Chapter 440

"Boss, give it to the police. Yes, but look at the posture. Someone must be on duty 24 hours this evening. "

In the living room of villa Taylor, ray longhui reports.

As his voice dropped, he took another furtive look at Tyler.

She sighed in her heart: it's this woman who has to make a public confession. Sure enough, foreign girls are in trouble. You can see that Zhiling has never had so many things as you.

Lin Chen waved his hand: "please, take a message to Taylor's bodyguards, let them work hard, everyone will have a reward for overtime tonight... Taylor, do you think 100000 dollars is enough?"

Before Tyler could speak, ryron said, "boss, you're so generous. They'll work as hard as cattle."

"That's it." Lin Chen said with a smile.

After leilong left, Taylor apologetically said to Lin Chen and Ivanka, "I'm sorry, I seem to have caused trouble."

Ivanka smiles and shakes his head. "It doesn't matter. It will be fine in a few days."

Lin Chen also shook his head and said, "it's OK. Who knew you were so charming? "

But Taylor said bitterly: "but Lin Chen, what about Ivanka when it's so noisy outside? It's just a few fanatic fans now, and I'm worried about being surrounded by paparazzi tomorrow morning. "

Lin Chen immediately frowned.

Taylor's worry is not unreasonable. In fact, it's OK to be disturbed, but the problem is that Ivanka is here.

Those paparazzi are staring at Taylor's house with long guns and short cannons every day. It's hard to guarantee that they won't tell Ivanka that they also live here.

Then things will be really troublesome.

"I don't think so? I'll hide in my room every day these days. " Ivanka didn't mind.

But Lin Chen calculated that the probability that Ivanka will be found by paparazzi is... 85%!

No, this probability is too high. If you are not careful, something will happen. Moreover, hiding in the room every day is not good for Ivanka and her children's development.

Thinking of this, Lin Chen can't help thinking of the idea of buying Ivanka and her future children a home of their own in her mind a few days ago

Maybe this idea can start ahead of time.

That night, they didn't get a good sleep.

In addition to people trying to break into Taylor's house from time to time, the paparazzi they joined later increased the pressure on leilong and other bodyguards.

In the face of defenseless paparazzi and fans, Taylor's security equipment is a little too simple.

Until Tyler gave it to the LAPD. Fang made a phone call and drove reporters outside, which made it a little peaceful outside.

The next day, on the Internet, the rumor about last night's Grammy is still spreading, and even getting worse. Media reporters from all over the ocean are flocking to Beverly Hills, hoping to take pictures of Lin Chen and Taylor.

Then, surrounded by these people, a motorcade suddenly drove out of Taylor's house.

Some paparazzi immediately recognized one of the cars that Taylor used everyday. These paparazzi immediately got on the car and planned to follow the car to see where they went.

But these paparazzi don't know, just after they chased the motorcade to leave, from Taylor's home, there are two cars driving out of the villa.

"Boss, it's hard for these ghosts to use their heads. Such a simple way to get rid of the tiger will win."

In one of the cars, there was Lelong's laughter.

Then, Lin Chen's laughter also rang out: "just know, don't look at the ghost guy so high, drive carefully."


It turns out that the team just now is just a stratagem that Lin Chen came up with.

Their real team is actually the last two.

In Lin Chen's car, there are not only him, but also Taylor, and even Ivanka.

In addition, in the co driver's seat of the car, there is Taylor's investment advisor.

Ivanka hasn't been out for a long time, but today, at the request of Lin Chen, he goes out with them. For this, Ivanka is a little puzzled: "Lin Chen, where are you taking us?"

"Yes, Lin Chen, old Sam won't tell me anything. What kind of conspiracy are you preparing?" Taylor also said.

Old Sam, the name of Taylor's investment consultant, has been taking care of her property since Taylor got rich, and is deeply trusted.

But yesterday, after Lin Chen wanted to call old Sam, he and leilong hid in the house and called old Sam for more than an hour. Later, old Sam kept his mouth shut about the call, even Taylor didn't tell her. She was not curious, and didn't know what the men were up to.

"Don't worry. You'll know in a moment. I'll take you to a good place today." Lin Chen said with a mysterious smile.

All the way out of Beverly Hills, then out of Los Angeles, all the way west.

After driving for about half an hour, Taylor suddenly exclaimed.

"Lin Chen! You're not going to take us to that place, are you

Ivanka said strangely, "Tyler? Do you know where we're going? "

"Of course! Oh, my God! It can't be true! But... "Taylor's voice was full of surprise, joy and confusion.

See the secret has no need to hide, Lin Chen said with a smile: "yes, that's where you want to be. I'm going to buy it as the place where Ivanka and I were born. Tyler, if you want, you can live there in the future

Taylor couldn't help but scream as he went to work.

Ivanka was even more confused: "Ivanka, where are we going?"

"Neverland!" Tyler grabs Ivanka's hand and says, "Ivanka! We're going to Neverland Manor! MJ's former residence

This time, even Ivanka covered her mouth.

"My God, Lin Chen, where do you want to buy it?"

Lin Chen patted the old Tom on the shoulder in front of him: "yes, he worked hard last night. He was negotiating with the other party all night. If it goes well later, we can finish everything today."

Lin Chen, the place they are going to, is called Neverland manor.

This name may be strange to some people, but if we mention its former owner MJ, no one on the earth may not know it.

Neverland manor, once a property of MJ, is his private manor and amusement park, covering an area of 2600 acres.

Its name comes from the story of Peter Pan.

MJ takes the name of his manor, hoping that he can become a child who will never grow up like little flying.

After Lin Chen considered buying a house for Ivanka in California, the first place he thought of was here.

Neverland manor.

Where else is more suitable to be the birthplace and home for his future children?