Chapter 753: Perfection is more than control

In the Western world, the swan is a complex and strange image that can represent purity, but it is also the incarnation of carnal desire. Zeus, the king of the gods, was overwhelmed by the beauty of Lida, the wife of Spartan King Tyndarius, and turned into a swan and its wild combination. The swan's snow-white sex, soft long neck, soft feathers, and full sensual body can also be regarded as the ultimate combination of female sexual characteristics.

Another symbol of the swan is the poetic and aesthetic incarnation of art workers.

As early as before the release of "Transformers", Natalie passed a revised "Black Swan" script to Ryan. The original script was only written by Ryan based on her memory and her own understanding of the film. With his attitude towards literary and artistic movies, it is inevitable that some private goods will be entrained in it.

Relatively speaking, Natalie, who has sufficient support from Ryan and doesn’t need to consider the market too much, can examine this story with a fairer perspective. The heroine Nina is a mentally ill patient, and Natalie herself It is a high-achieving student who graduated from Harvard University in clinical psychology, who must have his own understanding of this aspect.

When the two were talking on the phone, Natalie once told him that she had returned to Harvard with this script, consulted her mentor about the psychological problems, and then made some changes.

The black swan that has changed the most is the black swan. After Natalie's changes, the black swan is not a complete symbol of evil. It represents sex, struggle, not cowardice, and not concealing, and not suppressing all desires.


Scarlett walked behind the camera, "Should I still take the shot for you next?"

"You can?" Ryan took care of his gray shirt to look more like an art director.

"Don't underestimate people, Ryan?" Scarlett said dissatisfied. "I have been studying with Nat for a long time. It's no problem to be a director's assistant."

"Well, you two."

After walking around in this temporarily arranged office, Natalie confirmed that there was no problem and walked back. "Scarlett, pay attention to the angle of the camera. Ryan, prepare for the next scene."

After speaking, she clapped everyone in the room, "Everyone cheer up and get ready to start shooting!"

I previewed my position with Ryan, and walked to the door of the office directly opposite the camera. Natalie looked at him and suddenly asked, "Should I spread my hair better?"

"What?" Ryan raised his head. Natalie's long brown hair was neatly tied behind her head.

"The bun symbolizes abstinence and strict self-discipline." Before Ryan could answer, Natalie opened the bun and scattered her neat long hair. "Nina intends to use the charm of gender that has been neglected for a long time. In the last fight, she actually realized that she was beautiful, but she never showed up and used it."

Spreading his hand to Natalie, Ryan said nothing.


When Ryan and Natalie were ready, Scarlett's crisp voice came from behind the camera. The two immediately entered the state.

"It may not be right now."

The cautious girl followed the art director into the office. Thomas, played by Ryan, nodded gently, "It's okay."

Walking into the office that was actually only separated by props, Ryan threw away the documents he was holding at random. Sitting at the desk, looking at Natalie.

"I just want to tell you." The girl's voice was always suppressed and timid, and her eyes were dodging, "I practiced the black swan clip last night. I'm done."

Ryan just nodded, but said nothing.

Natalie's eyes flashed again, as if she had a little more courage. "I think you should know..."

"Nina, listen." Ryan interrupted her directly, "To be honest, I don't care about your skills..."

"I think you should know..."

"Needless to say." Ryan interrupted the girl again, "We have already chosen someone else."

Ryan walked over, patted Natalie's cheek lightly, and opened the door, "I'm sorry, Nina."

"Okay, thank you." The girl's voice was almost undetectable.

She walked outside the door, and when she was about to exit the door, Ryan suddenly closed the door and stopped her.

"Is that it?" He tilted his head and looked at her, "You won't try to make me change my mind? You must think it is possible, otherwise what are you doing here?"

"I'm coming..." The girl hesitated, and said, "I'll ask you to let me play this role."

"Really?" Ryan turned his head and walked back, pulling a chair and sitting on it. "The truth is, when I see you, I will only see a white swan. You are beautiful, Nina."

Then he changed his voice, "But you are like a white swan, timid and fragile, and the difficulty of the black swan is that both roles must be played well."

"I can play the black swan well." She finally looked here.

"Really? I don't think so." Ryan used the tone of telling the truth. "For these years, every time you dance, I only see you jumping every step cautiously. I have never seen you release your feelings. No!"

"What are these trainings for?" he asked again.

"I just want to pursue perfection." The girl's eyes fell again.

