Chapter 482

For a moment, Xin Yan was in a myriad of moods.

She once thought that when Zhang Yi left the customs, she would have something to say to Zhang Yi.

However, she waited for ten years. Ten years later, she saw Zhang Yi again, but she still couldn't say a word with Zhang Yi.

This makes Xin Yan's heart full of bitterness.

She then said solemnly to the boys and girls:

"You remember! He is your master. He gave you everything! It is also because of him that you can live safely until now, have no worries about food and clothing, and even learn a lot from the two elders! So you must remember his kindness all your life. Even if you die for him, you can't hesitate for a moment! "

A group of boys and girls immediately replied in a straight face:

"Teacher, we remember!"

Although young boys and girls have just grown up, they are also educated by Xin Yan and know who they should be loyal to and work for.


At the core of the sect, in a secret room with dense arrays, a huge transmission array platform built by divine stones stands here.

The transmission array is so big that it is even as high as five or six floors!

When Zhang Yi and the mechanical emperor came here, Zuo Zhihua was leading several young men and girls to build a Dharma array to transmit the array.

Seeing Zhang Yi coming, Zuo Zhihua couldn't help getting excited. He quickly drank back the boys and girls, and then came to Zhang Yi and knelt down solemnly:

"See you, master! Congratulations to the sect leader! "

Zhang Yi helped Zuo Zhihua up and said with a smile:

"I haven't seen you for ten years. Is elder Zuo still well?"

Zuo Zhihua smiled:

"I feel older. I don't feel as old as Tiangong elder."

Tiangong elder, the mechanical emperor, has replaced all organs except the brain with machines. Naturally, he will not age.

Zhang Yi heard the speech and laughed with the mechanical emperor.

Finally, Zhang Yi asked Zuo Zhihua:

"Elder Zuo, how is the space-time channel constructed?"

Zuo Zhihua replied positively:

"I have fulfilled my mission. With the efforts of Tiangong elders and the help of those children, I finally built the transmission array! We have debugged countless times. We can confirm that the transmission array on the side of Fuyao planet is completely stable! Next, just get ready on the earth and we can start trying the first transmission! "

After listening, Zhang Yi came to the transmission array and felt it for a while.

As Zuo Zhihua said, everything here is ready.

In ten years, Zuo Zhihua and the mechanical emperor even exceeded Zhang Yi's expectations and successfully completed the tasks assigned by Zhang Yi.

"Good! OK! Good! "

This made Zhang Yi cry three times.

The mechanical emperor and Zuo Zhihua looked at this huge transmission array, which was also the result of their hard work, and sighed:

"It's really an honor for us to participate in such a project once in our life!"

Zhang Yi touched the transmission array with his hand and felt more and more urgent to go home.

Zuo Zhihua couldn't help asking:

"Master, do you need to try the first transmission, send it back to earth and go home!"

Zuo Zhihua also misses his hometown. His wife and son are still on earth and haven't seen each other for ten years. When he came to Fuyao planet with Zhang Yi to work, his son was still studying. Now he can't help but want to know whether his son has been married.

The mechanical emperor is alone. He has no home for a long time. Instead, it has become his home. In the past ten years, he has been close to those children and almost regarded them as family members.

Zhang Yi repressed the urgent feeling of returning home and said calmly:

"Don't worry. Now we have the conditions and don't need to directly forcibly transmit the earth. That's too risky. We go back to earth first, and then start transmission after the earth is ready for the receiving point. "

Because it is too far away from the earth, if the space-time channel is directly extended to the earth without a receiving point, it is easy to lead to too many variables.

The slightest change could lead to the destruction of this ten-year project.

It is precisely because the transmission is so difficult that it was so difficult when Longmen and Shifang palace came to the earth.

Therefore, Zhang Yi plans to go from the rocking star to the Xuan star first, and then use the space-time channel of the Xuan star to return to the earth. After the receiving point is set on the earth, he will return here for the first transmission.

The mechanical emperor said at this time:

"Congratulations, sect leader and elder Zuo are coming home soon! But before that, my subordinates have a bold request and ask the door Lord to agree. "

Zhang Yi said:

"Tiangong elder, but it doesn't hurt to say!"

The mechanical emperor said:

"Those children haven't been home for ten years. Can they be allowed to go home once?"

The children mentioned by the mechanical emperor are the boys and girls brought here by Zhang Yi ten years ago.

Zhang Yi did not expect that these boys and girls had not returned home for ten years.

