Chapter 697

When Chen Ziyan listens to the conversation, she suddenly feels that something is wrong.

What do you mean I take the lead? Lin Chen and Su Ning Yu have been together for a long time?


She suddenly thought of one thing, that is, since she came in, Su Ningyu's performance has not been like a couple who has been with Lin Chen for more than a year, but rather shy, like a first love.

Do you mean

At this time, Su Ningyu also generously admitted: "yes, Ziyan, Lin Chen and I were not lovers before. You guessed right before. He and I just pretended to be lovers, and we didn't really have a relationship."

"Good!" Chen Ziyan has no good way: "Ning Yu, you lied to me!"

"Yes, that's why I let you take the lead..." Su Ningyu looked aggrieved, and then looked at Lin Chen: "Lin Chen, I'm not like Ziyan. Can you stop being so fierce, I'm afraid..."

"I will be gentle with you." Lin Chen said.

Su Ning Yu lowered her head.

The long skirt falls to the ground.

Lin Chen went over and hugged her.

Since they have known Su Ningyu for so long, they have finally come to this day.

Soon after that, Lin Chen got on the plane and returned to China. Summer.

Although he met many dangers, Lin Chen also gained a lot.

In Gongcheng, Lin Chen not only completed the acquisition of Saab Automobile, but also got the exploration right of Subia by accident. This exploration right alone may bring him billions of dollars in huge profits in the future.

Before leaving Subia, Lin Chen had told Su Ningyu where he knew Subia might find a new diamond mine.

He has agreed with the two women that Su Ningyu's and Chen Ziyan's companies will merge in the future, and Lin Chen will participate in the new company. The undiscovered diamond mine is Lin Chen's investment.

With the diamond mines in Subia, Lin Chen's new company is bound to grow into a new diamond giant in the future.

In private, Lin Chen's trip to Europe and Africa not only enabled him to get back in touch with Catherine, who had not been in touch for a long time, but also finally understood his wish, won Su Ningyu, and unexpectedly won the favor of Chen Ziyan, chairman of Dongfu group.

In this way, although his life is in danger several times, but the danger is also accompanied by rich returns, it is very worthwhile.

After returning home, Lin Chen was busy again.

The first is stardust. When he was fighting in Africa, Stardust had completed the acquisition of Saab.

Feng Chongan, CEO of Stardust automobile, has begun to integrate the resources of the two enterprises, and plans to revive the brand of Saab Automobile, so that the future Stardust automobile can walk on two legs of "new energy vehicle" and "fuel vehicle".

In addition, Chen Li, who went to TRAS for investigation, also came back. After his study, he was full of confidence in himself. As soon as he came back, he asked Lin Chen to invest 1 billion yuan to set up a new energy battery Laboratory for him, and he would officially start the research and experiment of new energy batteries.

Lin Chen just looked at the success rate of Chen Li's proposal and approved his request with a stroke of his pen.

A new energy battery laboratory immediately sprang up.

Feng Chong'an immediately took the lead in the implementation of the relevant new energy vehicle production plan, starting from the appearance design and interior design of new energy vehicles.

Only then did the outside world finally know that Lin Chen's next plan was to build new energy vehicles?

When the news began to spread on the Internet, it soon became a hot topic.

After all, in China. On Xia's side, for some reasons, Lin Chen's experience in Subia can be dealt with in a low-key way, and there is no domestic media report. Therefore, in many people's eyes, star dust group has no special news since Lin Chen and princess sveden had an affair.

So when the news spread that Stardust group entered the automobile industry, many people immediately focused on this legendary enterprise.

Before that, Lin Chen had made outstanding achievements in the fields of finance, medicine, games and e-commerce. But this time, can he succeed in the automobile industry?

In the field of traditional fuel vehicles, most people are optimistic about Stardust group.

After all, the news of Stardust group's acquisition of Saab has spread. As an old car company, Saab's technical ability and brand are beyond doubt. It seems that it is not impossible for stardust to make achievements in this area.

However, in the field of new energy vehicles, that is, electric vehicles, it is difficult to say.

This can be seen from the headlines of a series of reports after the media know about it.

"Stardust group to enter the field of electric vehicles? Are you greedy or ambitious? "

"Shocked, Stardust group's sword finger Tracy, can it create a miracle?"

"What is the strength of Stardust group? Experts commented on this move of Xingchen group. "

From these headlines, we can see that the mass media are not optimistic about the strategy of Stardust group this time, and even have a taste of consensus.

However, there is no way. After all, the field of electric vehicles is still a new thing at this time. There is only one successful and best-selling electric vehicle in the world.

Stardust group has never been involved in the automotive field before. In the eyes of outsiders, they should be down-to-earth step by step, starting with traditional cars, and then considering new energy vehicles.

For example, today's well-known domestic auto companies are trying their best to develop electric vehicles. In their financial report planning, they have made it clear that they want to enter the field of electric vehicles in the next few years. At present, they can only accumulate technology.

Some experts simply said: "the field of electric vehicles is a brand new field. Nowadays, there is only one successful electric vehicle enterprise in the world, but even terras is now facing a bottleneck. I think it is very difficult for stardust to make a breakthrough."

"I agree with him that the biggest difficulty of electric vehicles lies in battery technology. That's what Tracy's current predicament is. It's a technical problem. At present, there are countless top enterprises all over the world tackling key problems, but they have not made any achievements. Although Stardust group is already a giant, compared with those old enterprises, it still lacks foundation, so this time, The immortal Lin Chen may encounter Waterloo. "

The voice of doubt is not only at home, but also abroad.

China. Although Xia is catching up with and even surpassing European and American countries in all aspects, he still lags behind others in many fields, such as automobile manufacturing.

So when you hear about Hua. When Xia Ren wanted to build an electric car, many foreign netizens immediately sneered at Stardust group.