Chapter 412

As soon as Lin Chen enters the conference room, he sees Tang Xin and Liu Xing, the Department Manager of the venture capital department, sitting and waiting inside.

Seeing Lin Chen enter the door, these people immediately stand up.

"Sit down."

Sitting on the main seat, Lin Chen raised his hand and motioned.

Then I looked at all of you and started the meeting.

"Ladies and gentlemen, time is limited. Before today's meeting, I would like to elaborate on the company's venture capital focus in the next year!"

"As you all know, last year our company focused on investing in Huawei mobile and tmall. In addition, I personally invested in a company specializing in mobile games overseas."

"If you have a heart, you should notice that these companies are more or less connected with mobile phones."

"In fact, my idea is to build a mobile Empire belonging to our Stardust investment, around Alipay mobile phone and Tmall Alipay."

The bottom public, smell speech all stare big eyes, is obviously shocked by Lin Chen's ambition.

Lin Chen, on the other hand, continued to explain to them the future of the Empire: "it's 2012, and I have great reason to predict that the business fields of all industries in the future will focus on mobile phones. Mr. Ren of Huawei once said to me that the 4G technology is mature, and the country will start to deploy 4G signals on a large scale next year. Once the 4G network is popularized, people's focus will shift from computers to mobile phones! "

"Look at the past decade. Since the birth of the Internet, people have always said that the future belongs to the era of the Internet, and later facts have confirmed this. Countless new business giants, such as the penguin Empire, were born relying on the Internet. But I think that in the next few years, there will be a turning point in the era. The mobile Internet will replace the original Internet and lead the new era. We Xingchen investment must seize this opportunity to complete the layout before the arrival of the mobile Internet era as soon as possible! "

When Lin Chen's voice falls, the people at the bottom can't help talking. They are shocked by Lin Chen's eyes.

Lin Chen looked at everything calmly.

This is the advantage of his second golden finger.

Born from a parallel world, he has nearly ten years more memory than he has now, and knows the general trend of the future.

Although this world is different from his original world, there is little difference between the two worlds in the general trend of science and technology.

At this time, a female staff member of the venture capital department raised her hand and said tentatively, "Mr. Lin, does this mean that we can't carry out venture capital in other industries in the future?"

"No Lin Chen shook his head: "if you have excellent projects, you can also invest. The strategic plan I just put forward just now just hopes that you can give priority to companies related to the mobile field in the future investment field."

Lin Chen's words made some people feel relieved.

At least that way, they don't have to make temporary changes to their plans.

After Lin Chen's introduction of his strategic plan, people from the venture capital department will introduce their future investment plans and the investment projects that need to be decided by Lin Chen.

Among them, there are several people's investment projects that make Lin Chen's eyes bright.

Because the projects they want to invest in are Qidian, Youku and meituan!

Lin Chen, who has memories of the future, naturally knows that these companies are leaders in their respective fields for many years to come. Their businesses are also involved in several major aspects of future mobile entertainment.

Starting point corresponds to the novel field, Youku is the video field, and meituan is involved in mobile travel and takeout business.

However, after understanding, Lin Chen also found that the members of the venture capital department who proposed these projects could not be compared with their manager Liu Xing after all.

Although these people have good vision, they have less work experience after all. For these three enterprises, their plan is only to buy shares, and then look forward to recovering their investment through operation, listing and other methods in the future.

There is still a gap between this and Lin Chen's expectation.

So Lin Chen decided to step in: "these projects are good, but I have to remind you here. For promising companies, I don't want you to be too short-term and just pursue a temporary return on capital. "

"We are not short of money to invest in stardust."

Lin Chen dropped this sentence, which sounds very forced, but it is true, because Lin Chen has too many means to make money from other fields.

Not to mention the financial investment that still maintains a stable income today, two days ago, Lin Chencai made hundreds of millions of yuan again because of the bets of two stupid rich second generation.

Money comes so fast, don't spend a little more, do you have interest in the bank?

Therefore, Lin Chen's investment objectives for these companies have been changed, from simply buying shares to having absolute control, and even to becoming a major shareholder.

In particular, Qidian and Youku, the former's parent company, Shengda, has been in a bad mood recently. This once known as the largest game company in China, has been on the decline. Their boss has a hen that lays golden eggs, but he doesn't want to raise the hen well. He always wants to change his status as a chicken breeder, and he wants to raise cattle and pigs with the profits from chicken raising, As a result, the situation of Shengda company went from bad to worse.

In the future, they will sell the starting point to the penguin empire.

As the largest novel website in China, Qidian owns many copyright changes of works, which are not worth money now, but can bring huge profits in the future.

Therefore, Lin Chen made a direct move to let the members in charge of Qidian negotiate the acquisition directly, and strive to make Qidian become the direct holding company of Xingchen investment.

On the other hand, Youku's situation is a little complicated. The leader of this domestic video website may merge with Tudou this year, so it's difficult to acquire a wholly-owned company for a while. But Lin Chen knows that Youku's future is not optimistic. Even if they merge, they still can't get rid of the fate that they can't find a profit point and keep burning money.

So for this company, Lin Chen's idea is to learn from the previous generation of Ali, become a major shareholder first, and then take Youku down when Youku fails in the future.

Referring to Youku, Lin Chen suddenly thought of another video website and said to the subordinates in charge of Youku: "by the way, there is a website specializing in two dimensions in China..."

Without waiting for Lin Chen to finish, the subordinate was surprised and said, "Lin Dong, are you talking about station B?"

"Yes, you know?" Lin Chen was also surprised.

The subordinate laughed and said, "it's a coincidence, Mr. Lin. this company came to me on its own initiative years ago, hoping to get our investment. Their boss came to see us after the annual meeting, but it happened to be the new year's day, and I'm still evaluating their data. "

"Don't evaluate, just take them." Lin Chen said with a smile.

Take B station, that can be equivalent to take down a large user group on the future network.

This user group, however, is highly coincident with Lin Chen's future planning game empire.

With them, the success rate of Lin Chen's future plan suddenly increased a bit.