Chapter 575

This article "looking for Jinshan in the interstellar age of the dark forest!" As soon as my post was published, it completely overturned the final winner of the war between the Earth Alliance and the mysterious star alliance And my view on the world pattern after the war The conclusion of these two posts.

It is also such a bold and sharp point of view, which makes the whole network hot.

Netizens were shocked to find that if the content of this post is true, many questions can be explained.

Why did Fuxingmen and Zhangjia elite disappear from the earth?

Why did Zhang Jia and Fuxingmen give up Xuanxing's interests?

Why did Zhang Yi disappear for so long?

Why did wuwujie choose to negotiate with Zhang Jia?

Why did Zhang Yi behave so "arrogant"?


Too many questions seem to have answers at this moment.

This makes many netizens feel unparalleled shock for a time.

It was Zhang Yi who opened up the space-time channel and led the earth into the interstellar era.

While everyone on earth is still fighting for the resources on the mysterious star, Zhang Yi is likely to have entered a new world.

What kind of person is Zhang Yi? Why can he see so far and learn so much?

Everything seems to be a strong mystery.

This post has been hotly discussed on the Internet for too long, but from beginning to end, no one has ever responded to the content of this post, whether it is Zhang Jia, Fuxingmen or Zhang Yi himself.

There is still no sign of Zhangjia and Fuxing gate on Xuanyu star.

On the earth, Zhangjia and Fuxingmen still keep their own one-third of an acre, with no intention of expansion at all.

This makes people speculate that Zhangjia and Fuxingmen may have really focused on exploring outer planets.

However, no one can know the specific authenticity.

Zhangjiakou and Fuxingmen have been away for a long time, and people can't find out the real situation from them.

However, there are also objections.

A new post soon appeared on the Internet, which was used to refute.

The act of ease and pleasure is regarded as a mysterious plan? Funny

The author of this post believes that the silence of Zhangjia and Fuxingmen is only because their leader Zhang Yi is not enterprising and content with the status quo, so there will be that kind of silence.

However, this silence was mistaken by netizens as the development of Zhangjia and Fuxingmen on other planets. This misunderstanding is too ridiculous.

The author of the post cited many arguments to prove that it is impossible for the earth to go to a new alien planet.

First of all, scientific and technological civilization can not realize interstellar navigation. Human beings in scientific and technological civilization have only landed on the moon, let alone other planets.

Secondly, the space-time channel is too difficult. The only space-time channel on earth was reconstructed by seizing the space-time channel of the ten square palace of the alien sect. The earth simply does not have the ability to open up new space-time channels.

Thirdly, it is difficult to realize interstellar navigation. Even the strong people who can adapt to the outer space environment are difficult to travel far in the vast universe, and it is even more difficult to find a new civilization.

Based on these arguments, the author of this post believes that the shock of netizens is a misunderstanding.

The author believes that although Zhang Yi is still young, he belongs to the older generation after all, and his ambition has long disappeared.

So all his shocking actions are just his decadent performance.

The reason why people misunderstand him is that the older generation has lived in all kinds of shocking news about Zhang Yi since childhood, and their expectations for Zhang Yi are too high.

After this led to Zhang Yi's lack of ambition and complacency with the status quo, there were many guesses about him, thinking that he was planning something mysterious.

The spearhead of this post is very obvious, so while being approved by many netizens on the Internet, it has also been refuted by many netizens.

Subsequently, various hot posts on the network emerge one after another to analyze various situations.

In general, all analyses are carried out around the interstellar colonization of the earth.

After all, the Earth Alliance's victory over the Xuanxing alliance made the Xuanxing alliance completely become an earth colony and opened the era of earth interstellar colonization.

A new era is coming, and people are not ready for it.

So for all people on earth, their hearts are full of excitement, but also inevitably full of confusion.

Since the recovery of the earth's aura, the world has changed so fast that people's thoughts can't keep up with the changes of the times.

Many people have felt that their ideas are outdated and are gradually abandoned by the times.

While the Internet is hotly debated, earth shaking changes are taking place in the real world.

A year passed in a hurry.

In this year, the integration of the earth and the mysterious star, there was friction and conflict expected by netizens.

Some earth sects forcibly implemented republicanism within their respective spheres of influence, suffered fierce resistance from the royalists within their spheres of influence, and killed and injured many people for a while.

Some Xuanxing local sects couldn't stand the exploitation of the earth sects and began to resist the earth sects, which led to the continuous outbreak of anti colonial struggle.

