Chapter 1642

Good sister!

Bah, what a good sister!

Although Wu Mengmeng is simple and lovely and doesn't care about anything at ordinary times, she also has a bottom line. She hates being cheated and deceived.

In fact, Bai Dandan didn't do anything big, just casually accused Su Mian and was accused by Luo Fang.

The problem is Bai Dandan's attitude.

If you admit it, it's over. Hide it, falter, step on the horse, and finally become your grievance. You're the victim!

Bai Dandan used to dislike Su Mian, but at that time she spoke in a vague way, and Wu Mengmeng never doubted Bai Dandan.

Now think about it, how ridiculous.

Bai Dandan couldn't see Su Mian's good at all. He splashed dirty water on her from time to time.

Wu Mengmeng doesn't speak. He usually has a pair of cute big eyes. At this time, he narrows slightly, with ridicule and anger.

Bai Dandan panicked and came to hold Wu Mengmeng's arm again. This time, Wu Mengmeng was unprepared and was held by her.

"Mengmeng, what kind of eyes are you looking at me? How can you look at me with such eyes? Come on, you didn't do a technical move just now? I'll teach you!" Bai Dandan said it sincerely, with a pair of hooked eyebrows and smiling eyes, not to mention male soldiers. Wu Mengmeng felt that he couldn't refuse it if he had been in the past.

For the first time, Wu Mengmeng didn't move.

Bai Dandan is really anxious this time. Wu Mengmeng has never just made trouble with her. Even if she is unhappy, she says two good words, and Wu Mengmeng will be lovely again in a moment.

Today, she's a little uncertain.

In fact, she really doesn't want Wu Mengmeng as a shield!

Without Wu Mengmeng, who will connect her with Xu Haowen?

Without Wu Mengmeng, who can help her realize her good ways?

The more Bai Dandan thought about it, the more he felt he couldn't lose Wu Mengmeng, a good friend.

"Mengmeng, we've known each other for so many years. How do I treat you at ordinary times? You still play with me!" Bai Dandan was deliberately angry.

Wu Mengmeng really wants to ha ha. Bai Dandan has a face.

Ignoring her and recognizing her true face is called making small sex?

When was Bai Dandan so good at moral kidnapping?

Several male special forces nearby could not help complaining about Wu Mengmeng.

"Wu Mengmeng, Bai Dandan told you about this. What's your expression?"

"Yes, isn't she a good sister? Then why don't you help Bai Dandan and hold the grievance for Luo Fang!"

"Luo Fang is the sister of battalion commander Luo. Wu Mengmeng can understand this, but I feel bad for Dandan. In the future, such people who turn against the enemy in battle should be less friends!"

"Yes, quickly draw a line with her. Dandan is beautiful and has a good character. I'm afraid I don't have friends?"

Bai Dandan's casual words make Xiaoxing. Now all the boys point the spearhead at Wu Mengmeng.

When everyone accused Wu Mengmeng, Bai Dandan just stood aside and smiled without an explanation.


If there is a pillar next to Wu Mengmeng, she has to kill herself.

Who made her blind and blind, making friends with such a big white lotus for so long.

Wu Mengmeng was about to speak. In the distance, a little soldier ran to the gate of the camp.

"Who's Bai Dandan? There's a man looking for you at the door!" the little soldier said, saluted and turned away.

Bai Dan's heart sank and his face turned white.

Who's looking for her?

She came to the special forces, except for her family, only Ge Yun knew.

Bai Dandan grimaced, asked Luo Cheng for leave, turned around and ran to the gate of the station.

Several male special forces behind them are usually fascinated by Bai Dandan. It will be heard that men are looking for Bai Dandan, and their eyes can't wait to stare out.