Chapter 698

The mechanical emperor then continued to tell Zhang Yi:

"When the ten thousand demon cave offered to exchange the prince for the White Moon Princess as a hostage at the Fuxing gate, but the prince stayed at the Fuxing gate and welcomed the White Moon Princess back to the ten thousand demon cave. I had a disagreement with elder Miao FA. Elder Miao FA thought it was cost-effective and would enable Fuxingmen to completely control the heirs of Wanyao grottoes, so as to maintain greater influence on Wanyao grottoes. The ten thousand demon cave will send the heir to our Fuxing gate, so it won't be easy for them to want the heir back. "

Everyone in the conference room nodded when they heard this.

Many people think that Zuo Zhihua, the elder of the magic method, has a very reasonable idea. If they were themselves, they would choose the same way.

The mechanical emperor went on to say:

"But I think there must be something behind it. Otherwise, the ten thousand demon cave would not be so happy and would be willing to send the prince as a hostage. And their behavior happened after we refused their request to welcome the White Moon Princess home last time. So I conclude that their goal is not to improve the relationship with Fuxingmen. Their real goal is the White Moon Princess! To this end, I specifically found Princess Bai Yue and told her about it, hoping to see her reaction. Sure enough, Princess Bai Yue immediately knelt down and begged me. She told me to leave her in the Fuxing gate anyway. She absolutely didn't want to go back to the Wanyao cave. However, no matter what I ask, the White Moon Princess is unwilling to tell the truth. But I finally found some flaws in her. "

At this point, the mechanical emperor began to shine two lights in his eyes.

These lights form a three-dimensional holographic projection and appear on the conference table.

Just listen to the mechanical emperor say:

"In order to understand the truth hidden by the White Moon Princess, I ordered people to start collecting all her data for analysis. At the same time, an invisible camera developed by me that can avoid divine sensing to a certain extent was installed in every corner of her room to monitor the every move of the White Moon Princess. Finally, I found some signs when the White Moon Princess was the weakest in her deep sleep. "

The three-dimensional holographic projection was the boudoir of the White Moon Princess.

In the picture, the White Moon Princess is sleeping in bed.

After seeing this scene, many people couldn't help coughing awkwardly.

Secretly installing cameras in girls' rooms to spy on others' everything is really impossible for most people present.

Only the mechanical emperor, who is more and more cold and ruthless, can do such things and introduce them to everyone without changing his face.

At this time, some changes suddenly appeared in the picture.

The White Moon Princess on the bed began to talk in her sleep:

"No... I don't want to go back... I don't want to die... I don't want to be killed by my father..."

Although it was just a short dream, the people still heard the panic, helplessness and tension of Princess Bai Yue.

Immediately someone asked:

"Could it be that Princess Bai Yue pretended to tell us?"

The mechanical emperor looked again, and the three-dimensional holographic projection became a large piece of data again.

Pointing to these data, the mechanical emperor said to the people:

"I also had such doubts, but after I analyzed all the data recorded by the White Moon Princess at that time, including breathing, heartbeat, body temperature, expression, limb changes and so on, I can determine that the White Moon Princess was really talking in her sleep, because the data is the most real and will not lie."

Immediately someone asked:

"So what does Princess Bai Yue mean by these words?"

The mechanical emperor continued:

"What it represents is that the Wanyao cave has undergone drastic changes. The demon king wants to save the prince's life by sacrificing the White Moon Princess. What happened after that and my guess have been. In the next ten years, Wanyao cave has been sending envoys to welcome the White Moon Princess back. The conditions are getting richer and richer. Even for this reason, it almost clashed with our Fuxingmen. But after discussing with elder Zuo, I decided not to agree anyway. Ten years later, the ten thousand demon cave finally gave up and did not send any more envoys. Subsequently, our intelligence personnel soon found the news that the prince of Wanyao cave died of illness and the demon king began to shut down. Therefore, we infer that the demon king had no choice but to sacrifice the prince after he couldn't get the White Moon Princess. And this sacrifice may have something to do with the seclusion of the demon king. "

Many people couldn't help taking a breath when they heard this.

As a father, the demon king can even sacrifice the lives of his son and daughter. How can we do this with great courage and determination. The demon king is so cruel to his children, then he will treat others even more.

Such a demon king is definitely a terrible opponent!

When Zhang Yi heard this, he asked:

"What about the White Moon Princess? How did she react to the death of her own brother? "

Mechanical answer:

"Tell the sect leader that Princess Bai Yue cried to death when she heard the news of her brother Wang's death. But it was strange that she didn't ask to go back and pay tribute, and she didn't even ask to send someone to go instead of herself. And after that, she was always in a bad state, became silent and depressed day by day. "

Zhang Yi nodded slightly.

If he had a chance, he would like to see the White Moon Princess.

