Chapter 534

Relying on the rhythm of a large number of water troops, this storm about charitable foundations is likely to intensify.

Although because of some people with ulterior motives, the whole people are now targeting the dust cloud charity fund.

But many people, in order not to be affected, also began to jump out and get rid of the relationship.

"Ten yuan fund is a completely open and transparent charitable fund. Every donation we make is well documented, and all donations from caring people can be properly managed."

"Thank you for your concern about the charitable foundation. The management of our foundation strictly abides by the international management rules and there will never be any problems."

In addition to speaking on Weibo, some foundations also actively invite media reporters to visit their foundation headquarters to confirm the operation of the foundation's accounts.

In a word, in order to get rid of the storm as soon as possible, these charitable foundations have made every effort to become the second dust cloud charitable foundation.

However, as the center of the storm, the dust cloud Charity Foundation has not made any move yet.

There was no statement, no press conference, as if the charity had been disbanded.

What is the real situation?

The East China Sea.

In the office of the president of the dust cloud charity foundation.

Lin Chen sat at his desk, slowly looking at the micro blog on the computer.

In front of him, Zhou ruoyunmu sat on the sofa without expression, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Zheng Yuezhi, the real housekeeper of the dust cloud charity foundation, stands in the middle of the two people with an indignant face and turns around.

"These netizens are so stupid! How can you believe what big V said without evidence? "

"Just a few photos, didn't they think it might be forged?"

"Lin Sheng, Miss Zhou, we can't just wait to die. I suggest that we immediately hold a press conference to clarify the facts. In addition, we should send a lawyer's letter to the guy named Fang Zouzi!"

"Sister Zheng, don't be impatient." Lin Chen a face is calm way: "do so, actually the meaning is not big."

"It doesn't make much sense?" Zheng Yuezhi stopped, "what do you mean, Lin Sheng?"

"Sister Zheng, he means that someone is deliberately blackmailing us." Zhou Ruoyun said.

"Black us?" Zheng Yuezhi was stunned.

"Or black him!" Zhou Ruoyun pointed to Lin Chen, "we don't have anything dark here, but this guy is making trouble outside all day, and a lot of people hate him! It must have been intentional this time. "

"Then... Who was born in Heilin? Lin Sheng, do you have any suspects? " Zheng Yuezhi asked.

"That's not true." Lin Chen said with a bitter smile, "just like Ruoyun said, I offend too many people, and everyone may be behind the scenes."

"What about that?" Zheng Yuezhi was helpless and anxious.

But when she looked at Lin Chen and Zhou Ruoyun again, they seemed to have nothing to do with each other.

Lin Chen is not familiar with her. She can't ask more questions. Zhou Ruoyun gets along with her day and night, but Zheng Yuezhi can't manage so much: "Miss Zhou, what do you mean? Are we allowed to be framed like this? "

"You don't know that many employees in the foundation are worried now. Although they know the real situation of the foundation well, their families don't know. Now some people have said that his family wants him to quit!"

"Some people are worried that the address here will be exposed. It's said that there are many strange faces coming in and out of the building recently, maybe journalists! By then, if we are exposed here, with the public opinion on the Internet, it's hard to guarantee that no one will come and make trouble! "

Zhou Ruoyun said: "sister Zheng, if you care, you will be in a mess! In fact, we have nothing to worry about at all. If you look carefully at the black water that slanders us, you should find that many of their contents are guessed out of thin air. If other charitable foundations are so stigmatized, it may be hard to tell, but we don't have to worry at all. "

"Miss Zhou, what you said is..." Zheng Yuezhi asked.

At this time, Lin Chen stood up from the computer desk: "it's Ruoyun, you can see it? It seems that I don't need to come here this time, just give it to you. "

Zhou Ruoyun immediately gave him a white look: "why do you want me to wipe your ass for the trouble you caused?"

"It's up to you to deal with this. If it's not handled properly, I won't come to work, that's all."

After that, Zhou Ruoyun stood up and went straight out.

"Miss Zhou!" Zheng Yuezhi wants to stop her, but Zhou Ruoyun walks quickly and disappears at the door.

Zheng Yuezhi turned her head strangely: "Lin Sheng, how come Miss Zhou doesn't want to see you recently? Did you fight? "

"No Lin Chen also feels strange, "come on, sister Zheng, I'd better talk to you about how we deal with it next?"

"Good! If you have a way, you'd better talk about it quickly, or I'll make arrangements early. "

Lin Chen nodded and said: "in fact, the source of those people's slandering this time is the big V named Fang Zouzi. And his basis is only those photos and report letters, but I believe those must be forged. Sister Zheng, I don't know what your opinion is? "

"Yes! We've checked! The people in the letter did apply to us for assistance, but they were rejected because they did not meet our conditions. And the charity of the veteran is even more shameless. Although the receipt is from our foundation, the old man in the photo is not the veteran we rescued at all! " Zheng Yuezhi said excitedly.

"It's true..." Lin Chen touched his chin. "In fact, in addition to these, I also found that the people who slandered us didn't seem to be familiar with the inside of our foundation. There are many loopholes in Fang's microblog, so it's easy for us to fight back."

"What are we waiting for? Lin Sheng, I'll contact the reporter right now! "

"Wait!" Lin Chen stopped Zheng Yuezhi: "sister Zheng, now that we know how to fight back, we don't have to be in a hurry."

"In the past, because we didn't have enough funds, we kept a low profile all the time. However, this crisis just let us see that charity is too low-key or not. If you are too low-key, many people in need of help don't know your existence."

"Before I read microblog, I have seen many of those posts under the comments. Many people who should be our help objects actually noticed our existence after knowing that we were scolded..."

Zheng Yuezhi blushed and said, "I'm sorry, Lin Sheng. This may be because the work of our rescue station is not in place..."

"It's none of your business. After all, we don't publicize enough."

"But since some people have poured black water on us this time, we can simply use their power to expand our own influence of public opinion. Besides, this time, it's God's help! I was just looking for public opinion to publicize something, and these people sent me reporters. They were just God's help Lin Chen has a plan in mind.

"Lin Sheng, you mean..."

Lin Chen lowered his head and whispered a few words in Zheng Yuezhi's ear, which attracted the other side's eyes.