Chapter 296

After saying these, Ma Xiaoyun had to admire Lin Chen again.

His boss is too bull, a good charity can give him the whole into a commercial.

In fact, what Ma Xiaoyun said at the charity party that day was all the lines that their whole tmall marketing team prepared for Ma Xiaoyun overnight.

Because Lin Chen is telling Ma Xiaoyun clearly that he will use money to smash Ma Xiaoyun out of a state of ten thousand people's attention.

As a result, Ma Xiaoyun became the most beautiful person in the whole charity party that night.

Even in the central news report on that day, Ma Xiaoyun's speech was specially broadcast as a benchmark to promote the sense of responsibility of modern Chinese enterprises.

Think of this, Ma Xiaoyun can't help but want to praise Lin Chen again.

"Do you know, Mr. Lin? My admiration for you now is like a torrent of water. "


Lin Chen is flattered by Ma Xiaoyun many times. Almost as soon as Ma Xiaoyun opens his mouth, he knows what he wants to say.

Two times, Lin Dui still enjoyed it, but make complaints about it.

Nima, I didn't expect to be flattered by Ma Xiaoyun.

"Ma Xiaoyun, if you have time to flatter me, why don't you prepare for the next tmall activity as soon as possible. You'll be busy next. New Year's Day activity is just a prelude, and new year's activity is even more important. If you can't do it well, I'll ask you!"

"Don't worry, Mr. Lin! I've mobilized all members of the company. We don't have a holiday this year. We must take advantage of the new year to make tmall the first e-commerce platform in China! "

"Yes! It's OK to have you, but you can also tell us that as long as after the new year, I will make up a big holiday for each of them, as well as a big red envelope! "

"Ha ha, with such a generous boss as Mr. Lin, the red envelope will not be less this time. Thank you first!"

In his previous life, Ma Xiaoyun once said that overtime is a blessing. In this life, Lin Chen saw that Ma Xiaoyun had the potential to become a black hearted capitalist.

But he doesn't want Ma Xiaoyun to end up like that.

At present, he can only let go of tmall's pioneering work and can't dampen his enthusiasm for hard work. However, in terms of tmall's welfare, he can make great efforts to wipe Ma Xiaoyun's bottom.

However, when it comes to the black hearted capitalists, Lin Chen suddenly finds that this is also very appropriate for himself, because there are a group of people who are being squeezed by themselves. It's new year's day, and maybe he should give them some compensation.

Thinking of this, Lin Chen picked up the phone.


The last day of the year, Taidao.

Although the new year's Day holiday is approaching, all members of the running men's film crew have no leisure time for the new year.

Even the day before New Year's day, they are still busy shooting a special program.

The content of this program was not originally planned, but because of the previous scandal between Wang Bo and Zhiling, Miao Feng of the production team had a special inspiration.

Just according to the broadcast plan of Donghai satellite TV, there will be a running man's show on February 14, Valentine's day. Therefore, at the end of the day, the program team temporarily changed its plan and decided to shoot a Valentine's Day special in Taidao.

The content of this program is based on 101 marriage proposals in a TV play of the island. In this program, Wang Bo will turn into a man who has failed to propose 99 times and launch his 100th and 101st marriage proposal offensive against the goddess of love at first sight.

The object of his proposal is Zhiling, who had an affair with Wang Bo before.

Anyway, the gossip has been spread, so we should make good use of it.

Miao Feng thinks so.

In this regard, Wang Bo and Zhiling are indifferent.

Because of Lin Chen's last arrangement, Wang Bo's wife has long known about Zhiling and Lin Chen's concern, so she doesn't worry about whether her husband will really fake it.

In this program, the other members of the running men's team either incarnate as Wang Bo's love assistant or act as his rival to stop Wang Bo's pursuit of Zhiling.

In addition to Zhiling, there is a special flying guest in this issue, which is Tong Feiyan brought by Zhiling. She will incarnate as Zhiling's best friend, as the plot promoter of the game.

The program starts with a blind date arranged for Zhiling by Tong Feiyan. Zhiling is embarrassed when she meets someone who is not well behaved.

Just at this time, Huang Bo became Zhiling's life-saving straw.

After saving Zhiling with the help of running men's team through a game link.

In order to express gratitude, Zhiling in turn helped Wang Bo solve his work problems.

Wang Bo is also moved by Zhiling and has a good impression on her.

However, Zhiling has her own troubles, because she once had a fiance who had been missing for three years.

Wang Bo, who had been rejected, could not help but torture his heart. At this time, the running men's team went out again to prove his heart for Wang Bo through the game, which strengthened his determination to pursue Zhiling.

Another series of games, Wang Bo finally moved Zhiling.

Just at this time, Zhiling's missing fiance appeared again, and Wang Bo also encountered an unprecedented crisis.

Wang Bo, who was in trouble, made his final confession to Zhiling on a radio program after a game.

I had already stepped into the church, and finally changed my mind because of this confession.

Then, wearing her wedding dress, she began to run towards the final stage, the 101 building in North Tai.

The running along the way is the last part of this program.

Zhiling must wear a wedding dress and pass one test after another with the help of the running men's team.

Because of wearing the wedding dress, Zhiling's action was so difficult that she almost failed to pass the test several times.

But in the end, she managed to get to the top floor of 101 building.

Here, Wang Bo, who has been waiting here, finally comes together with Zhiling in the music of 101 marriage proposals.


With a loud roar from Yan Ming, all staff members applauded.

This episode of the program was finally recorded.

"Hard work!"

"Hard work!"

The men's running team finally breathed a sigh of relief. This time, they really burned their last bit of energy and finally finished shooting before the countdown to the new year. If they didn't finish it again, they might have to usher in the new year in the shooting.

However, although the shooting is over, many people's work is not over. Director Yan Ming arranges people to clean up the equipment while calling Zhiling and Angela.

"Miss Zhiling, wait here for a moment, stand by the window and look out of the window. Then we will have an aerial shot of you here. Miss Angela, just wait here with Miss Zhiling, otherwise it's not good for her to be here alone. " Yan Ming said.