If Princess Bai Yue is willing to be honest with Zhang Yi, Zhang Yi doesn't mind listening to what she says.

If Princess Bai Yue continues to hide, it will be difficult for her to tell Zhang Yi what she thinks after missing this opportunity.

The mechanical emperor continued at this time:

"The demon king left the pass ten years ago. It is said that he may have broken through the border. But after the demon king left the customs, he didn't make any big moves, and even never appeared in front of the world. We are also continuing to investigate the information about the demon king and the ten thousand demon cave. "

When Zhang Yi heard this, he couldn't help wondering.

The demon king even sacrificed his son. Is it to keep a low profile?

This doesn't make sense at all. Zhang Yi just thinks that the demon king may still be brewing some other major events.

It's not our race. After all, the ten thousand demon Grottoes represented by the demon king are demon forces. They and human forces are destined to have a lot of friction and conflict. Such things can't be avoided at all.

Therefore, for the demon king, Zhang Yi thinks it is necessary to be vigilant.

At this time, mu yinting stood up and continued:

"That's what happened in the ten thousand demon cave. Let me talk about other major events. Specifically, it is the change of the general trend of the world. Let's start with the earth. Because the earth has been peaceful for too long in recent decades, the world forces have gradually developed from one super power to multi polarization. From the status of super sects in those years, Wuwei world gradually began to be low-key and conservative, while some new sects gradually became stronger and stronger, and some old forces began to decline. One of the most sensational was the dissolution of the awakening guild. Since people gradually discovered that the so-called awakening power is just a congenital magic power in the cultivation terminology, people have become more and more aware that the so-called awakening finally has to go on the path of cultivation, so more and more awakened people have joined the cultivation sects in order to make their path wider and longer in the future. Under such circumstances, at first only some small awakening organizations were dissolved one after another. In the end, even the holy land of the awakened people in the world, the awakened people's guild, was officially dissolved 11 years ago. Since then, the powerful forces in the world have suddenly lost one. "

Zhang Yi sighed slightly when he heard this.

After he discovered the truth of the so-called awakening, he already saw that the awakened one would sooner or later go on the path of practice.

I just didn't expect that this day came so fast.

This is the scene that Zhang Yi can't help remembering when he met with the strong men of the awakening guild.

Mu yinting continued:

"These years, in addition to the dissolution of the awakening guild, the eastern alliance has begun to face crisis. Now, due to internal differences, the Eastern League has had two internal battles, and after the internal battles, many sects began to withdraw from the Eastern League. In this way, the eastern alliance has been reduced from a first-class force in those days to a second-class force today. "

Zhang Yi was not surprised to hear this.

At the beginning, the three major alliances in the world, the eastern alliance, the Western alliance and the Southern Alliance, were all born to fight against Longmen.

After Longmen was exterminated, the Western alliance and the Southern Alliance had long been dissolved, and only the eastern alliance remained.

For this sect alliance, once the external pressure disappears, the internal will soon fall into internal strife and differences, and finally collapse.

The reason why the eastern alliance can exist for such a long time, in addition to the leadership of the alliance leader Dongfang Yichen, the most important thing is that the earth opened up a battlefield on the Xuanxing star, which made the sects of the eastern alliance unite in everything driven by the common Xuanxing interests.

With the stability of Xuanxing, the disintegration of the eastern alliance is inevitable.

Mu yinting continued:

"Although some forces have perished or even declined, some new forces have sprung up. It is needless to say that after the demon king of Wanyao Grottoes broke through the integration environment, Wanyao Grottoes continued to maintain the status of first-class forces. In addition, there is Huashan sect. Huashan sect was only the end of the first-class forces in those days. However, Huashan sect is developing very rapidly now, and there is a faint trend to catch up with Wuwu world and become a super power. In addition, a rookie sect has emerged, which has ranked among the first-class forces in only 20 years. This sect is called the Seven Star Club. The Seven Star Club was originally just a small sect, but after participating in the development of the lock star network array and renting the qibrachial flying car of Fuxingmen, they vigorously began to explore the space resources in the solar system. It is said that they have found some special resources on Mars, so they rely on these resources to grow rapidly and become a first-class force. "

Zhang Yi was slightly puzzled when he heard this:

"Resources on Mars?"

The outer sky is full of various resources, which Zhang Yi knows.

However, Zhang Yi really doesn't know about the resources on Mars.

After all, Zhang Yi had already gone to the Xiuzhen world in his previous life. He knew nothing about what happened to the earth.

Mu yinting explained:

"It is said that it is a kind of resource that can improve cultivation, but we haven't found out what it is. This resource is listed as top secret by the Seven Star Club. No one knows except the top level of the Seven Star Club."

After hearing this, Zhang Yi only thought that maybe he underestimated not only the earth, but also the whole solar system.