Chapter 346

Seeing that Tang Pu's mouth became soft, Lin Chen sat back to his original position with a smile.

He did not speak, but looked straight at Tang Pu, let this already nearly 70 years old business tycoon heart some hair.

In my life, how long has it been since I felt this way in front of others?

"Dear Lin, to be honest, I really want to run in the election. But that has nothing to do with the truth... I want to vote, to let all those who look down on me know that I don't just talk big! "

The probability that he is telling the truth is... 100%!

Lin Chen nodded with satisfaction and motioned him to continue.

Tang Pu clenched his hands and recalled: "Dear Lin, you are Chinese, so I don't know how much you know about my comments on the other side of the ocean. But I know that although I am a business tycoon in the eyes of many ordinary people, there are not many people who really respect me in the business world. "

"In their eyes, I'm like a clown. For the sake of the company's reputation, I used all kinds of means to promote myself. As a real estate developer, why should I put my name on every building? Why do I have to put my name on my helicopter and plane? "

"It's all for publicity, of course!"

"The real estate business is not easy to do. On the other side of the ocean, there are dozens of real estate developers with the same scale as me. If I don't do this, my company will not survive several financial crises until now."

"But few people outside can understand me. They just think I'm a showman. There are few friends who really understand me

"Including Steven, who was defeated by you this time, most of them made friends with me. In fact, they all looked at the face of money, so I knew that once I went bankrupt again, everything I had now would be lost!"

"For that day will not come, I have paid a lot, including my daughter's happiness." Tang Pu pointed to Ivanka beside him, and then his voice suddenly rose.

"But! I've had enough of this! I don't want to see others make fun of me, I want to get respect from others! But I'm nearly 70 years old. If I want to become a giant like Sheldon, I know I can't do it. So I thought, if I can run for the election, I don't have to be elected. As long as I can pass the previous rounds of primaries and stand in front of the national stage, people's attitude towards me will also change. "

"I want everyone to mention me in a respectful voice, whether in front of me or behind me, and call me Mr. temple! Instead of calling me that clown behind my back as I do now! I want everyone to treat me seriously! "

At the end of the day, trump had been pointing his fingers to the table with emotion, his eyes red.

Even Ivanka, a translator, can't help but be shocked by her father's excitement, because this is the first time she has seen her father's gaffe.

As he moved the table excitedly, his thoughts returned to one night a year ago.

It was a thank-you dinner after the re-election of commander Omar. He attended as a special guest.

Originally, he thought that he was respected, but unexpectedly, that day became an unforgettable nightmare in his life.

In front of all the guests, in front of several cameras, Omar humiliated Donald.

Throughout his life, although Tang Pu has experienced numerous storms, such humiliation is unprecedented.

He didn't want to. He didn't want to give in like this.

So it was at that time that he really made up his mind to enter the white palace! Even if he is ridiculed by everyone, he has to have a try. This time, not for show, but for himself!

"I want everyone to take me seriously!" Said Tang Pu word by word.

"I see..."

Lin Chen nodded, beat has been successful, he finally let this stubborn old man say his heart.

As if he were a lamp elf in Aladdin, he said to Tang Pu, "Mr. Tang Pu, I can help you realize your wish."

"What are you going to do?"

"Mr. temple, my plan is to make a new variety show for you."

Hearing Ivanka's reaction, Tang Pu was a little silly for a moment.

"Honey, are you translating correctly? He means variety show? "

"Yes, father."

Tang Pu frowned and adjusted his sitting posture: "Mr. Lin Chen, I don't understand the relationship between variety shows and my running for election? You may not know that I have been on variety shows many times, and I have also been a host and guest. These shows really add a lot to my name, but it is far from that position... "

"That's because they're not specifically for you. Mr. temple, my plan is to make a variety show for you

Lin Chen picked up some cold coffee on the table and took a sip of it. Then he began to say his plan slowly.

Lin Chen's plan, in fact, is to bring to the world the show that made Tang Pu popular and laid the foundation for his successful election in the future.

In this world, because of the lack of this program, Tang Pu's reputation is much smaller than Lin Chen's last life. If he is in his present state, he will not be elected.

But if this program is broadcast, the result will be very different. Lin Chen has calculated that the broadcast of this program can increase the probability of Tang Pu's success by at least 50%.

"This program, I call it" the rise of the Yellow River "!"

Lin Chen recalled the situation of the program.

In this program, 16 contestants will be selected from all over the country. Eight men and eight women will be divided into two groups to accept the challenge of Tang PU.

The 16 participants will take turns as team leaders and do one project each week, such as product sales and business promotion.

At least one member of the losing party will be fired by Tang Pu, and the winner who successfully sticks to the end will get a one-year contract from Tang Pu, become an "Apprentice" of one of his companies, and enjoy a high annual salary.

When Lin Chen explained the rules, situation and links of the program one by one, Tang Pu immediately fell into it.

He has participated in the experience of variety shows, so that he can easily recognize the subtlety of Lin Chen's ideas.

Although the leading role in the whole show is not Tang Pu from the beginning to the end, but the 16 contestants.

But as one of the most important referees, Tang Pu's leadership, his insight, his company and his wealth will be shown to the national audience in front of the camera.

This kind of display, or with that kind of look up display, the audience's perception, will let them stand together with those competitors, and in the eyes of the competitors, trump is the leader who is superior and decides their destiny.

After being brought in by this kind of emotion, the audience's perception of Tang Pu will naturally be the same.

Therefore, Tang Pu is almost sure that after the broadcast of this program, he will gain countless admirers and supporters overnight, which will definitely help him to run in the future!