Chapter 739

The giant dragon swam in the water, and Zhang Yi followed him all the way.

Although it is difficult for others to identify the direction in the thick fog, all this is not a thing for the giant dragon.

The giant dragon has lived here for decades. It has long been familiar with every plant here. It can easily judge where it is.

What's more, the giant dragon is a tripod. It can judge its direction and position by observing the topography at the bottom of the lake or the flow of undercurrent.

Led by the giant dragon, Zhang Yi soon came to a calm lake.

The giant dragon disappeared into the lake, but Zhang Yi's divine sense can still sense the giant dragon.

There is thick fog around. This strange fog blocks Zhang Yi's divine consciousness, but there is no such fog in the lake, so Zhang Yi's divine consciousness can easily lock the giant dragon.

Zhang Yi knows that the giant dragon is using its own body to point out the underground cave at the bottom of the lake for Zhang Yi.

Sure enough, in Zhang Yi's divine sense, the giant dragon has reached the very deep bottom of the lake. Then it continues to circle around a certain position, indicating that there is the underground cave at the bottom of the lake.

"There is a mystery under the calm lake..."

At the location of the underground cave at the bottom of the lake, the lake is calm, and there is nothing strange at a glance.

However, who could have thought that in this calm, there was a strange underground cave at the bottom of the lake.

"Just go down and see what's strange about this underground cave."

Immediately, Zhang Yi was ready to dive to the bottom of the water for observation.

Zhang Yi has become a king and can even enter the environment of outer space, so it has long been a piece of cake for him to dive in flesh without any oxygen.

Zhang Yi's current body alone, let alone at the bottom of Dongting Lake, is not difficult to go to the bottom of the deepest Mariana Trench in the world.

When Zhang Yi was about to enter the bottom of the lake, he suddenly stopped:

"Someone is coming."

Now his divine sense is limited by the strange fog and can only cover tens of meters around.

But in the tens of meters, he could still clearly feel that a boat appeared nearby, was coming this way, and there were still living people on board.

Zhang Yi doesn't want to pay attention to these living people. He is ready to go into the water.

However, at this time, a scream came through the fog.

The scream came from the ship. It was very sad and creepy.

This made Zhang Yi frown slightly. Soon he saw that the ship had galloped out of the thick fog and appeared in Zhang Yi's sight.

It can be seen from the appearance of the ship that it is a tourist speedboat.

Those who take the speedboat are all tourists who come here.

However, at this time, I saw a large amount of shocking bright red blood on the speedboat, and some living people were screaming in panic.

In that bloodstain, you can see a man twisting wildly and screaming in pain.

The man wriggling in the blood was in agony, and his seven orifices kept gushing bleeding. Sometimes the whole man curled up on the deck, sometimes his body stretched out violently, and his hands kept scratching on his stomach, opening his own belly, making his intestines flow out.

I don't know what happened to this man, which made him so painful.

The tourists around screamed and kept away from the man.

However, more strange things have just begun!

I saw that the body of the man who kept twisting in the pool of blood began to produce some non-human variations.

His face suddenly emerged with tentacles. These tentacles were pink all over, like the feet of an octopus, with meat membranes and suction cups. The tentacles grew longer and thicker. Even in the end, his whole face could not see any facial features, and all that remained was a large twisted pink tentacle.

Even his body has changed dramatically.

One sarcoma after another emerged from him. These sarcomas were the size of a basketball and looked very strange.

One eye after another appeared in the wrinkled skin folds on these sarcomas.

These strange eyes are scattered on those large sarcoma, like sesame seeds inlaid on the surface of white steamed stuffed bun.

In the end, the "man" with a face full of tentacles and sarcomas stood up from the pool of blood.

He began to approach the living people around him step by step.

Seeing such a terrible change, the tourists around were scared to death.

Many of them screamed in horror and retreated. Some even ran to the side of the ship and were ready to jump out of the ship to escape such a terrible monster.

Zhang Yi could not help but frown at this scene:

"I didn't expect to see the devil of the yellow spring here!"

It is said that in the netherworld, there was a kind of water that was good medicine for the dead and highly toxic to the living, which was called yellow spring water.

Once a living person is contaminated with yellow spring water, he will be killed immediately.

The so-called yellow spring demon man is poisoned by the steam volatilized by the legendary yellow spring water, and finally mutates into a very special half living and half dead monster.

The last time Zhang Yi saw the devil of the yellow spring was in Dongshan University.

Now, on the Dongting Lake, he even met this monster, which made Zhang Yi frown.

"What on earth do you Ming sect evil disciples want to do?"

Immediately, Zhang Yi landed in shape and quickly landed towards the tourist speedboat below.