At the same time, the differences in customs and cultures between the two planets have also led to an increasingly fierce confrontation between the people of both sides.

There have even been a number of attacks on earth tourists on Xuanyu star, which has added a shadow to this integration.

Some earth sects take gentle measures to appease, while some earth sects take tough measures to suppress, and some earth sects do not only focus on the exploitation of resources.

This practice of acting in their own way without unified leadership makes the whole Xuan star in a mess.

This kind of unrest became more and more intense, resulting in many deaths and injuries in a short time.

In this case, there are differences within the Earth Alliance because of the competition for the distribution of Xuanxing interests, so that the major sects within the Earth Alliance even have internal strife, resulting in the collapse of the Earth Alliance.

In this situation, people began to expect a unified leadership.

However, Ling Tianyi in the Wuwei world has been healing in isolation, and Zhang Yi has disappeared, which is difficult to find. Dongfang Yichen is not qualified enough, and the demon king is the demon family, which can't convince the public, which also leads to the deterioration of the situation on Xuanyu star.

Under this deteriorating situation, the joint committee composed of witchcraft and poison cult, Emei sect and the eastern alliance finally decided to start a large-scale campaign.

However, at the beginning of the activity, the joint committee suffered resistance from Wanyao cave.

After all, now Wanyao cave has taken in Jinyang hall, and Jinyang hall has strong strength. In addition, as the leader of Xuanxing, the sect occupies a great voice on Xuanxing, so Wanyao cave has to consider the opinions of Jinyang hall.

This also makes the joint committee have to relax the quota to attract Wanyao Grottoes to join.

After the ten thousand demon Grottoes joined, the joint committee was finally able to carry out the suppression of the Xuanxing alliance, and finally stabilized the situation.

However, Wanyao Grottoes joined the joint committee in order to seek greater interests, which makes the competition between Wanyao grottoes and other members of the Joint Committee more and more intense.

This chaotic situation is bound to continue for a long time until the strong come forward to solve it.

So many people can't help but expect Zhang Yi to reappear and solve the dilemma.

However, no one knows that in this chaotic year, Zhang Yi is doing something else.


Rocking star, base.

On the square of Tiangong department, ten brand-new qibrachial flying cars have been parked at this time.

These qibrachial flying cars are all imitations made by the natural engineering department in this year by imitating the qibrachial flying car seized by Zhang Yi.

Although they are imitations, the performance of these new qibrachial flying cars is no less than that of the original starpirates. They even add many new design ideas and many scientific and technological products, so that these new qibrachial flying cars can play a greater role.

Today, after the report of the mechanical emperor, Zhang Yi went to the scene to review these strange brachial flying cars, and also put forward suggestions and opinions on the future work of the natural engineering department.

Tiangong elder machinery emperor excitedly reported to Zhang Yi:

"Sect leader, these ten qibrachial flying cars newly built by our Tiangong department not only have stronger firepower, more advanced navigation system, more flexible, stronger and larger capacity, but also have divine stone as power, which makes its endurance super strong! With these strange flying vehicles, we can guard the safety of the outer space orbit of the rocking star and resist the enemy's attack on the rocking star! At the same time, we can also conduct some short-distance interstellar navigation and exploration to test the performance of these strange brachial flying vehicles! In the future, we can also sail long distances! "

At the time of reporting, Tiangong elder machinery emperor's eyes lit up.

These strange flying cars are the crystallization of him and the natural engineering department over the past year, and the fruits of their wisdom and labor.

After listening, Zhang Yi said with a smile:

"When you are ready, drive these strange brachial flying cars into outer space for testing."

Even in his previous life, Zhang Yi had never heard of anyone who was extravagant enough to use the precious and extraordinary divine stone as the energy power of qibrachial flying car.

Only the Fuxing gate can be so extravagant and use the divine stone.

With Shenshi as the energy power, the performance of qibrachial flying car can be improved to a new level, which will not be beyond Zhang Yi's expectation.

During this year, Fuxingmen and Zhangjia led by Zhang Yi have achieved great success in other aspects in addition to manufacturing these qibrachial flying cars.

The scale of the sect has been further expanded, new disciples have grown, and the excavation of resources has been further improved.

The forces of the base on the whole light shaking star are showing a thriving situation.

The future of Fuxingmen will be destined to be brilliant!

"By the way, I don't know how the elder holding the sword is."

Zhang Yi suddenly thought of Mu yinting. At the beginning, he said to give mu yinting a year.

Now a year has passed, and I don't know how he is.