"So..." Ryan shook his head, "Perfection is not only control, it also needs to release emotions."

"You need to break through yourself and surprise the audience."

Ryan walked over as he spoke, regardless of the **** the opposite side whispering, he provoked her chin and kissed the other side's lips heavily.

The next moment, he felt a sharp pain in his lips, and quickly broke free of Natalie, but still controlled himself, "You bit me? I can't believe you bit me!"

"I am sorry."

After another low mosquito hum, Natalie opened the door and turned and fled in a hurry.


The moment Scarlett Johansson called to stop, Ryan immediately wiped his lower lip, and blood was faintly visible.

"Hey, Nat."

Looking at Natalie who walked in, Ryan couldn't help flashing her fingers that were stained with reddish red, "You actually bit me!"

"Sorry, Ryan." Natalie hurried over and looked up, "I was in the play just now, and I just subconsciously took a bite."

"I don't think you would mind, do you?" She was very smart.

"It's ok."

Ryan couldn't say anything. Followed Natalie to the back of the monitor and watched the female director and Scarlett call up the shots they had just taken, watching them very seriously.

"You are all very fast in the movie." Scarlett folded her arms, "I didn't expect this shot to be done once. I think you should work together as the male and female protagonists in a movie."

"Let's stop here today!"

Natalie ignored Scarlett's words, and instead asked the assistant to convey the news of the end of work.

Ryan went directly to the dressing room to remove her makeup and change back to her clothes. After she came out, she waited in the lounge for a while before Natalie and Scarlett walked hand in hand. The three of them got out of the theater and rode towards Manhattan together in the RV.


Looking at the little fat girl sitting opposite. Ryan asked, "I remember "Iron Man 2" is about to start shooting, right?"

"After the Oscars." Scarlett closed the flip phone she was holding. "The filming of "Black Swan" will definitely be completed by then."

"Even if it can't be done." Natalie seemed to be lacking in confidence, "I will finish your part first."

"This is not the Nat I know." Scarlett joked deliberately. "The Nat I know is always full of confidence."

"Nina is the most complicated character I have encountered." Natalie made a gesture that you understand, "Once I am in a bad state, the shooting progress will definitely slow down."

"You are in good condition today." Ryan took her hand and patted it lightly. "It's really like that white swan."

"Yes..." Scarlett nodded in agreement. "In the face of the sexual harassment of your boss, the bite you bitterly is simply wonderful."

Ryan couldn't help glaring at her when she heard the unreliable words.

"Do you understand that. Scarlett?" When Natalie saw Ryan and Scarlett both showing suspicious eyes, she explained briefly, "At the beginning, Nina was like a white swan without resistance. . Light and fragile. Yes, such Nina may be really beautiful."

"She is graceful and graceful, and has her own beauty appeal. But her figure is too thin and hard, her expression cringes and fearful."

Speaking of this, Natalie suddenly looked at Ryan, "From a psychological point of view, no one wants to make love with such a body. No one wants to make love with a stiff, timid, and resistant body. ."

"So what kind of body do we want to have **** with?"

It is naturally Scarlett Johansson who can ask this kind of question, "Nate?"

If more than ten years ago, there were female friends discussing this kind of problem in person, Ryan might be a little unnatural, but over the years, he has long been used to this straight-and-go lifestyle.

Natalie said directly, "Mankind’s cultural and artistic works for thousands of years have provided us with countless fragrant visual answers, symbolizing the Salome described by Moreau who danced in front of King Herod, and the French Rococo painter cloth. The arrogant and lovely little lady in Cher's pen, the grand palace lady exuding milky fragrance under Angel's brush, the sea monster siren who seduces sailors in Waterhouse's paintings..."

"There are also paintings depicting Romans taking a bath and a full carnival Scarlett seems to have been inspired by Natalie's words, "This is simply a classical version of the San Fernando Valley. masterpiece! "

"My dears." Ryan couldn't help coughing. "Remind you, you are off topic."

"So, according to my understanding and settings." Natalie turned the topic back again, "That's not sexual harassment. Thomas is not interested in making love with Nina in the white swan state. He kissed her forcibly. In order to inspire Nina's wildness, let her show the other side of the black swan, the real side!"

"A great dancer can't just let the audience look at you in the audience. You have to make them fall in love with you and want to have **** with you."

Ryan thoughtfully, "So, the line you added for Thomas is based on this consideration?"

"Yes." Natalie nodded seriously. (To be continued...) ()