Chapter 1320

Several people looked at each other. If someone else said and put forward an opinion and idea in front of them, they had to knock others out with a brick.

They are the most authoritative experts on Chinese viruses and are very famous in the world. In particular, Professor Zhang also won the international medical award.

However, since it was mentioned by Su Mian, although it has no reference value, the miracle doctor always needs to give face. They can listen to it.

Seeing several people agree, Su Mian's tight heart is relieved.

She was so afraid that they thought she knew nothing about the virus and pointed out here.

Then she doesn't even have a chance to hand over the book.

Wen Wen has found virus extraction books, which were published just last year.

Su Mian took out the book. "Sir, I don't know the name of our virus and how to extract it. I asked someone to borrow this book from the Military Medical University. I don't know if it will help you."

Su Mian carefully handed over the book, just as she was really a layman and made a suggestion.

It's a book.

The other two smiled and pretended no more. They have plenty of books, which are the most cutting-edge in China.

What good books can there be in the library of Military Medical University?

Besides, Su Mian picked it. She doesn't understand the virus. What's important?

The two looked at each other and smiled, with no intention of reaching for the book.

Professor Zhang's mind was active. He directly reached for it and asked, "how many pages?"

He knows!!!

Su Mian felt a slight shock in her heart.

Professor Zhang actually knew that she had found the extraction method of this virus vaccine?

Seeing that Su Mian didn't speak, Professor Zhang asked with a smile, "why, time is pressing. Can't you turn over my presbyopia and myopia page by page?"

"112 pages!"

Su Mian has indeed discovered the extraction method of that virus, which is contained in this book.

She wanted to give a hint to several experts. Unexpectedly, Professor Zhang was so complicated.

The other two smiled disapprovingly and then returned to their seats in the laboratory.

They are not interested in playing with a girl. It is important to study the method of virus extraction.

Professor Zhang quickly turned to page 112 and saw the extraction method of ERT virus.

This is a foreign literature. The vaccine of this virus has long been extracted abroad.

"How many days will it take for us to extract?" Su Mian asked. If the time is not enough, we can actually import from abroad. However, in that case, I'm afraid it will be more involved.

Because Su Mian has told Zhao Bo about it, and Zhao Bo has reported it to the state for the first time.

Professor Zhang nodded as he looked, "that's the way, that's the way, five days, five days, I promise I can extract the vaccine!"

"What? Did they hear right? Five days to extract the vaccine?"

"What's in Su Mian's book?"

The two experts who had just returned to their seats came over again and grabbed the book in Professor Zhang's hand.

At first glance, he was shocked.

The book found by Su Mian actually has the extraction method of ERT virus!

"Thank you, Su Mian. You've made a great contribution this time!" Professor Zhang patted Su Mian on the shoulder. He really liked the little girl more and more.

Quiet in aura, stubborn in elegance!

The other two faces are red. "That, Su Mian, I'm sorry, we..."

Su Mian just smiles and goes out of the lab. she sees a lot of people who judge people by their appearance.

After the isolation period, Su Mian returned to the training base.

The atmosphere of the student team is warm and tense, because the internal selection officially kicked off today!