Chapter 700

All the way down, Zhang Yi's speed is not fast. He also wants to see the changes on the earth in recent years.

However, he soon found that the earth had changed too much in nearly 30 years.

First of all, there are more and more practitioners flying in the sky. During Zhang Yi's flight alone, he has seen no less than five people flying from his distance.

This has shown that the cultivation level on the earth is constantly improving, and more and more practitioners have even been able to enter the level of golden elixir that can fly in the sky.

Then Zhang Yi was still in the cities along the way and saw that many cities seemed to set off a retro trend.

More and more people's clothes, manners and conversation, including more and more new buildings, are full of retro style.

There are too many people wearing ancient clothes. If it weren't for the strong commercial style of these ancient clothes, Zhang Yi thought he was on a planet in the real world.

In addition, there is a trend of national practice that has also blown all over the cities.

Zhang Yi has also heard that since some enlightened sects opened some secrets to the public, ordinary people can also get access to the knowledge of practice.

In many cities that Zhang Yi passed by, this trend is really obvious.

Under the influence of Zhang Yi decades ago, it should have been occupied by a group of aunt and uncle dancing square dance in the park and square.

However, nowadays, in these squares and parks, there are groups of practitioners.

Some people specially give public lectures to publicize and teach practice to the public. Even some big sects, in order to expand their influence, began to send disciples as lecturers to impart the knowledge of practice to the public.

In Zhang Yi's memory, many fitness centers, yoga centers and so on have now become practice centers.

This makes many ordinary people have access to the knowledge of truth cultivation.

Even if many people don't join the sect, they can get the true knowledge through the media, the Internet and lecturers in life.

For this reason, Zhang Yi also landed in a city, slowly shopping in the streets and observing everything around him.

To his surprise, in the past 30 years since he closed the door, the development of scientific and technological civilization on the earth seems to have fallen into a very slow situation. On the contrary, the development of Xiuzhen civilization has become extremely rapid.

On the street, Zhang Yi has seen a lot of practice tools used for commercial purposes to replace some scientific and technological products.

He even saw many advertisements on big screens. Large companies are working together with large sects to apply Dharma tools, which are exclusive to practitioners, to all places of people's lives and promote them to thousands of households.

Zhang Yi couldn't help thinking of such a scene. Mu yinting, who left the customs in advance, once put forward a point of view to Zhang Yi after noticing such drastic changes in the world.

This view is that the earth is ushering in a new era - the great era of national cultivation!

This new era is full of various characteristics.

This foundation is that Xiuzhen will really approach thousands of families, and more and more people begin to participate in Xiuzhen.

This will lead to too many changes.

First of all, driven by the interests, more and more sects will begin to open the cultivation secrets to the people, and the secrets will only be more and more advanced, so as to meet the people's growing demand for cultivation.

This will lead to a change that will affect the superstructure of the world.

That is, it will lead young people to cultivate themselves even without joining the cultivation sect.

In this way, it will undoubtedly seriously weaken the influence of Xiuzhen sect and lead to fewer and fewer disciples of Xiuzhen sect. The overall strength of Xiuzhen sect is declining, while the overall strength of folk will rise.

In the end, Xiuzhen sect can only become an organization that has the highest level of Xiuzhen knowledge and secrets like private universities or some technology companies, and will gradually lose its control over the people.

Some new folk institutions will emerge, and even with the continuous narrowing of the power gap between folk forces and Xiuzhen sect, Xiuzhen sect is likely to lose their rule in the future.

Therefore, mu yinting believes that in the future, the world situation in which major sectors are the ruling institutions in the world will change, and the already extinct state structure will and may return.

However, the state structure at that time will be different from the previous state structure, and will become a new state structure after the integration of the state and religion.

The major sectors will become the major factions and take power through election.

In addition, this kind of national cultivation will bring more changes to the social structure.

That is, the aging of the population is seriously aggravated.

The popularization of Xiuzhen will lead to the longer and longer life expectancy of ordinary people, so that the proportion of the elderly population in the population will increase.

But the problem caused by the aging population in the Xiuzhen society will be a new problem.

The longer the cultivation time, the earlier the cultivation, the stronger the strength will be.

