Chapter 399

At noon, Lin Chen and Tong Feiyan returned to the East China Sea.

Tong Feiyan is a lack of love character, not easy to reveal his heart, Lin Chen is particularly sticky.

After returning to Donghai, because of the Spring Festival, there is no Zhiling, Angela or Taylor in Donghai, so Tong Feiyan can monopolize Lin Chen's love alone.

So the last period of time before the end of the Spring Festival, two people have been tired of together.

Lin Chen's perception of Tong Feiyan is different from that of others.

This beautiful and seemingly strong woman, in fact, is a lack of self-confidence, love is full of humble little woman.

So for her, Lin Chen is also very close to doting.

He knew that what Tong Feiyan really wanted was actually a warm home, which Lin Chen, who was already burdened with a lot of emotional debt, could not satisfy, so he had to make up for it from other places.

After returning to Donghai, they had a rest for half a day. Then the next morning, Lin Chen took Tong Feiyan to the luxury shops in Donghai.

Watch, necklace, costume.

If it's suitable for Tong Feiyan, Lin Chen doesn't ask the price and buys it all.

One day, the things Lin Chen bought for Tong Feiyan almost filled the front trunk and seat of his Bugatti 100 year global limited edition.

So that Lin Chen and Tong Feiyan must first go back to the Peninsula Hotel and put away the things they bought before they can continue to go to the next destination.

"Come on, I'll take you to dinner."

After that, Lin Chen started the car and went to a top Western restaurant in Binjiang.

Choosing this restaurant is also the reason why Lin Chen asks Tong Lei, the younger brother of Tong Feiyan.

According to Tong Lei, Tong Feiyan seems to like western food very much. When she was a child, she often took Tong Lei to Western restaurants when the dance troupe paid bonus.

The car drove to the parking garage downstairs of the restaurant. They got off and took the elevator to the top floor.

As soon as the elevator door opened, Tong Feiyan saw that the waiters inside had already stood in two rows, welcoming them.

Tong Feiyan grasped Lin Chen's arm in surprise and asked in a low voice in his ear, "what happened to them?"

Lin Chen said with a smile: "this place, I've packed it tonight. They only serve our two guests. Of course, they are hospitable."

"Ah? Did you pack it? Is that too much waste? "

"No waste, I don't want to be disturbed."

As the waiter walked towards the restaurant, there was no one in sight.

The walls near the riverside of the restaurant are all replaced by glass. You can see the beautiful riverside scenery at a glance. On the river, there is a yacht sailing slowly.

The dining table at the scene was specially arranged. Only one table was placed in the spacious dining room, and the rest of the dining tables were put on the other side.

On the only dining table, three white candles were shining. On the ground beside the dining table, red roses were scattered and placed in a heart shape.

After they sat down, a blonde and blue eyed foreign handsome man began to play the violin beside them, with gentle and elegant melody.

The beautiful night scene, beautiful music and well prepared layout make the scene full of romantic atmosphere.

Tong Feiyan's eyes are slightly red.

"Lin Chen, it's just a meal. There's no need... I'm not worth it... "

"Don't talk about this lack of confidence. It's all worth it in my opinion."

Lin Chen corrects Tong Feiyan's words. She is just like this. She always lacks self-confidence.

But Lin Chen is confident that she can change her slowly.

Before long, the table in front of them was full of delicious dinner.

All kinds of exquisite Western dishes make Tong Feiyan swallow.

Although he is also a star, apart from business activities, Tong Feiyan seldom has the chance to eat such a rich dish in private.

So, she soon fell silent in the delicious food.

In contrast, Lin Chen was a little absent-minded and looked at his watch several times.

Finally, Tong Feiyan noticed Lin Chen's abnormal behavior, some strange way: "Lin Chen, do you have anything else to do for a while?"

"No, it's just close to nine."

"Nine? What happened at nine? "

Lin Chen's mysterious smile: "then you will know."

Tongfeiyan listen, suddenly a face at a loss, is nine o'clock to, what will happen?

Or, when nine o'clock arrives, everything will disappear around you like a big dream?

Just as Tong Feiyan looked around in horror, the clock had already reached the nine o'clock position.

At this time, Tong Feiyan suddenly saw a flash of light in front of her eyes, and then, the colorful light on her face.

From the yacht on the river, one fireworks bomb after another was raised.

Colorful fireworks blooming in the dark, beautiful, let tongfeiyan see some stay.

These fireworks first formed flowers in the night, and then arranged into the shape of love.

What surprised her even more was that in the end, countless fireworks appeared in the air: Yanyan.

"Wow! Who is so romantic? Setting off fireworks on the ship? "

Although it is during the Spring Festival, there are still many tourists on both sides of the river.

When they saw this scene, they couldn't help exclaiming.

"It's private, isn't it? Look at the last two words. Are they fireworks for my girlfriend? "

"It's so romantic. If someone set off such fireworks for me, I'll promise all his requirements immediately!"

"Honey, I want such fireworks, too. Please let me have one..."

Just when everyone is envious of this sudden romantic fireworks.

Tong Feiyan, as a party to fireworks, has tears in her eyes.

Everything in front of her once appeared countless times in her dream.

She still remembers that when she was shooting the running man's Valentine's Day special in Taidao, she once envied the romantic fireworks before midnight that day.

She knew that it was specially set off by Lin Chen for Zhiling and Angela.

And after that day, she had done countless similar dreams, dreaming that someone had set off fireworks for herself.

Now, her dream has come true, and Tong Feiyan finds that she no longer has to envy others in her dreams, and her heart is completely destroyed.

Although Lin Chen has given her countless gifts today, none of them can match the surprise just now.

She knows that from today on, I'm afraid she can't leave the man around anymore.

"Lin Chen..." Tong Feiyan turns to Lin Chen.

"Do you like it?" Lin Chen asked.

Tong Feiyan did not answer, but directly with action told Lin Chen her mood at the moment.

Even if there are many waiters around, they can't stop Tong Feiyan from giving Lin Chen a kiss.