However, Zhang Yi thought carefully that this was also the reason why Zuo Zhihua and the mechanical emperor did not dare to make a proposal to let them go home.

Zuo Zhihua also said:

"These children study hard and work hard. This time, the construction of space-time channel is also thanks to their efforts!"

Zhang Yi smiled:

"It's a small matter, and I'm not unkind. I asked Xin Yan... No, I took these children home myself! In the future, they can take two days off every month so that they can reunite with their families. "

Zuo Zhihua and the machinery emperor immediately said:

"We thank the sect leader for those children!"

Zhang Yi then said:

"Mr. Zuo, get ready. After I take those children home, you will go back to earth with me! Elder Tiangong, I'll leave the business here to you. "

The two elders nodded and agreed immediately.

Then Zhang Yi went to the mining site of Shenshi vein to check.

Hongxiang has been directing demons to mine veins here. The sacred stones accumulated in the warehouse are like hills.

Hong Xiang introduced to Zhang Yi:

"Master, half of the discovered veins have been mined, and the remaining half is enough for us to continue mining for ten years!"

Zhang Yi was slightly shocked.

He only knew that this divine stone vein was very rich, but he didn't expect that it was so rich that it was enough for these demons to mine for 20 years.

There are a large number of demons, and they work very hard. In this way, they will be mined for 20 years, which shows that the number of these veins is extremely rich.

With so many sacred stones here, he Chou Fuxingmen and Zhang Jia can't develop, and he Chou Zhang Yi can't reach the realm of his previous life as soon as possible, or even go one step further.

Then Zhang Yi returned to the sect and quickly summoned the boys and girls he had brought out of the village, but now they have grown into boys and girls.

When the boys and girls heard that they were going to be able to go home, they couldn't help feeling complicated.

After all, they should go home and see their parents and relatives.

But they were still young when they left home. Now their impression of home and relatives has been very vague. Many people have taken this place as their home.

However, the complexity is complex. They are still very happy to hear that they can go home.

Then Zhang Yi took them to fly in the direction of the original village.

After a while, they finally came to the top of the original village.

By this time, however, the village had completely changed.

The whole valley is dotted with buildings, and many houses have been built into tile houses instead of thatched houses.

Even the village gate at the entrance of the mountain valley has changed from the original wooden village gate and city wall to today's metal gate and brick wall. Both the strength and height have been improved by a level compared with the original. Even the guards patrolling on the city wall have armor.

At the beginning, the small village with only 1000 people in the valley has developed into a small city with almost 10000 people.

A group of boys and girls looked at the small city from high altitude and couldn't help talking about it one after another:

"Is this our home?"

"I remember! In that valley, I often climbed vines with my little friends! "

"I also remember the stronghold gate. When the demons besieged me, I saw the demons jump on top!"

"I completely recall that my family is under the cliff... But now there are many families there!"


In the voices of many boys and girls, Zhang Yi took them down to the valley.

As Zhang Yi and others landed, the alarm bell suddenly sounded in the whole valley.

Countless soldiers surrounded the crowd with weapons. They didn't know what the people who fell from the sky meant for fear that Zhang Yi and others were the enemies to attack.

Zhang Yi looked at these soldiers with a group of young men and girls. These young men and girls practiced the skills handed down by Zhang Yi in the past ten years and received the careful guidance of Zuo Zhihua and the mechanical emperor. It can be said that they are not afraid of these soldiers at all.

Just when the soldiers were facing the enemy, a veteran came on horseback.

The old general pointed his whip at the crowd and asked:

"Who are you? Why did you break into our territory? "

Facing the questioning of the veteran, Zhang Yi came out from among the boys and girls and said:

"We're looking for the village head."

After seeing Zhang Yi, the veteran seemed to recall something. Then he hurried down from his horse, trotted all the way to Zhang Yi and knelt down:

"My Lord! I didn't expect you to come back ten years later! "

Zhang Yi looked at the veteran and asked:

"Do you know me?"

The veteran said excitedly:

"When adults came down from the sky, I was lucky to see adults in the crowd! Thanks to the cultivation of the skills passed down by adults over the years, I can become a general step by step! "

The soldiers around looked at the veteran and were stunned.

The old general is always arrogant and doesn't look at anyone. These soldiers had never seen the general kneel to anyone, even the city master.

Today, the general knelt down at a young boy?

What the hell is going on? Is the sun coming out in the west?