Chapter 658

The voice of the strong in Xuanyin Zhai kept coming from the bottom of the abyss.

It seems that the people of Xuanyin Zhai have landed at the bottom of the abyss first.

Zhang Yi heard them say they were going to take the treasure, but he didn't know whether the treasure in their mouth was a star soul.

If it wasn't Xingpu, Zhang Yi wouldn't want to conflict with them.

However, if the purpose of Xuanyin Zhai's trip is also star soul, it depends on who has strong ability and who can rely on superb skills to obtain star soul.

At this time, the people who only listened to Xuanyin Zhai continued:

"Look! There's a crack in the ground! Let's hurry over and continue to go underground. "

"I hope the monster is really dead, so we won't have any trouble."

"However, it doesn't matter that the monster doesn't die. We have the Lord of Zhai. We don't fear the monster at all by virtue of the cultivation of the Lord of Zhai!"

"I don't know if the information of the ancestor of the Mei family is right. The ancestor of the Mei family is a soft bone. After being beaten by our master, he knelt down and begged for mercy like an old dog. He told all the secrets of the Mei family in order to live."

"The ancestor of the Mei family is ridiculous. He thought that if he told the secret of the Mei family, our vegetarian Lord would let him go. However, our vegetarian Lord has made up his mind to destroy the plum family. Those secrets are of no value to him. The only valuable thing is the treasure in the withered vine abyss. "

"Stop talking! Follow me to get treasure underground! "

"Yes! Fast Lord! "

The voices of Xuanyin Zhai people had stopped here, and their breath obviously went to a certain place.

Obviously, the people of xuanyinzhai have begun to enter the underground crack in their mouth.

Zhang Yi continued to decline with Yaxin.

Fortunately, the descent process was very smooth. They were not attacked or ambushed, and were able to land smoothly at the bottom of the abyss.

There is a big river at the bottom of the abyss.

Zhang Yi searched around and soon found the underground crack mentioned by the people in Xuanyin Zhai.

It was at the root of the cliff on the Bank of the river, where there was a dark crack like a terrible mouth.

Zhang Yi took Yaxin into the crack and found that the terrain inside the crack was all the way down.

The depth of this abyss has exceeded 10000 meters, and now it has to go down after entering this underground crack. Is it really necessary to lead to the center of the earth?

Zhang Yi was puzzled, but he could only go on with it.

This time, however, the two walked not far underground and saw a large piece of ghost fire floating in this vast and empty space.

These countless ghost fires are green, which looks very scary.

When Zhang Yi approached, he found that the reason why so many ghost fires were generated was that the ground was covered with a large layer of dead bones.

Some of these bones are old, and some don't seem to be long.

Among them, there are people, livestock and animals. They pile up layer by layer, which makes people unable to count how many there are.

Yaxin explained to Zhang Yi:

"This should be the first nest of the monster we found when the Mei family cleaned up the monster in the abyss for the first time. It is said that monsters were the people and animals who lived here to prey on the abyss, which led to the silence of countless corpses here. After the first suppression of the Mei family, the monster has abandoned the nest and moved deeper underground. "

When Zhang Yi heard this, he couldn't help being slightly surprised.

After he came to the bottom of the Kuteng abyss, he found that it was appalled to have a depth of tens of thousands of meters. Under such a depth, the monster could also prey on people and animals outside the abyss, which showed that the monster's perception and attack distance were very long.

Only in this way can the monster who never leaves the abyss of the earth do all this.

The strength of this monster can't be underestimated.

Immediately, Zhang Yi's vigilance increased and continued to walk underground with Yaxin.

As they walked deeper and deeper, the temperature around them became higher and higher.

At the back, it makes the surroundings like a steamer.

Such a high temperature, if ordinary people come down, they must have died long ago.

But Zhang Yi and Yaxin are both practitioners. Obviously, they will not die because of such high temperature.

In particular, Zhang Yi's body can adapt to the environment in outer space. At this time, it's nothing to say about this high-temperature environment.

Yaxin was much more unbearable. Her whole body was covered with a layer of sweat again, which soaked her clothes, so that these silk clothes were only pasted on her skin, perfectly outlining her seduction curve.

Yaxin's figure is excellent. It's not too much to describe it as a devil's figure. In particular, she exudes the charm of a mature woman, which is like a fatal temptation.

Yaxin herself also knows her charm. Although she has given birth to a daughter, it does not affect her strong attraction to the opposite sex.

Even many men in the Mei family are full of compliments and flatteries to Yaxin. They all hope to get this beautiful widowed woman.

In order to get this top-notch beauty, many men in the Mei family have fought hard. Even the ancestors of the Mei family looked at Yaxin with greed from time to time.

