
"How could I like him!" What Gu Chengcheng had said was true, her expression did not contain even the slightest bit of delicacy or fabrication, her thoughts were real.

In her previous life, she had never liked Nan Chengan as well, but she treated him as a big brother. She respected him, and she was also deeply grateful towards him. However, Nan Chengan did not think that way. From the very beginning, he had tyrannically fallen in love with this girl, locking her up by his side. After getting married, he had become even stricter, not allowing her to talk to any man.

When Xia Yu saw Gu Chengcheng, she actually had a face full of worry, and didn't even have a smile when she saw her age, which was initially like a flower and jade, when she smiled the most brilliantly.

She said she was tired.

However, she also felt guilty and couldn't let Nan Chengan go. She felt that if she forced him to leave, she would be betraying him, and so she endured the pressure.

Xia Yu had thought of definitely persuading Nan Chengan when he had time, and loving someone wasn't to tightly imprison her, but to make her happy. Before she could even finish her words, Gu Chengcheng was already dead. She was five months pregnant when she died. She jumped off the roof of the apartment building with her child.

What kind of mood did she have when she jumped down from the mountain? She must have yearned for freedom. That last feeling of the wind, that feeling of death …

"What kind of expression is that?"

Gu Chengcheng waved her hand in front of Xia Yu's face and asked suspiciously, "Could it be that you suspect something? How could I like Nan Chengan! It's true! " Gu Chengcheng smiled brilliantly. Her thoughts were so pure that anyone with a discerning eye could see through her.

"No …." "No..." Xia Yu shook her head, frowning. In this life, no matter what, she had to stop this matter, she did not want to hear news of Gu Chengcheng's death. The current Gu Chengcheng was still as cheerful as before, and her smile was so brilliant. She did not dare to imagine that the Gu Chengcheng at that time was so dark and hazy, and her eyes were filled with despair. Cheng, you must know that there is more than one way to repay gratitude... "Don't give yourself any pressure."

"What did you say?"

Gu Chengcheng did not understand, but her eyes were clear.

"I'm fine." Xia Yu walked towards the bathroom, "I'll borrow the bathroom to wash myself. Oh right, lend me another set of clothes!"


Xia Yu walked into the bathroom. The spray was turned on and warm water sprayed out, causing people to feel comfortable.

Gu Chengcheng knocked on the door, extended her hand in, placed the clothes on the side, and said: "I will leave the clothes here, you wash slowly!"

After Xia Yu finished washing, she passed on the clothes and walked out.

At this time, Gu Chengcheng was preparing breakfast as she sat at the dining table, reading the news that day. After seeing the news regarding Xia Yu and Lu Zichu, she was completely stunned. You. What are you doing? It's even on the headlines! Are you and Lu Zichu really dating? " Gu Chengcheng opened her eyes wide, filled with shock.

Xia Yu pulled out a chair and sat in front of Gu Chengcheng, her expression calm.

"How could it be true …?" And I've already thought of who did it … " She didn't go and provoke them. They often came and provoked her. Other than Xiao Beier, there was no one else who had done this. Originally, Xia Yu had thought that once this matter was over, she would be able to stop herself.

"Who is it?"

After that, he looked at Xia Yu with an envious gaze as he said: "I really envy you. If I knew you were going to do it, I would've registered as a manager, met a celebrity, and even made headlines … "Sigh, I don't know when I'll have to do financial accounting. Every day, there are endless tables and calculations. It's so boring!" Gu Chengcheng worked in Nan Chengan's company and her salary was not cheap. Furthermore, she had the ability herself, so she was highly valued.

Xia Yu only smiled and lowered her head, she did not say a word. She did not know how long she would work as a manager, but when she was really engaged to Gong Qin, she would resign her job and be a wife in peace.

That's right...

She and Gong Qin …

Xia Yu's face became ugly, could it be that they too would be implicated in this life? As long as she thought of Gong Qin's cold face and moody appearance, she shivered all over. She no longer wanted to get involved with Gong Qin, and if anyone was willing to marry him, she would marry them. She would definitely not agree to it this time.

"Why is your face so ugly? Don't think too much into it, this news will definitely be forgotten by others, you are just Lu Zichu's manager after all, it is normal for you to have contact with him, no? Gu Chengcheng was completely on Xia Yu's side, so his words were a little biased towards her.

Xia Yu nodded her head, after finishing her breakfast, she wanted to go to the company to research on how to resolve this scandal. Just when she was thinking about that, her phone started to buzz.

The caller was Professor Li.

She quickly answered the call. "Hello Professor, is there anything I can help you with?"

"Xia Yu, shouldn't you submit your outline? Or are you not ready to graduate because of your busy career? " It was only then that Xia Yu remembered that she had not handed over her research facilities. She had been busy recently, and had not attended school for five or six years after she was reborn, to the point that she had forgotten that she was a scholar and not a bored wife!

"No, no. Of course I'll hand it in today!" I'm sorry, Professor! "

Xia Yu hung up the call and heaved a sigh of relief.

"What is it? You haven't paid your price? " Gu Chengcheng asked, looking as if she was watching a good show, "I told you, I suggest you graduate before working, you must first experience the feeling of work, now you are done … "You're so busy..." Gu Chengcheng said heartlessly.

Xia Yu just smiled bitterly and shook her head.

"Let me borrow your computer first." She logged on to the mailbox and downloaded and opened the stored settings. Following the memories of her past life, she revised the outline to perfection and then stored it. In her previous life, she had completed her graduation design, so she clearly remembered what it was. If it was modified according to her memory, there wouldn't be any problems.

When she was done, she prepared to drive to school.

Gu Chengcheng also wanted to go out to the company.

"Then... Do you want to go home or do you want to stay with me? " Gu Chengcheng asked before she got on the car.

Xia Yu was a little hesitant, but upon returning home, it was inevitable that it would be noisy. She frowned and said: "I will stay here for the time being."

"Sure! "Then I'll see you tonight!" Gu Chengcheng waved her hand.