Chapter 1073

"Auntie, don't worry, I'll let Zhao Long get ready. Wrap the clean cloth around your hand, then wipe the mucus in the piglet's mouth, wipe the body, cut off the umbilical cord, don't let it step on it, and finally put it in front of the sow and let it feed."

"Ah, good. Daughter-in-law, I didn't expect you to really understand!" Shan Yufen was as nervous as a primary school student. She began to do it step by step in strict accordance with what Luo Fang said, and finally put the processed piglets next to the sow's stomach.

It's reassuring to see the piglet start feeding.

Luo Fang laughed twice, but there was no succession.

Can she say that when the teacher talked about pregnant women's class and asked everyone to check the information in the library, she inadvertently looked at the nursing of sows and got out of control!

Then the sow gave birth to the second, the third... Finally, a total of 20

"God, there are too many babies. Only 11 babies were born at the top." Shan Yufen was so happy that her eyes climbed up the crow's feet, but she still couldn't believe it. She counted it three times.

"Aunt, this sow does give birth to many. Do you have bean cakes or bean dregs at home? There are many piglets, so you have to supplement the nutrition for the sow." Luo Fang didn't expect that these knowledge could be used one day.

"OK, there are bean cakes at home. I'll soak them now." Shan Yufen said and ran to the house.

The old sow has just been slaughtered and is very weak. It will take a few hours to eat.

Zhao long and Luo Fang stayed all night. Shan Yufen didn't sleep in the house. When she came out, she was afraid that they were cold, and when she came out, she was afraid that they were hungry.

Zhao long and Luo Fang have received regular training, or special forces training. The intensity is much stronger than not sleeping all night.

After breakfast the next day, Zhao long and Luo Fang were ready to see Aunt Shan Yufang before they left. As a result, Shan Yufang's house was still locked.

Although Shan Yufang is mean, she is kind to Zhao long.

Shan Yufang has no son, so it's almost the same to treat Zhao long as his own son. Zhao Long didn't go to his aunt's house to eat and drink when he was a child.

I didn't expect Shan Yufang to be away this time.

"Where can aunt go? I'll find it!"

"Don't look for it. There was no one at home last night. Maybe I went to your cousin's house. It's all right. I'll send her the things and clothes you bought when she comes back. Your aunt loves smelly beauty. When she sees the new clothes you and Luo Fang bought, she must wear them out immediately and show them everywhere!" Shan Yufen knows the sister.

In recent years, her mother-in-law and men have left one after another. Two girls are married. The two sisters are closer. She is afraid of loneliness.

Unlike her, she has been a person since Zhao Long became a soldier. She has been used to it for so many years.

At this time, Uncle Xu saw several people standing here, came over and said a few words to Zhao long and left.

Zhao long remembered what Uncle Xu said when he entered the village yesterday, "by the way, mom, I came back yesterday. The villagers said that we had several soldiers in the morning. Who came?"

"Oh, mom didn't see it either. I asked your aunt to help watch the pig at home. Did she see it?" Shan Yufen said, helping Zhao Long straighten his collar. "Maybe he's gone bad. Who can come to find mom? You've been a soldier in our family for so many years, and there are no military relatives." besides, Shan Yufen doesn't have contact with her mother's family now. She went back once after giving birth to Zhao long, She was beaten out by her father. She hasn't been back to her mother's house since then.

She doesn't blame her parents. It's also that she has disgraced the single family. She doesn't blame others.

After all these years, she came alone. Fortunately, she was taken care of by her eldest sister.

Now that her son has grown up and brought back her daughter-in-law, what else does she want?