To this end, the Mei family also specially formulated new rules, stipulating that Yaxin can only move within the limited area, and it is strictly prohibited to go beyond the area, so as not to lure young men of the Mei family.

This is a prison.

However, as a widowed woman without a husband, Yaxin doesn't have much say in Mei's family, so she can only bear it silently.

She has always been confident in her own charm.

However, to Yaxin's surprise, Zhang Yi didn't seem to find her charm.

Zhang Yimu doesn't squint. He doesn't bother to look at her at all.

Even the occasional eye contact is just like looking at a dead object coldly.

Zhang Yi's performance made Yaxin doubt her charm for the first time.

Among all the men Yaxin has met, she has never seen that man can be as calm as Zhang Yi when facing her.

Or this is no longer described by calmness, but has reached the level of indifference.

This indifference makes Yaxin have no doubt that the man will be willing to kill her.

As long as Yaxin deceived Zhang Yi in the agreed things, Yaxin knew that Zhang Yi would not hesitate to kill her at all.



Zhang Yi is always full of this feeling for Yaxin.

This makes Yaxin's plump body tremble when facing Zhang Yi.

Zhang Yi has no time to pay attention to Yaxin's views on her.

His eyes patrolled the darkness, and his divine consciousness spread in all directions.

Although it was too dark to see his fingers, nothing around could escape Zhang Yi's perception.

He followed the xuanyinzhai Gang accurately and went in the direction they went.

At this time, a fluorescent mark suddenly appeared on a stalactite in front.

Yaxin pointed to the sign and said:

"This is the mark of my Mei family. It was left by the Mei family when they came to the ground to eliminate monsters for the second time. The appearance of this sign means that the front will enter the underground cave, and the geographical environment inside will be very complex, just like a maze. Only by following this sign will you not get lost. "

Zhang Yi asked:

"What is the end of the mark?"

Yaxin replied:

"At the end of the mark is the final nest of the monster. It is said that there is a world full of magma, and the monster lives in magma. "

Zhang Yi was slightly puzzled when he heard the speech.

Monster living in magma?

"Is it the spirit of fire?" Zhang Yi quickly gave birth to such doubts.

The so-called spirit is the life body that can be formed by some special energy.

Just as fire can form fire spirit, wind can form wind spirit, and some auras can also form spirit.

Even some powerful magic tools can produce spirits.

Qiqing, which Zhang Yi once saw in the secret land of outer space, is the guardian spirit of an array.

If it is the spirit of fire, then the high temperature and flame are a warm home for them, and the hot magma is a swimming pool for them.

Magma, a place full of fire spiritual power, is most suitable for fire elves to live and practice.

Thinking of this, Zhang Yi couldn't help asking Yaxin:

"Did you say that the monster looked like a vine?"

Yaxin nodded:

"The children of the Mei family who once participated in the suppression said orally or recorded that the monster looked like a vine, so it was called kutengyuan."

When Zhang Yi heard this, he couldn't help but be full of doubts.

Fire elves don't look like vines.

The vine is undoubtedly a kind of plant monster, but what kind of plant monster lives in magma? This makes Zhang Yi unable to find the corresponding monster species for a time.

After suppressing his doubts, Zhang Yi continued to follow the road marked by the Mei family.

Sure enough, he soon entered a large cave.

The underground caves here are intricate, with many turnouts and bends.

Some caves rotate into hundreds of degrees, just like a spiral, while some caves even have vertical descent and vertical rise. Some caves are spacious, while others are narrow and lengthy.

Fortunately, there are signs left by the Mei family along the way. Zhang Yi won't get lost if he walks along with the signs.

Zhang Yi can be sure that in such a complex cave, the people in xuanyinzhai in front also walk according to the marks of the Mei family.

And they won't change these marks. First, they don't know that someone is following behind them. Second, they also need to rely on these marks to return.

Yaxin said at this time:

"According to the records of the Mei family, the children of the Mei family paid the price of countless deaths to find out these paths during the second campaign. And in the records of that year, the children of the Mei family had been attacked by the monster in these caves. Countless vines of monsters suddenly stretched out from the depths of the cave, like Python dragons, sweeping and strangling the children of the Mei family or dragging them into the depths of the cave. The people of the Mei family once speculated that these caves were opened by the vines of the monster when they were moving underground. "

Zhang Yi smelled the speech and observed the surrounding cave walls.

Sure enough, although the cave walls are old, we can still see that most of them are not formed naturally, but have some artificial traces.

However, Zhang Yi and Yaxin did not suffer any attack along the way, nor did they hear any fighting from the people in xuanyinzhai in front.

Can it be said that the monster has really died?