Chapter 577

After noticing mu yinting's state, Zhang Yi finally knew it.

He understood why mu yinting lost his memory and why he violated the door rules.

Looking for breakthrough opportunities through selflessness is risky, and it will often be completely abandoned if it is not successful.

Although the risk is high, the return is also high.

After finding opportunities and making breakthroughs in an ordinary way, they often continue to rise from the bottom of a new realm.

After this selfless way finds opportunities and breaks through, it can start directly from the middle of a new realm.

In other words, if Mu yinting finds his breakthrough opportunity in this selfless way, and then closes the door and makes a successful breakthrough, he can directly enter the middle level of the fit environment without practicing step by step from the bottom level of the fit environment.

After learning about Mu yinting, Zhang Yi plans to help him find a breakthrough opportunity.

He had heard of this selfless way of looking for opportunities in his previous life. The best way to succeed is to make this person see through the world.

Selflessness itself is to forget the previous self and start a new life.

Many people who can't find opportunities will sink into a new life until they turn into a pile of loess.

If you want to save this person from his new life and let him find a breakthrough opportunity, you can let him see through his life.

For a moment, Zhang Yi had his own idea.

And mu yinting still asked:

"This guest, please tell me what kind of person I used to be? What was my name? Where do you live? Do you have any relatives? "

Mu yinting asked anxiously.

The wife beside him was unhappy. Her wife was afraid that he would leave her after recalling the past.

In fact, his wife did not understand that mu yinting was not difficult to see from both his appearance and temperament that he must have been extraordinary in the past.

The woman herself is not outstanding, very ordinary. She is very lucky to be able to combine with mu yinting, but if Mu yinting once finds his memory, maybe he will not see his current wife.

It is also true that the woman herself rejects mu yinting from the bottom of her heart to look for memory, so she hopes to spend her life with him.

But as a wife, women can't stop mu yinting from looking for memory. She knows that it's mu yinting's own power. She loves mu yinting, so she doesn't want to see mu yinting suffer from amnesia.

This puts women in a dilemma and is very uncomfortable.

Zhang Yi is a man of two generations. He has seen too many people and things. Naturally, he can see women's thoughts.

Immediately, Zhang Yi smiled and said:

"Your name used to be mu yinting. You are from bald mountain near Heiya city. But you're alone and carefree. Now that you have married and had children here, it can be regarded as a complete success. Why stick to the past? You might as well spend your life here. "

When mu yinting heard Zhang Yi's words, he couldn't help muttering:

"My name is mu yinting... Bald mountain people near Heiya city... Nothing to worry about... Thank you! Do you know more about me? "

However, no matter how mu yinting asked, Zhang Yi was unwilling to answer.

Zhang Yi casually made an excuse, saying that he was not familiar with mu yinting, so he only knew so much.

Mu yinting was slightly disappointed and thanked Zhang Yi.

His wife was relieved when she heard that the former mu yinting was alone and unmarried.

In the following days, Zhang Yi did not leave the village, but lived in the village.

Everyone was curious about Zhang Yi. Zhang Yi had nothing to do all day. He went door to door in the village and saw every villager with his own eyes.

Then Zhang Yi walked around the village again. No one knew what Zhang Yi was doing.

Zhang Yi turned for twenty days.

In these twenty days, he visited every inch of the village and learned about the information and character of every villager living here.

Twenty days later, when the villagers had begun to be impatient with Zhang Yi, Zhang Yi finally left.

Mu yinting personally sent Zhang Yi down the mountain to leave.

After Zhang Yi left, the peace in the mountain village was restored.

But only mu yinting can't be peaceful.

Since he learned his name and place of origin, he couldn't help wanting to know more.

With this idea, he couldn't restrain his curiosity about the past. He just wanted to go to the bald mountain near Heiya city to look for himself.

But it was hard for him to make this decision when he thought of his wife and son.

After nightfall.

Mu yinting stood alone outside the door, unwilling to go back to the house, staring into the distance.

After a while, the door opened and the woman came out:

"Daniel, why don't you go back to bed?"

"Don't call me a Niu!"

Mu yinting said somewhat irritably:

"A Niu is the name you gave me. My real name is mu yinting!"

The woman looked at her husband with some surprise:

"What's the matter? Is it because of what the stranger said to you? "

Mu yinting was silent.

His wife saw through his mind. He didn't know how to answer.

