Chapter 2826

"What's the problem?" Wei Zhenhui came out after taking a bath, wearing a vest and shorts. He saw Su Mian sitting by the bed and still looking at Huo Zhiwen's case.

Su Mian put the case on the table and was handsome by Wei Zhenhui as soon as she looked up.

It is the end of April. Although the weather in Beijing has warmed up, it is not to wear shorts.

But Wei Zhenhui is a soldier. Coupled with the strong firepower of men, he can't wear other clothes after taking a bath.

The broken hair in front of the man's forehead is still dripping. The military green vest and shorts on him show the amazing power contained in his body.

Su Mian was immediately attracted and forgot to answer Wei Zhenhui's question.

Wei Zhenhui hooked his lips and hugged Su Mian. "Why, your man is so stylish. Do you think you have a good eye?"

These days, Wei Zhenhui is at home and gives full play to the essence of hooligans. When he sees Su Mian, he wants to flirt.

Su Mian leaned directly in his arms. Now she has a big stomach, and she didn't dare to make too much effort. "Yes, my eyes have been very good all my life. It's all your fault. I'm fascinated by beauty!"

Wei Zhenhui chuckled, bowed his head and took a hard breath on her lip flap. Then he asked, "Uncle Huo's eyes are in trouble? Have you been looking for so long?"

Su Mian sat him on the bed and said, "I need corneal transplantation."

It's really troublesome.

Corneal transplantation requires people who die naturally, and the cornea should be removed within 6 to 10 hours.

The most important dead or family members should agree.

In this era, people's concept is not so open-minded, and they pay special attention to the dead.

"Contact the hospital and I'll go to the military headquarters to find a way. The problem is can uncle Huo wait?" although Wei Zhenhui doesn't understand corneal transplantation, he also knows that eyes are very precise and can't be careless.

Su Mian looked at him and worshipped him. The man he chose was powerful. "It's tricky. It's only three days, otherwise my little uncle will be blind!"

Wei Zhenhui was silent for a moment before he said, "it's all right, daughter-in-law. Just do the operation, and I'll contact you for other things." Wei Zhenhui didn't want Su Mian to worry about things other than the operation. She is now five months pregnant. He didn't agree with her to have the operation, but it's the Huo family after all, and Wei Zhenhui can't say anything.

"Huige, you're the best!" Su Mian lay down in his arms and was moved to giggle. It's good to have a man's pet.

"If you're not at home, I have to run these things alone." Su Mian said wrongfully. Now she has to lay a good foundation and let Wei Zhenhui know how important he is. After the child is born, she can stick to Wei Zhenhui with her child.

Wei Zhenhui painfully kissed her on the forehead, "I'll stay at home for some time this time, but there's another task before you give birth, daughter-in-law. After this task, I'll accompany you and your children!"

Su Mian has been running outside in the past few months of pregnancy. The two people get together less and leave more. The time to get along is so short. At the moment, Wei Zhenhui blames himself for seeing his daughter-in-law so hard.

"Brother Hui, I can understand you. I can do it alone. Besides, Grandpa and my parents take good care of me. I've gained more than 20 kilograms! Look, am I particularly ugly now?" Su Mian regretted that she couldn't let Wei Zhenhui have worries at home, so she chattered again.

(at the end of the month, goblins, who still has a monthly ticket in hand? Give me one, OK, kneel down and beg ~)