soldiers, and even makes the lieutenant soldiers have more possibilities after the victory of the war.

If you can't win from the battle, there will often be more problems, and even the lieutenant soldiers will lose their spirit in such a process.

Isn’t the performance of Guishuang’s army after the defeat of the war a good illustration? If Guishuang’s army encountered Jin soldiers in the battle, the most obvious manifestation was fear, because they couldn’t see it from such a battle. To the hope of victory.

When the lieutenant officers do not see the hope of victory in the war, they will have other actions, and even have a negative performance on the battlefield. When facing the war, there are many fears, and they violate the monarch's orders.

After such a situation appeared in an army, even if the commander of this army had more abilities, it was not that simple to restore the lieutenant soldiers to their previous strong strength.

The increase in morale is of great help to the combat of the lieutenant soldiers. From the performance of the Jin army soldiers during the battle, the strong morale of the Jin army can be seen more.

Regardless of the strength of the enemy forces displayed in the course of the battle, when the Jin soldiers appear on the battlefield, the price they can pay to the enemy forces is often heavy. Under such circumstances, even if there are a large number of enemy forces, What kind of difficulty will it have if you want to win the battle against the Jin army?

It is not accidental that the Jin army has achieved the achievements it has now. From the training that the generals of the Jin army usually receive, we can see more of this problem.

Jinjun soldiers had a serious attitude when facing training.

Even if there are many difficulties in the training process, the lieutenant generals will try their best to succeed at this time. When the performance of the lieutenant generals in training is not qualified, the lieutenant generals will take the initiative. Additional training, only from the perspective of performance in this respect, there are bound to be very few troops that want to compare with Jin's generals in training.

It is also the Jin army soldiers who are on the battlefield, but they have fierce offensive methods. The support from the craftsman's workshop allows the army lieutenants to have better equipment.

In this way, when the Jin army soldiers appear on the battlefield, they can often bring more shock to the enemy. If you can’t win the battle against the Jin army, it will be miserable. Loss.

Failure in the war is not what the monarch wants to see, but if you can't win the battle against the enemy, you will have to bear the cost of losing the war.

The growth and progress of the soldiers of the Jin army is not comparable to that of the general army. It can be seen more through the strong performance of the soldiers of the Jin army on the battlefield. When the soldiers of the Jin army appear in a confrontation, How much influence can it have on the situation on the battlefield.

Lu Bu led the Jin army soldiers to achieve many successes. In the face of such a success, even if the enemy's strength is strong, it is not such a simple matter to want to occupy more advantages in front of the Jin army soldiers.

There are strict requirements for lieutenants and soldiers, something that Lu Bu has always emphasized. If the training of lieutenants and soldiers is not enough, when they appear on the battlefield, they will not be helpful to the war, but will have more on the battlefield. sacrifice.

When the war begins, the impact on the lieutenant soldiers is great. Even soldiers who perform well in ordinary training can survive in a real confrontation, not only by strength, but also by luck in some cases. The ingredients are in it.

However, what can be seen from the way the soldiers of the Jin army fight is that when the army of the Jin country appears in a confrontation, it often has a great impact on the war, because the powerful offensive of the Jin army can Let the enemy suffer more losses in this process, even when facing the Jin army, even the most basic fighting spirit will be lost.

It would be extremely terrifying for such a Jin army to appear on the battlefield. If you want to win the battle, you must have corresponding means, especially when you win the battle against the Jin army. There is no corresponding means at all. Possible thing.

After the soldiers of the Jin army appeared on the battlefield, why they were able to bring so many shocks to the enemy army was closely related to the performance of the soldiers of the Jin army on the battlefield in the past. Let Jin's soldiers achieve more victories on the battlefield, even if the enemy's strength is strong, in a real confrontation, the impact they can have on the Jin army is very small after all. I want Jin's soldiers to be It is also impossible to pay more during the battle.

It is precisely because of this Jin army that Lu Bu has more confidence in the face of war. Regardless of the strength of the enemy army, as long as the Jin army soldiers appear on the battlefield, they will always be able to win.

This kind of confrontation often has a great impact on the soldiers of the Jin army, because when the soldiers of the Jin army can win the battle when they appear on the battlefield, it will definitely have a big impact on the battles of the soldiers of other departments. When soldiers are fighting, they will not succumb to other soldiers in the Jin army.

It is also a member of the Jin army. In ordinary times, they have undergone rigorous training. If they cannot perform well in the battle, it means that they are better than the Jin army in the ordinary training process. Other soldiers are different.

The growth of the generals of the Jin army is accompanied by many wars. Such wars will have a greater impact on the growth and progress of the Jin army.

If you can’t win the battle, you will lose more after the war. Lu Bu’s success is a good illustration of what actions Lu Bu will take when he encounters a powerful enemy on the battlefield. ?

It will not be said that there are more fears because of the strength displayed by the enemy, because behind Lu Bu is supported by the powerful Jin country. Under such circumstances, the victory of the Jin army can get more. The guarantee is gone.