In this way, it is easy to cause that the overall strength of the elderly group will exceed the young people, and the social power will be occupied by the elderly group, and it will be difficult for the young people to fight for power with these elderly people, so they can't get promotion space.

Class solidification will appear in a new form.

In addition, with the rapid development of Xiuzhen civilization, the aging of people's body and appearance will be more and more slow. There will be no big gap between the body and appearance of young and middle-aged people and even the elderly, which will lead to some new social ethics and moral problems.

In addition, the development of Xiuzhen civilization will also lead to greater demand for other resources based on Lingshi, resulting in the evolution of economic and military problems.

Now some paper money is trying to link with Lingshi, and Lingshi has gradually become the same hard currency as gold and silver.

With the demand for Lingshi and other various cultivation resources, more and more wars will break out for resources, especially the earth's foreign war.

With the wide use of space-time channels and interstellar navigation tools, the fact that Xuanxing has become a colony of the earth is a good example in the process of the interstellar age.

In the future, the pace of plundering the earth's external resources will not stop, and more planets will become the targets of plundering the earth's resources.

In addition to these, with the arrival of the great era of national cultivation, more changes will continue to occur, and many changes are unpredictable for people now.

"But fortunately, this era has just begun."

Although mu yinting made a lot of predictions for the future, and Zhang Yi agreed, after all, it all happened in the future, and now things have not developed to that step.

The inertia of society still makes the life on the earth brewing new life, but on the surface, it is still the same as before, and the difference is not so huge.

"However, I have to make new plans and thoughts for the development of Fuxingmen in the future."

Zhang Yi has to face problems in the future.

After all, the development of this general trend can not be stopped by one or two sects.

In Zhang Yi's previous life, he did not encounter such a problem.

Most of the planets in the Xiuzhen world are quite different from the earth.

The Xiuzhen world has a tradition of the development of Xiuzhen civilization since ancient times, so the scientific and technological civilization in the Xiuzhen world is seriously backward, because they don't need too much science and technology.

However, the earth does not know what caused the interruption of Xiuzhen civilization.

Before the era of Reiki recovery, the earth has been in a state of Reiki depletion. This situation has seriously hindered the development of Xiuzhen civilization, which has led to the rapid development of Earth Science and technology civilization.

However, with the advent of the Reiki recovery era, two carriages of truth cultivation and science and technology appeared on the earth, and developed a civilized state that Zhang Yi had never seen in his previous life.

It is this state of civilization that can lead to the arrival of the great era of national cultivation.

This great era of national cultivation can not happen on other planets in the cultivation world except the earth.

Because the scientific and technological civilization of other planets is backward, the lives of ordinary people have not changed much for thousands of years. They have no network and various communication foundations, and have not experienced some new superstructure, which leads to the fact that ordinary people can't enjoy national cultivation at all.

At this time, Zhang Yi is facing a new era, so he has to maintain enough foresight and formulate enough detailed plans to maintain the status of Zhangjia and Fuxingmen in this new era.

"Don't consider these first, or deal with the immediate problems first."

Zhang Yi walked along the road in a city. He looked at many new things in the ascendant around him and couldn't help sighing:

"It's a big change to return to the earth after 28 years of isolation. Sometimes, I really feel like I'm not up to the times... "

If you count Zhang Yi's age, he is now in his sixties.

However, his appearance has not changed for decades, and he still looks like he was in his early twenties.

In his previous life, Zhang Yi also saw some old monsters with a long life of hundreds or even thousands of years. Many of them also like their young appearance.

For most people who have reached a certain level of the realm of Tao and mind, they don't like the appearance of their age, but don't pay attention to the appearance and don't bother to change.

Zhang Yi is such a person. Now he can keep his appearance in his twenties or in his sixties, but he is unwilling to change whatever appearance he is.

In Zhang Yi's previous life, he was in his fifties when he reached Yuanying state and could maintain his youth forever.

Therefore, Zhang Yi in his previous life, that is, he has always maintained his appearance in his fifties and is unwilling to change.

In this world, Zhang Yi reached Yuanying state in his twenties, so he has always maintained his appearance in his twenties.

However, at this time, a roadside object suddenly attracted Zhang Yi's attention.