Chapter 804: Game progress

One week before Thanksgiving, "Weakness" officially landed in North America. Because "Twilight Saga: Twilight" was unexpectedly hot, the extremely cold film market hit by the financial crisis quickly recovered. Producer Kidman Studios and distribution Fang Disney Pictures also held a small premiere for the film.

Among them, with the help of Spielberg, who started to be conservative in his thinking, many conservative academies were invited to the premiere.

Ryan also invited a large number of Hollywood movie stars with academy memberships to the show. Because of the selection rules, they also have a certain say in the selection of the best actor.

In addition, the Taosi couple and Michael Auch are naturally invited, especially the latter, who will be participating in the NFL Draft next year. Even if the film has not yet been released, his reputation has spread throughout North America.

"Making this movie is entirely because I personally like this story very much. Frankly speaking, when I reach this age, I can't always play an unmarried girl. I should play a mother. "Weakness" gave me such a chance."

When I walked into the interview area with Nicole, Ryan took the initiative to step aside, while Nicole talked in front of the TV station and other Disney media, "Hancock is a very easy to get along with, because I don’t have many opportunities to play my mother. , So I always worry that I can’t play this role well. On the set, I always ask him if I’ve played badly, whether I made mistakes or other silly questions. He always says I’m doing a good job, that’s it Acting, and also suggested that I speed up my pace."

"Auch has been an orphan since he was a child and has suffered from the bitterness of the world. Even though he was adopted, he still did not find his goal in life. He tried to run away from home and tried to commit suicide."

When the reporter asked another protagonist of the film, Nicole did not hesitate to compliment, "I think if such a person finds meaning in life, then his motivation is absolutely endless. There are stories about him reaching the peak of his life step by step. Enlightening."

"The thing that touches me the most in the whole story is Auch’s growth experience. It’s hard to imagine that the children who grew up in that situation can maintain an optimistic and upward mentality. It’s also hard to imagine that he was so successful later and became so many people today. Watching sports stars."

Before leaving, Nicole finally said, "I think this story is educational. It can teach each of us not to abandon our ideals and pursuits at any time. Maybe we can reach the other side of our ideals by taking one step further."

Entering the Nokia Theatre, Ryan and Nicole fully entered their respective roles during the period before the start of the film. They are overwhelmed by busy socializing and socializing. Each circle has its own rules. If you want to get more resources and strive for more benefits, such socialized socializing cannot be avoided.

If you want to win prizes, especially if you like Nicole to win the third Oscar performance award, the film and the role are no longer the decisive factor. Off-board work is far more important than the film itself.

Otherwise, Ryan would not spend so much thought.

As for the film itself. In fact, it tells the story of a white couple who adopted a black child, but the black child is a genius of American football.

This is a typical American theme movie. If you only look at the plot of the movie, America is really as beautiful as a paradise on earth. It's a pity that even Ryan and Nicole, who invested in the film, think that the film has a hypocritical side. There may be many such things in the United States, but it is definitely not a common phenomenon.

It's just like the plot of the movie. In most areas, there is a clear boundary between black residential areas and white residential areas. It is too difficult for people of color to cross this boundary. Even the North American media are chanting against racial discrimination every day.

Of course, as a film that reflects family and mainstream values, "Weakness" will naturally not reflect the real social conditions in North America.

Besides, the main content of the film is based on part of Michael Auch's memoirs, and the main perspective is also placed on the Taosi family.

Looking at the film alone, as a warm and inspirational film, "Weakness" can easily touch the softest place in people’s hearts. From the moment Annie Tawsi saw the big man Mike walking forward in the cold wind, It can make people be swelled by a faint warm current. The film uses a very pure way to make this warmth continue to bake the audience, allowing them to feel the kindness of the characters in the film in various ways until they expect it. The ending.

There will certainly be many people questioning the authenticity of the film, but Hollywood's main theme films have always beautified the United States. No matter how rare the beauty of the world is, the United States in the film is always a paradise on earth.

This is understandable, Hollywood has always done this, and the main theme movies of every country are also doing the same.

As a film with a clear purpose, it is natural to highlight the heroine Nicole, and Nicole's performance in it is also excellent.

The Anne Tao Xi she played in the film is like a feminist attitude, but it does not make the film look nondescript, but adds some interest to the film. No matter how resolute and unobstructed the "hot mom" of Anne Tao Xi is, Through her performance, the audience clearly feels that all this is due to love, a love that is more extensive than maternal love, without losing sincerity.

