Chapter 507

Luo Fang over there had already crossed the finish line, and then lay directly on the ground.

Never before, sweat wet her camouflage clothes and her face. The whole person was like soaking in water.

She had never run so hard. Before, she knew that the soldiers under her father would not force her to a dead end, so she didn't try her best to run after her.

The moment she just shouted out was her limit. At that moment, she just wanted to surpass them with her life.

In the more than 200 meters behind, she doesn't know what supported her to run down. Is it faith? Is it persistence? Or the determination to constantly surpass yourself?

Luo Fang looked at the white clouds like cotton wool on the blue sky. Her mood at the moment was like white clouds floating in the sky.

The third one who crossed the finish line was Yan Yan. No one thought that Yan Yan, who had been at the end of the crane, had an amazing explosive power at the last moment.

Xiang Wenxuan lay on the ground and was so tired that he bared his teeth. "Yan Yan, you're not brother enough. You make me lose face in front of girls!"

Yan Yan walked up to him and smiled bitterly, "how much better can I be than you? Haven't I run past them?"

"Yan Yan, what did they grow up on? This strength, which man dares to marry them in the future?"

Yan Yan looked at Su Mian. The girl really surprised him everywhere. Just now he thought she was going to fall. As a result, she came back to the Jedi. I don't know how much energy she contained in her delicate body.

Several recruits walked away with a sad face in front of the captain and Xie Changkun.

"Report, mission failure, let the leader down!"

The captain wanted to teach them a lesson in front of the teacher. Xie Changkun waved his hand and let them return to the team. These students are really not simple. It is not the fault of these recruits, but their opponents are too strong.

Otherwise, if it were an ordinary person, how could Zhao Long recommend him, let alone a female student.

Admit to gambling and admit defeat. Xie Changkun asked someone to take Zhao Long's personal letter.

"I thought this letter would stay with me forever. Unexpectedly, the waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead. Congratulations on completing the field rescue mission." Xie Changkun said, and the captain handed the envelope to Su Mian.

"Thank you, chief!" the four people saluted Xie Changkun.

Therefore, their tenth task is to compete with the four people under Xie Changkun!

Zhao long, this pervert!

"Ahoo, ahoo, ahoo, ahoo!"

Zhao long, who was far away in the command room, suddenly sneezed four times in a row.

Several platoon leaders know that it must be the students who are scolding him. They know how abnormal the final task of each group is!

It is estimated that after the drill, the students came back to see Zhao long and wanted to devour him alive!

A platoon leader gloated, "company commander Zhao, someone missed you, or four!"

"Four is not enough, five hundred!"

"Maybe he's scolding me!" Zhao Long knew that he was the students today, but he just wanted to teach them a lesson and tell them that it's not so easy to be a soldier!

"Company commander Zhao, you still have a little self-knowledge!" a long row of words didn't finish.

Then the only red light on Zhao Long's screen turned into a large cluster of fireworks, covering the whole screen.

A platoon leader stared, "task one, has someone finished it?"