Victory in the war will give Jin army soldiers a high fighting spirit in the confrontation. It will not be said that the enemy’s strong strength will have more influence on the Jin army soldiers’ conquest, even in such a process. , Let the enemy know what will happen when they encounter the soldiers of the Jin army on the battlefield.

When the Jin army soldiers can win more victories in the battle, the impact on the development of the Jin country is also extremely obvious, and even the monarch's order will be given more support after being issued.

Such a state of Jin is the most terrifying existence, and such a state of Jin is what Lu Bu needs most at the same time.

Victory from a war is often very difficult. If you can’t win a battle, you will lose more after the war.

The growth of the Jin Kingdom was accompanied by the victory of many wars. Such a victory will have more continuity in future wars. In this way, even if the enemy's strength is strong, they want to be from the Jin army. It will become impossible to get more victories in his hands.

Under such a situation, the Jin army soldiers can actually get more benefits from the war, which will make the Jin army soldiers grow more in the course of the battle.

The progress of city warfare will make the lieutenant soldiers have a lot of desire when facing war, because they believe that the lieutenant soldiers will be victorious when they fight, and under such a victory, the military lieutenant’s battle will be more meaningful.

Lu Bu is the monarch of the Jin Kingdom, able to take the lead in the battle against the enemy. In this way, the influence on the lieutenants and soldiers is often great, and even the lieutenants and soldiers will have the ability to face Lu Bu’s orders. Harder performance.

This is also an important reason why Lu Bu will bring more shocks in the army when he appears in the army, because Lu Bu has a high prestige in the army. In the face of such prestige, the lieutenant soldiers are fighting. To get more victories in the process is extremely important.

Otherwise, the emperor of Jin is in the army, and if he can't perform well against the enemy, it will have a lot of influence on the growth and progress of the lieutenant soldiers.

After appearing on the battlefield, such a Jin army can often bring more shock to the enemy, and even make the enemy more defeats in the process.

Lu Bu is an extremely sturdy presence on the battlefield. When Lu Bu leads a lieutenant soldier in a confrontation, it can often bring more shock to the enemy, and even make the enemy face the Jin army. , It is difficult to display all the combat power.

What happened in the process of enshrining the Zen also had a considerable impact on the officials of the Jin State. The officials of the Jin State did not want to cause the monarch’s fear because of this incident. The main reason was that Lu Bu's influence in the Jin State was too great. .

If you cannot pay more attention to some aspects, it is inevitable that there will be many problems. If the monarch has more dissatisfaction due to the unreasonable performance of the enshrining meditation process, it will be very important for the growth and progress of the ministers. The big influence will even make the courtiers more suspicion in the process.

When the emperor of the Jin country has distrust of an official, what will be the impact on the court of the Jin country?

The news brought by Jia Xu relieved the officials in the DPRK a lot. If they are delayed in Fenggao City for a long time, they will definitely have a certain impact on the development of Jin, and even make Jin in such a process. The situation is more unstable.

The current development of Jin has many influences on the growth and progress of Jin. If you can’t do more in dealing with the government, it will definitely have a greater impact on the subsequent development.

Many important officials in Chang'an followed to Fengchan, and many of them were unable to come. Even though there were many regrets in them, it was also an important manifestation of their contributions to the development of Jin.

After all, when I went to Fengchan, I couldn't do it for everyone.

Just because of the enfeoffment of Zen, it will make the Jin country pay a considerable price at this time, but this situation is worthwhile in the eyes of the officials of the Jin country. Through the enfeoffment ceremony, it can be determined that it is the Jin country. Orthodox status. In this way, Jin can avoid more problems in the process of development.

Besides, through the past events, the people of Jin can see the possibility of the development of Jin. As long as the emperor Lu Bu of Jin can lead the lieutenant soldiers on the battlefield and gain more victories from the battlefield, it is for Jin The influence of the country will be even greater. In the face of such influence , it is not that simple to get more benefits from Lu Bu's hands.

The strength that Jin has shown in the process of development is extremely strong. It is precisely because of such a strong strength that Jin can avoid more problems when it develops. Even if there are young people in the dark, they There will be more worries about actions, because if some things are not handled properly, more problems will arise.

Lu Bu’s success was due to a lot of effort. In this process, Lu Bu brought about the rapid development of the Jin country. This situation was placed on the body of the past monarchs, who wanted to achieve so many successes. It’s not that simple.

But such things became possible in the hands of Lu Bu. The victory of the war again and again made the Jin country more powerful and made the development of the Jin country more possible. If this situation continues, it will be for the Jin army. The help provided by the soldiers' campaign will be even greater.

In fact, many officials of the Jin state have no more objections to the Jin army launching a war, because from such a war, the officials of the Jin state can feel the hope of victory in the war. Who will let the Jin soldiers appear in the confrontation? After China, what can bring is more victories.

Merely these victories will allow the Jin army soldiers to avoid more problems in the process of increasing their strength.

Lu Bu is a powerful monarch. It is reasonable for such a monarch to have some problems in the development process. However, Lu Bu has powerful methods to deal with these problems. It can be done only by means of Lu Bu. Let more people have more fear when facing Lu Bu.

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