
"Impossible …"

Xia Yu suddenly shook her head, she pushed Gu Chengcheng away and curled her body. The cold floor made her even colder. She slowly stepped back and pressed her back against the wall.

Her eyes were wide open, and she was crying. She didn't even realize that she was crying.

"How could A Xian die?"

Such a well-behaved and sensible child had never done anything wrong. He was clearly innocent … How could he die?

"Xia Yu!" Gu Chengcheng was suddenly pushed back just now, and she fell onto the ground. At this moment, she stood up again, and was about to go grab Xia Yu. "Don't be like this..."

Just as Gu Chengcheng's hand was about to come into contact with Xia Yu, she suddenly waved her hand, knocking her hand away and leaving a scratch on her.

"You're all lying to me! A Xian isn't dead yet, but I clearly feel that he's still alive.

"Xia Yu!" "Gu Chengcheng endured the pain and walked over to hug her. Similarly, he was in extreme discomfort. Her heart was heavy and she wanted to cry, but she was simply unable to do so." Xia Yu, don't … We are all in pain, and we are all very sad about Zong Xian, but we can't do anything about it anymore, you have to accept everything, and you have to pull yourself together! "

Xia Yu's body trembled. In Gu Chengcheng's embrace, she had lost a lot of weight.

She lowered her head and clenched her fist, biting down hard on it. Her tears and blood mixed together, making her feel better.

She was in so much pain that she couldn't breathe.

She had said that she would raise this child properly, and she would give him everything.

's appearance was all over the place, and when she sent him off yesterday, he had a cute look on his face.

"I promised A Xian that I would bring him to the park today … There's his favorite ice cream in the park. I usually don't let him eat it, but now I can buy him five balls. The biggest one. I'll even take him to play with little kids and smile at him … "

"I promised A Xian …"

Xia Yu's voice choked up and in the end, she was so hoarse that she couldn't say anything.

She was a liar.

Usually, due to work, he would push these agreements back and forth. But now … Even if she wanted to, she couldn't do it.

"I'm in so much pain … "I'm in so much pain, I can still feel his tiny body, and he's right in front of me, yet you told me he died …"

"Xia Yu..."

"I wish I hadn't sent him home."

"When he returned, we should have stopped him and allowed him to go back directly … I shouldn't have soft-heartedly put him by my side. I thought I could protect him, but it was just an illusion! "I didn't do anything …" Xia Yu closed her eyes. She was already tired.

Seeing her miserable appearance, Gu Chengcheng wanted to advise her.

Xia Yu had to pull herself together as fast as possible, if she continued to torture like this, she would go crazy sooner or later, and her body would not be able to hold on.

"Xia Yu, you still have something you didn't do, you still have to find those people. Although Ming Ruowei is dead, the other people are still alive and well. "You are the only one who has seen them. You have to find them and punish them …"

"If we do this, Zong Xian will also be pleased."

"Capture all those people who harmed Zong Xian."

Gu Chengcheng tried her best to persuade her gently. When she said these words, her voice was also trembling.

Xia Yu was silent, and did not make a sound for a long time. She stared at the floor, the floor was very cold … Gu Chengcheng's voice echoed in her ears, but she could not hear anything.

What was the point of her now?

Even if they found those people, Zong Xian would not be able to come back.

Outside the ward, a few nurses walked in and carried Xia Yu to the sickbed with all their might so that she could lie down. They treated the wound on the back of her hand, then filled a new bottle with blood.

"The patient's body is very weak. This bottle has to be finished, or else she might lose her consciousness."

"I know."

Gu Chengcheng nodded, and accompanied her to the side.

Xia Yu had stopped struggling. Her eyes were empty, as if she had lost all interest, and there was nothing in this world that was worthy of her love. The person she loved the most was no longer there.

Her quiet appearance and pale face made one's heart ache.

"Xia Yu..."

"Gong Qin's condition isn't too good either." "As Gu Chengcheng said this, she looked at Xia Yu's expression. He was severely injured, and it was a cerebral hemorrhage … "

Xia Yu's eyes moved, with some movement, she raised her head and looked at Gu Chengcheng.

"Gong Qin?"

At the time of the explosion, she had clearly felt Gong Qin's body stiffen. Because it was too painful, she couldn't say a single word.

"He's injured... "Yes, he's injured …"

Xia Yu's heart sank, and she no longer had a lifeless look, "I want to see him. Where is he?"

"In the other ward."

Xia Yu insisted on going to see Gong Qin. Gu Chengcheng took out a pair of slippers and placed it on Xia Yu, "Don't go barefoot, you will catch cold."

Gu Chengcheng pushed the rack with the infusion bottles on the side as she walked outside. Xia Yu's footsteps were unstable, she walked very slowly, and after walking a few steps, her entire body was drenched in cold sweat, and even her lips were bloodless.

"Xia Yu..." Gu Chengcheng's eyes were filled with worry, afraid that Xia Yu would faint halfway.

They walked for a long time before they finally reached the ICU. The door was tightly shut, and outside stood bodyguards guarding the ward. Gong Qin could not let anything go wrong, so the Gong Jia used his bodyguards to guard the place 24 hours a day.

Gu Chengcheng walked over first and said something to the bodyguard, but the bodyguard did not make a move.

"Let's go."

Gu Chengcheng walked back and supported Xia Yu as they continued to walk forward. After a while, they stood before the door of the ward.

The moment Xia Yu saw Gong Qin, he was moved.

On the sickbed, Gong Qin's head was wrapped in bandages, his face was also covered with medical tape, he looked to be in a miserable state, his eyes were tightly shut, there were no signs of him waking up. Seeing him like this, Xia Yu's heart ached.

"Gong Qin..." Xia Yu muttered.

She reached out to open the door, but her hand flew into the air, trembling violently.

"Xia Yu... "It's fine." Gu Chengcheng said in a low voice.

Just then, the door of the ward was opened, and Hua Rong walked out. When Hua Rong saw him, she was startled for a moment, and then annoyed: "What are you doing here? Is it not serious enough? "

"Are you not willing to let it go until you kill Qin Er?"

"Auntie …" Gu Chengcheng stood in front of Xia Yu, frowning. At the moment, Xia Yu's emotions were extremely unstable, denouncing her in such a manner would make her feel even worse.

Xia Yu remained silent and secretly lowered her head.

"Go!" Never appear here! " Hua Rong suddenly closed the door, isolating everyone outside.