Chapter 3106

Wei Zhenhui didn't get home until seven o'clock. The whole family was waiting for him.

When Jiang Yi saw him enter the door, he hid aside silently. Instead, Wei Zhenming welcomed him. "Brother, why are you so busy so late and the coyote hasn't been found yet? It's really cunning. You all set a snare, and he can escape!"

Wei Zhenhui nodded without elaborating. Seeing Jiang Yi, he knew he didn't want to participate in this topic.

"OK, stop talking about work. Wash your hands and eat quickly. The children are hungry." Liu Wenqing commanded his aunt to bring the dishes.

The others are baby babies. It's OK. Only Da Ya is really hungry.

Liu Wenqing picked up a plate of pork for her first. It was wrapped with a layer of fried balls. Da Ya ate it.

Wei Zhenming holds Jiang Yi and they sit on both sides of Wei Zhenhui, one left and the other right.

Jiang looked forward at the three brothers and couldn't help booing.

Thanks to the wrong holding of the two children, Wei Zhenhui picked up the two brothers.

"Jiang Yi, don't patronize yourself to eat. Bring food to Zhenming!" the head of Jiang said.

There is a Wei Zhenhui between Jiang Yi and Wei Zhenming. How can you clip him? "Grandpa, you are eccentric. Why don't you let my eldest brother clip him?"

Wei Zhenming hurriedly took some chopsticks and vegetables. "Grandpa, I don't pretend. I'll come by myself. My brother has been following my brother to solve the case recently. He's very tired."

Jiang Yi pursed his mouth and glared at Wei Zhenming fiercely. It's really a pot that doesn't open. His mother has interrupted this just now. What did he propose to do?

Jiang Xiang threw a peanut in his mouth and chewed it crunchy. "Really? Jiang Yi is also busy with the mountain dog case? I didn't listen to you!"

Jiang Yi had to smile, "if Zhenming didn't exaggerate so much, I'll listen and listen in. Grandpa, you don't know that my eldest brother and brother Jingrun are here. Why do you need me to analyze the case? They will command me at that time. I promise to fight wherever they point."

This is the truth of Jiang Yi.

Although the coyote is his friend, he can't tell who he is.

But if he is his target, he will not be soft hearted.

Head Jiang nodded, which was, "but the coyotes are crafty. It's better to solve the case as soon as possible. If you have a cable, tell them as soon as possible!"

Jiang Yi: "

Deserve a run!

Wei Zhenhui glanced at Jiang Yi. If the boy had said earlier, would they need to work so hard?

Jiang Yi quickly put down his chopsticks, picked up his wine glass and touched him, "brother, I'll go with you! Welcome my aunt and cousin to our house!"

Guo Xia blushed and couldn't lift her head long ago.

The great devil is so handsome!

Seeing Jiang Yi has shocked him. Looking at the great demon king, it's like God's coming.

How can there be such a good-looking man in the world? His face is almost flawless. How do you look.

She only glanced at Wei Zhenhui and was so frightened that she didn't dare to look at him again.

No wonder this man is called the demon king?

What's the look in your eyes? How scary?

But this man is so handsome!

It's worth being scared to death by him.

I really envy Su Mian. Why did she marry such an excellent man?

Liu Wenqing said, "Zhenhui doesn't know your aunt and your cousin yet. I know him this time."

"Guo Xia, your cousin Wei Zhenhui."

"Brother Zhenhui!"

Brother Zhenhui!

Snow White spits out her tongue directly and learns it again. "I really want to straighten her tongue. Can you speak well!"

Su Mian chuckled, "I'm an actor. I've learned so much!"

"Su Mian, you are bad at learning!"

"I'm telling the truth. Don't ask Hailian again."

"I won't ask. You two have a nest of snakes and mice."