Before he landed on the deck, a sword light had been drawn out rapidly.

The sword light is as fast as a meteor.


A slight sound sounded, and the monster on the deck who was preparing to harm people had been cut in two by Zhang Yi's sword.

After the monster turned into two sections, it didn't die completely and was still twisting wildly on the ground.

Zhang Yi landed next to the monster and looked at the monster coldly. His fingers raised and filled with Qi. In a twinkling, he drew a fire symbol in the air.

Then Zhang Yi gently patted the Qi spell, and a samadhi fire gushed out of it, burning the twisting monsters on the ground to ashes.

When the tourists around saw here, they gradually recovered.

Immediately, some brave people came forward, saluted Zhang Yi respectfully and said:

"Thank you, fairy! If it weren't for the fairy, I'm afraid we would have been killed by this monster! "

Zhang Yi asked:

"Where did you provoke this monster? Or, what makes your partner so mutated? "

Zhang Yi could see that the yellow spring demon was infected by the steam of yellow spring water not long ago, so it changed. And it seems that the yellow spring demon is still a tourist on the ship.

It seems strange that the only tourists on the whole ship are the yellow spring demon, and the rest are safe and sound.

As Zhang Yi asked questions, only one tourist stood up and said:

"Tell the fairy that we were going to travel to Junshan by boat, but who knows that a terrible fog suddenly appeared on the way. In this heavy fog, all the positioning and navigation systems on our ship failed, which made us trapped in this heavy fog. During this period, we also encountered ghost crying and howling, huge waves and strong winds, huge sounds, rainstorms and so on. These strange things almost made us die in this fog. After such twists and turns, we have completely lost our way in the fog, so that we can't find the right way to leave the fog. We drove the boat on the lake, but in the end we felt like we were circling around in situ... "

Zhang Yi said impatiently:

"Get to the point."

The tourist quickly stopped talking nonsense and began to get to the point:

"Not long ago, when we were sailing, we suddenly saw a strange blood red lake. The lake was very close to our boat at that time. We clearly saw that there seemed to be blood emerging from the bottom of the lake. At that time, the man who became a monster was curious and reached out and touched the blood like lake. At that time, we thought there was nothing wrong, but who could have thought that before a while, he began to bleed in his seven orifices, and then a terrible mutation occurred. "

Hearing this, Zhang Yi asked:

"Where is the blood on the lake?"

The so-called "blood" is most likely yellow spring water.

These yellow spring water surged out, and after the continuous dilution of the lake water, the power became weak. Like the yellow spring water steam, it could not kill people immediately, but would turn people into a half dead and half living monster.

However, the yellow spring actually appeared in Dongting Lake, which worried Zhang Yi very much.

Yellow spring steam or continuously diluted yellow spring water can make or biological variation, and can also become an excellent tonic for fierce ghosts.

Nowadays, in addition to living people, there are a large number of creatures in Dongting Lake. In particular, the strange fog makes Dongting Lake a place where ghosts and evil spirits gather.

If the yellow spring water diffuses in Dongting Lake, it will undoubtedly cause serious consequences.

At that time, countless creatures will mutate and become yellow spring monsters. And those fierce ghosts will get the nourishment of yellow spring water, so their cultivation strength will be greatly increased.

Once this happens, the whole Dongting Lake will become a forbidden area of life.

Therefore, Zhang Yi needs to know the location of the yellow spring water to facilitate emergency treatment.

However, the tourist shook his head and replied:

"It's foggy around here. We don't know how many times we've gone around. We can't tell the southeast from the northwest. The lake looks as like as two peas, and we can't tell it at all.

Zhang Yi was disappointed to hear that he was here. It seems that there is no way to know the location of the yellow spring from these tourists.

However, just at this time, I suddenly heard only one tourist suddenly pointing at a distance and shouting:

"Look! We're back where the lake was bleeding! It turns out that we really circle in situ! It's over... We'll never get out! "

As the tourist shouted, Zhang Yi turned his head and looked.

As expected, a bright red liquid appeared on the lake, just like blood.

It can be seen that this liquid came out of the bottom of the lake.

The tourist who spoke to Zhang Yi immediately shouted:

"Fairy! Here it is! We saw the as like as two peas of blood at the bottom of the lake.

And Zhang Yi saw more clearly. He had seen the location of the bleeding, just at the location of the underground cave at the bottom of the strange lake.

These strange blood came out of the underground cave!

The underground cave at the bottom of the lake is really strange. It can burst out this bright red yellow spring water!

Like blood, the yellow spring water seems to have a slightly lower density than water. It can rise from the bottom of the lake to the surface of the lake, and then slowly spread along the surging lake, gradually dyeing a large area of nearby Lake red.