""Weakness" is a very sincere film, it allows people to see the temperature of true feelings."

"A very good performance, I still feel a little bit unfinished."

As soon as the film ended, a large number of guests came to say hello and congratulate.

Although the blond, blue-eyed and glamorous and **** looks are not in line with Oscar's usual aesthetics, the role of Annie Taosi is ingenious, which is very in line with the aesthetic tastes and values ​​of the mainstream American class.

Now that the film is officially released in North America, it means that an Oscar public relations battle has officially kicked off, and a large number of media are fully engaged.

"The Weaknesses" is undoubtedly a successful attempt. Nicole Kidman plays a friendly, kind, and responsible white foster mother this time. The role of mother is a completely page-turning sacrifice for an actress! "

The report of the Los Angeles Times is not an exaggeration. Hollywood has an invisible rule, one of which is that it is difficult for an actress who has played an older mother to play a role in a dream lover.

Of course, in the case of Nicole's gradual transformation into an acting career behind the scenes, she doesn't care about this now, otherwise she would not take this role.

"Nicole Kidman created a great image of a mother. She gave the character a charm and made people feel the greatness of human love."

--"New York Times"

"Miss Kidman has portrayed the image of a gentle, kind-hearted and considerate mother very well, and there are no shortage of moments to play treasures, and a few lines from time to time make people laugh. Maybe this is the pinnacle of her acting career? In short, she treats Annie. The interpretation of the role of Tao Xi is the biggest highlight in the film."

--"Washington post"

"The inspirational label of the movie itself is the first, but Nicole Kidman showed off his excellent acting skills, but also played a little sexy, that does not hold a thin waist, decent clothes, exquisite Immaculate makeup, coupled with a sunny smile that is completely different from the glamour of the past, if—perhaps—probably—possibly, anyone who has watched any film starring Nicole will walk into the cinema , Look at this woman, imagine herself as Michael, and accept her full of love."

-Yahoo Entertainment

The media’s applause is not unexpected, and Nicole’s performance in it deserves such praise, even the Associated Press commented that if Nicole Kidman could not be shortlisted for the Oscar Performance Awards, it would be a big upset for this year’s Oscars!

If the "Twilight Saga: Twilight" that was released two weeks ago was a dark horse, then "Weaknesses" also showed a dark horse.

The film was opened in North America with 3110 theaters, and it received $39.8 million in the first three days. The results are not particularly good, but relative to the subject matter of the film, it is already satisfactory.

And in the second week, "Weakness" showed the dark side of the dark horse, especially the Thanksgiving holiday in the middle. From Monday to Friday alone, it slashed $55.45 million in North America. By the weekend In three days, he took another 40.2 million US dollars. This bucking the trend of rising stance suppressed all the light of other films.

In just ten days, the film took away $135.45 million from North America. This is not the result of a prize-winning film at all, it is a box office that can only be obtained by commercial blockbusters.

The production cost of the film was only 30 million US dollars. Together with the small production "Twilight: Twilight", it won a high box office at a small cost and completely dominated the North American film market in November.

In addition to Nicole’s own appeal, there are reasons why "Weakness" can achieve such box office results. The film based on the theme of American football has been successful for a little and a half. You must know that North America is extremely fanatical about American football. The TV ratings of the league season are extremely high. Once the so-called American football comes out, other sports have to be pushed aside, not to mention the huge influence of the annual Super Bowl.

Then there is a completely different audience between "Weakness" and the popular "Twilight Saga: Twilight" with loli and grandmother The two will not fight each other in the movie market.

In the third weekend, the North American box office of "Weakness" has reached 169.87 million U.S. dollars, and the North American box office trend of this film went straight to 250 million U.S. dollars and even higher.

At the same time, the public relations teams of Disney and Ryan are running around, and Nicole also frequently organizes parties and pull-up sessions to actively win votes for herself.

Relatively speaking, the big sales of the film made Ryan a little worried. God knows whether the more conservative and stubborn judges will treat this film as a complete commercial film because of the high box office numbers.

Those conservative thinking cannot be measured by ordinary people at all.

This is a long game, and it is only in the process of the game, but after Ryan confessed the team's work, he temporarily left, because "Avengers" has entered the final preparation stage and can be officially launched at any time. (To be continued...)

