Chapter 20

From the corridor came the voice of a middle-aged woman with a sad tone.

Lin Chen and Zhou Ruoyun turn around and see that it is a middle-aged woman in plain clothes, begging for help from a nurse.

"Head nurse, please give us a little more time! We're going to get the money together! "

But the head nurse in front of her said coldly: "family members of patients, you have already owed 100000 medical expenses. The hospital has given you time, but you have been delaying. Now it's too late for you to say anything. If you can't make up the cost today, don't say that your daughter's transplant operation can't be done, the hospital will stop her medication. "

"We don't want to! But for Wenwen's illness, we have spent all our savings at home! Head nurse, please, please talk to the hospital leaders for us. Can they accommodate us? "

"I'm sorry, but it's a lot of tolerance for us to let you put it off till now. Before five o'clock this afternoon is your last chance. If you have time to toss with me, why don't you find someone to borrow money as soon as possible. "

Then the head nurse broke away from the middle-aged woman and left in a daze.

The middle-aged women who were left behind were kneeling on the ground and weeping bitterly.


When Lin Chen saw the middle-aged woman, he always felt familiar.

Zhou Ruoyun sighed: "it's Xu Wenwen's mother. Do you remember Xu Wenwen?"

"It's the child."

Lin Chen certainly remembers that Xu Wenwen was a patient who lived in the same ward with Lin's mother.

This is Xu Wenwen, also a poor child, less than 10 years old, has been suffering from leukemia, day and night need to live in the hospital.

For her sake, Xu Wenwen's family, like Lin Chen, empties the last cent of the family, and works part-time outside day and night, just to make Xu Wenwen stick to the day when her matching bone marrow appears.

At this time, Zhou Ruoyun continued on the side: "the bone marrow matching the child was found a few days ago, but their family had no money to do the operation. Moreover, before that, Xu Wenwen's medical expenses had been in arrears for several months. I heard that because her father was also tired, Xu Wenwen's mother had to take care of Xu Wenwen and her father and work to earn money, I can't hold it any longer. "

Xu Wenwen's mother wailed in the hospital corridor. Naturally, Xu Wenwen in the ward heard it.

After a while, a little girl with bare head and pale face came out of the ward step by step.

This little girl is Xu Wenwen.

She went to her mother's side and hugged her weeping: "Mom, I'm not going to cure. Let's go home!"

Smell speech, but Xu mother is crying more sad.

The cry of mother and daughter naturally attracted many people's attention. They gathered around and inquired about each other, then shook their heads and regretted.

Although we all sympathize with Xu Wenwen's experience, hundreds of thousands of medical expenses, after all, is a huge sum of money. Not everyone can afford the money. Even if we want to help, we are powerless.

Lin Chen looked at Xu's mother and daughter, a sad heart, naturally thought of the original himself.

At that time, when he knew that his mother was able to perform the operation, but could not afford the medical expenses, he was as desperate as Xu's mother and daughter. Otherwise, how could he agree to Gu's condition?

After all, it's all money's fault!

no way!

I can't let my own tragedy happen again.

Thinking of this, Lin Chen left Zhou Ruoyun and walked toward the Xu family and their daughter.

"Xu Wenwen, do you remember me?"

Bending down, Lin Chen smiles to Xu Wenwen.

Xu Wenwen, who is crying, looks at Lin Chen with a look of surprise.

"Lin, brother Lin Chen? Is that you

Although Xu Wenwen has not completely stopped crying, she has recognized Lin Chen.

Lin Chen touched Xu Wenwen's head with a smile and said, "don't cry. Your big brother will help you with your family affairs."

After that, Lin Chen looks at Xu's mother, who also stops crying because of surprise.

"Auntie, how much money does Wenwen need for her illness? I'll do it for you. "

"Lin Chen!"

At this time, Zhou Ruoyun rushed over, grabbed Lin Chen and said in a low voice, "Lin Chen, are you crazy? Do you know how much that is? Without 700000, Xu Wenwen's operation can't be done! And there are a variety of postoperative conditioning costs, that's not a small number! "

"It's OK. I can afford it." Lin Chen said lightly.

But Zhou Ruoyun widened his eyes and said, "Lin Chen! I know you are different now, but your money is someone else's! Do you think your wife wouldn't blame you if she knew you were spending money like this? "

Although Zhou Ruoyun doesn't know all the truth about Lin Chen's family affairs, he can probably see that there is something else in it.

This, she from the past Lin Chen married, still dressed in rags, and Lin mother later even anti rejection medicine is the cheapest one can see.

Lin Chen's married life is not as good as outsiders think.

Forest dust just to explain, but see before leaving the head nurse suddenly came with a security guard.

With a cold face, she said to Xu's mother, "sorry, this is a public place. If you want to cry, go outside and cry!"

With that, she winked at the security guard, who immediately stepped forward and started to pull Xu's mother up from the ground.

"Stop it

At this time, Lin Chen step in front of the security.

"Don't you want money? I'll pay for Xu Wenwen's medical expenses. "

"You?" The head nurse was stunned for a moment, and then found something.

"Aren't you Yang Li's son, Lin Chen?"

The head nurse recognized Lin Chen, but then a sneer of disdain appeared in her eyes.

"You pay for her? Do you know how much she needs to pay? In addition to the 100000 yuan owed by their family to the hospital before, there are 75 yuan for the follow-up transplant operation, plus the postoperative hospitalization expenses and medical expenses, I can say that one million yuan is less! Can you afford it? "

In the face of the head nurse's suspicion, without saying a word, Lin Chen took out the bank card and put it in her hand: "can you afford it, you can try it."

The head nurse looked down at the bank card in her hand: "OK! Come with me

With that, the head nurse went to the check-out counter on this floor.

Lin Chen said with a smile to Xu's mother, who had been completely stunned, "you wait here. I'll settle the account for you right away."

Then he followed.

After a while, Lin Chen came to the counter and began to sign for confirmation.

During this period, the head nurse sneered in the whole process. She didn't believe that Lin Chen could really put out so much money.

She knows no less about Lin Chen's family than Zhou Ruoyun. How could someone who couldn't even afford to use imported medicine for his mother at the beginning be able to afford the million yuan of Xu's family?