The wife was silent for a while and said:

"Son, tell me the truth... Do you really want to leave here and go to the bald mountain in Heiya city? I inquired from the caravan. Heiya city is far away from here, at least thousands of kilometers. It is full of all kinds of demons on the way, which is very dangerous! "

Mu yinting remained silent and said nothing.

The wife couldn't help saying:

"Can't we just live like this? Don't go, will you? "

Mu yinting closed his eyes and shook his head.

He couldn't stop his curiosity about the past. He wanted to know everything about his past anyway.

His wife could only keep silent with him.

After a while, the wife suddenly said:

"It's decided! I'll take my son with you! Let's go and find everything about you! "

Mu yinting finally opened his eyes and looked at his wife in surprise.

His wife looked at him gently with a smile on her face.

Mu yinting shook his head:

"My son is still so young. How can I take him on a long journey? What if he has an accident on the road?"

The wife added:

"Then I'll give my son to my parents and I'll go with you!"

Mu yinting shook his head again:

"How can you leave your mother before your son is weaned?"

The wife looked down at the speech, as if full of tangles.

After a long time, she continued to speak:

"Then my son and I will wait for you at home... But you have to promise! You must come back after you leave! Never go back! "

What worries his wife most is that mu yinting will not come back after he has left.

No matter what danger he encounters on the road, he can't come back, or he doesn't want to come back, these are what his wife is afraid of.

Mu yinting sighed, then stretched out his hand to hold his wife's hands:

"Son of a bitch, I promise, I will come back!"

His wife can understand mu yinting, which makes mu yinting very moved.

His wife wept at the corners of her eyes and hugged mu yinting gently.

The two snuggled up to each other under the moon.

The whole small mountain village was very quiet at night. Only a few barks and baby cries were heard occasionally.

However, at this time, the change suddenly appeared.

All the dogs in the whole village barked wildly, as if something terrible was approaching.

Then, suddenly, the villagers guarding the stronghold gate suddenly shouted:

"Demon... Demon! It's the devil! Many demons! Everybody... Ah!!! "

At the end, the villagers on sentry duty screamed, and the voice stopped suddenly.

Mu yinting looked at the gate of the stockade in horror.

I saw countless shadows turning down on the wall. These shadows were ferocious and tall, and their scarlet eyes were like a large dense firefly.

Demon invasion!

And the devil of the brigade!

This village will be destroyed tonight!

Soon, the whole village was disturbed.

In panic, people got up from their beds and looked for weapons around them to resist demons.

However, countless demons have climbed in from outside the stockade. These demons easily break open the doors of the houses in the village, rush into the houses and bite everyone to death and eat them.

For a moment, the whole village roared, screamed, screamed, lamented and cried... Countless voices were intertwined and killed by demons all the time.

The ferocious figure of the demon shuttles through the village, hunting and killing every living person.

Bloody, corpses, massacres, this peaceful mountain village has become a human purgatory at this moment.

Seeing this, mu yinting hurried to get his machete and bow and arrow, and shouted at his wife:

"Son of a bitch! Get your son out! The village is coming to an end. I'll protect you and rush out! "

The wife hurried her son out of the room.

Holding a machete, mu yinting hurried to the back door of the village with his wife and children.

The village also has a back door through which you can escape into the mountains.

As for the others, he has completely ignored them.

He only knows that his strength is greater than ordinary people, but even so, he can't save others in the face of countless demons tonight.

Even whether he can protect his wife and children is unknown.

However, when mu yinting came to the back door with his wife and children, he found that countless demons had burst in here.

"It's over..." Mu yinting looked desperate for a moment.

Even the only way out has been blocked by demons. This time, their family really has no hope of escaping into heaven.

At this time, several demons had fixed their scarlet eyes on the three members of their family and rushed frantically towards the mu yinting family.

"Hold on, son! Hide behind me! "

Mu yinting shouted hurriedly.

The wife heard the speech and hurriedly hugged her son and shrank behind mu yinting.

Mu yinting took down the bow and arrow, pulled the bow and stringed it, and immediately shot at the demons who were coming.

The arrows roared out like meteors.

A demon was hit by an arrow and fell to the ground.

Mu yinting opened his bow again and killed seven or eight demons in a row.

However, after all, he was only shooting arrows alone, and the demons around him had approached him at this time.

Mu yinting roared wildly, threw away the bow and arrow, held the machete tightly, and began a close battle with the demon who rushed in front of him.

A demon pounced fiercely, but mu yinting cut it to death.

The other demons rushed from all directions. Mu yinting roared and danced with his machete to kill one end of the demons.