Chapter 3670

He won't believe it unless he makes it clear.

Although he didn't understand anything, he didn't fool anyone if he wanted to!

"I just took her pulse and found that YAN Dan's body structure is really different from others. Her ability to control the inflow of breath is equivalent to pressing a valve at the entrance of Dantian, just like the heart. How much you can output depends on your heart function.

This effectively protected YAN Dan.

No matter how fast and fast the breath the mouse gives her, she only absorbs so much. What's more, the valve will disappear with the improvement of YAN Dan's skill, that is, in the end, she will be as powerful as the mouse! "

As powerful?

That is the great God who can fly to the upper world in the future!

God, I'm dying!

One day I met two great gods. My brain was a little incompetent.

The old poison was thinking, do you want to kneel down and knock a few heads first, and ask two people to help him when he dies, and let him repair the ghost too!

Who doesn't want to live forever and live as long as the sky? Go to the world of immortals.

Of course, the old poison had a little face. He didn't say these words.

get down to business.

He has never seen YAN Dan's constitution, nor has he seen it in ancient books, but this explanation is indeed possible.

"That means he can't marry someone else. He has to be YAN Dan."

"It can be said that YAN Dan's physique is what I repair... When I rest, I read the ancient Taoist books. It is recorded that her physique is one in a million. Therefore, the mouse and YAN Dan are born together. They tolerate, complement and supply each other."

Wen Wen such an explanation, everyone has to believe it.

YAN Dan stood in front of them, just one night, and the whole person's appearance was improved.

In addition, there is indeed a breath in her body. Although it is not much, it is long.

These are the best evidence, no one can doubt.

Wen Wen continued.

"One more thing, since YAN Dan has received a gift from a mouse, they have reached a double repair. In the future, they must double repair with a mouse twice a month, otherwise their bodies will be eaten back and become worse than they are now."

YAN Dan:

What the hell is this.

She didn't want to sleep with a mouse. Last night was just an emergency.

Who wants to sleep for him twice a month!

The mouse held YAN Dan's little hand tightly, and his tone was excited. "Daughter-in-law, why don't we strike while the iron is hot and continue to review tonight!"
