Chapter 674

Superhero movies are popular all over the world these days.

The world is not peaceful, people's hearts are eager to have a superhero around.

And the emergence of Lin Chen perfectly meets their needs.

So when the press conference ended, those reporters released the content they covered, which immediately caused a sensation in the world.

The young billionaire, the princess's rumored boyfriend, defeated a group of KB elements on the plane, and flew the out of control plane himself, crossing half of Europe, so that the plane landed safely!

Is there anything more like a heroic movie in the world?

This is a living superhero!

Moreover, Lin Chen's fortune, China's youngest billionaire, and the people who are on the Forbes list, besides Princess Catherine, have relations with the big stars Taylor and many big stars in China and Xia, make many people think of a super hero who is also a billionaire and a playboy.

Iron man, tonistak!

In addition to skin color, Lin Chen is an iron man!

Before Lin Chen and Catherine gossip, in Europe and the western world, can only be regarded as a small fire.

After all, although Catherine is a princess, SWIDEN kingdom is only a small country on the edge of Europe, which can only be regarded as a second or third rate country in the world.

A princess in a small country and a rich man in Asia are not really interested in the mainstream society.

But now it's different. A real-life superhero, iron man's template. It's totally different.

As soon as the news came out, countless European and American media, including the most mainstream media, began to look for Lin Chen's information.

In the past, a series of Lin Chen's reports in China were all translated into Chinese, English, French and German.

From the miraculous rise of Lin Chen in the past, to the super high welfare treatment of his employees, and Lin Chen's charitable investment almost regardless of cost.

Even Tang Pu, who is far away from the other side of the ocean, has rubbed the heat of forest dust.

"Believe me, Lin Chen is the most intelligent Hua I have ever seen. Xia Ren! Why do I say that? Because Lin Chen and I are friends! you 're right! The first season of my flourishing program is Lin Chen's advice for me! "

"He is not only a rich man, but also a variety show genius!"

"What? How do I know him? "

"Lin Chen and I are old friends. We've known each other since Las Vegas. By the way, he still has a secret identity. Let me tell you generously that Lin Chen is the Chinese gambling God who once made a sensation in Las Vegas! "

For a moment, the mainstream society in Europe and America was shocked.

Is there such a perfect person in the world?

In the words of sveden Kingdom media, their princess's gossip boyfriend is just someone who jumps out of the movie.

Look at his Stardust investment, which is a large group integrating IT technology, mobile devices, entertainment, film and television, medicine and other industries.

According to the analysis of some financial experts, if several of these industries are listed on the stock market, Lin Chen is likely to become the richest man in Asia, even in the world.

In the eyes of the SWIDEN Kingdom, this is really amazing.

And his identity as Las Vegas God of gamblers is also talked about with relish.

As for China, Lin Chen is also a fire.

Although the last time Lin Chen had an affair with the princess, it had already made a group of male netizens on the Internet howl excitedly.

But this time Lin Chen fought the robbers bravely, and his feat of flying was even more impressive.

Financial media continue to report on Lin Chen's take-off miracle, focusing on his Stardust group and analyzing its future prospects.

Entertainment media dig deeply into Lin Chen's past affairs, including his first marriage and later his affairs with several female stars.

Even the official media have specially reported Lin Chen's deeds and called him Hua. Xia model.

After these reports are published, the most direct impact on forest dust should be the acceptance of forest dust by the people of Sweden kingdom.

A few days after the incident, a local mainstream media conducted an investigation, and the results showed that the citizens of Sweden had a very high degree of recognition for the princess's gossip boyfriend, which was very depressing.

Before the scandal just spread, a small media did a similar investigation. At that time, the national acceptance of Lin Chen was less than 30%.

But this time, the probability of accepting Lin Chen and hoping that he and the princess will get married as soon as possible is very high, and the highland is almost outrageous. 87% of the people want Lin Chen and Catherine to get married as soon as possible.

There are many reasons for the change of attitude among the people of Sweden kingdom

First, this time, it was thanks to Lin Chen that a hijacking crisis was solved safely. At that time, there were many Sweden nationals on flight ne492, and they were very grateful to Lin Chen.

Second, Lin Chen's philanthropy has won the admiration of the Sweden people. In foreign countries, philanthropy has always won a lot of praise.

Third, Lin Chen's rumor about the Chinese god of gambling in Las Vegas has cast a layer of legendary and heroic color on him. SWIDEN kingdom is located in northern Europe, where there has always been a legend of heroes, and Lin Chen, just like the hero in reality, attracts people's admiration.

Fourth, Lin Chen is so rich that he has so many industries that many people think that if Lin Chen can marry the princess, maybe he will invest in sveden kingdom to improve the local economy.

Sveden people are so looking forward to further progress of Lin Chen and Princess Catherine, but they don't know. At this time, the old king of sveden, who made Lin Chen famous, regretted his high-profile propaganda of Lin Chen.

On this day, the old king's family gathered together in SWIDEN palace except Princess Catherine.

Princess Catherine is visiting Saab company with Lin Chen.

As a reward for rescuing the princess, the old king has agreed to Lin Chen's idea of purchasing Saab Automobile Company.

As long as he confirms that there is no problem, the acquisition can start immediately, and the royal family will clear all political troubles for Lin Chen's acquisition.

However, in that conversation with Lin Chen, the old king knew one thing.

That is Lin Chen in addition to a marriage history, now there is a child!

And he's not just Catherine!

In addition, Lin Chen has no idea of getting married at the moment.

After knowing this, the old king almost fell out with Lin Chen at that time.

Although Lin chenken's attitude to tell the truth is worth affirming, he can't accept that his baby daughter wants to share a boyfriend with other women! Even may not be the other party's wife!

His daughter is a princess of a country. How can it be accepted?