Chapter 796

In the hall of the demon hunter guild, rows of tall stone pillars stand towering.

These stone pillars need at least six people to hold together, and even reach a height of 15 meters. On the top of each stone pillar, a stone statue of a person is carved.

These statues are different. What's strange is that the clothes carved by the statues seem to exist at all times, at home and abroad, men, women, old and young.

Only those who know the inside story will know that these statues are demon hunters who have made great contributions in the history of the demon hunter guild. Each of the predecessors of these statues is a powerful and respected demon hunter.

However, at the end of this row of stone pillars, there has always been an old man covered with dust sitting on it motionless.

A long sword with the same dust was lying across the old man's knee, equally silent.

The strangest thing is that the old man doesn't look like a stone statue, but more like a real person.

Because few stone statues can be carved so lifelike, but people are always uncertain whether it is a stone statue or not.

"The old man on the pillar is a statue, not a real person?"

A demon hunter who had joined the demon hunter guild for more than ten years couldn't help asking.

Whenever he came to the hall of the demon hunter guild to do business, he couldn't help looking at the old man on the high column. But for more than ten years, the old man has been sitting on it, but he has never moved.

A living person, a normal person, has no reason to sit motionless on a pillar for so long.

His companion shook his head and said:

"It's probably a statue. When my father was engaged in the business of demon hunter, the statue was already on the column. I heard it was also called a sword saint. But the statue is ugly enough! I don't know what people put him on top for? "

"Forget it, forget him. Now Cain, the ancestor of the blood clan, has risen and ordered the blood clan to look everywhere for the book of nod lost in the world in order to revive the demon Lilith. This matter has attracted the attention of our president! Cain's resurrection itself is very serious. If Cain succeeds in resurrecting Lilith, the world doesn't know what disaster will come! "

"Yes! The world is getting more and more restless. I just heard that Zhang Yi, the strongest man in the eastern world, appeared in the West today, and fought with Nicholas, the blood emperor, in the capital of the United Kingdom. Finally, Nicholas, who has the immortal blood devil, was burned alive. This matter has spread all over the west, and our president is still waiting for us to go to the meeting! "

The two demon hunters looked dignified. As they spoke, they walked slowly towards the conference hall.

In the demon hunter hall, the demon hunters left one after another and went to the conference room, which suddenly became quiet and empty.

At this time, the old man sitting high on the column suddenly opened his eyes that had not been opened for decades.

As soon as the old man's eyes opened, they immediately looked like two cold stars shining in the hall where the light was not bright enough. Among them, they were very bright, awe inspiring and fierce!

Breathing also returned to him at this moment. I saw that the dust in his nostrils was immediately blown up by the air flow generated by breathing.

The mouth of his long dusty beard, which had not been opened for decades, slowly wriggled.

"The strongest man in the Oriental world... Zhang Yi... I remember you!"

The old man's blue eyes seemed to fall into some kind of meditation and memory:

"Decades ago... Decades ago? I saw a duel video from the East. It was the duel of the two strongest swordsmen in the eastern world at that time! Zhang Yi, the leader of Tianyong City, fought against Ximen Tianhao! After watching the video, I saw the strongest swordsmanship in the East for the first time, which made me realize in an instant, broke through the bottleneck for many years, and became a swordsman! So far, I am invincible in the western world! "

The old man's breath vibrated when he said this.

His whole body was covered with decades of dust, which was immediately blown away by his strong breath.

The long sword across his knee was suddenly pulled out by him.


With a clear sound, a cold light suddenly diffused from the scabbard like bright moon and autumn water, illuminating the whole time and space.

Holding a long sword, the old man looked at the sword and said:

"For decades, I have long wanted to compete with Zhang Yi, the strongest swordsman in the Oriental world, and compete with the East and the West! Once, I thought I wouldn't have this chance in this life. Now that Zhang Yi has come to the western world, I won't miss this opportunity! "

At this point, the old man fiercely put the long sword into the scabbard.

Then he jumped off the high stone pillar.

However, before he landed, he turned into a sharp sword light and flew out of the hall of the demon hunter guild.

Such a noise naturally alerted many powerful people in the demon hunter guild.

The first person to arrive at the scene was the president of the demon hunter guild. He stared at the empty position at the top of the stone pillar and couldn't help looking excited.

A strong man who arrived later couldn't help asking:

"President! Just now I felt a sharp sword. Who broke into our demon hunter guild? "

The president said excitedly:

"Swordsman! It's the swordsman! For decades, there have been peerless strong men worthy of the sword master's hand in the world, so the sword master just went out! It's the sword saint! "

The strong people around are full of doubts. Obviously, for most young people, they have never heard of the reputation of the sword saint who traversed the western world decades ago.

However, for the president, he doesn't care whether others know the sword saint.

What he cares about is who deserves the sword saint who has been silent for decades to suddenly leave the pass!


United Kingdom.

In the palace.

These days, Zhang Yi has been living here with Monica. He listens to Monica talk about the history and culture of the western world, especially the blood race every day.

After this period of time, Zhang Yi finally had a general understanding of the situation in the western world.

"Originally, the blood clan is divided into secret party, devil party and neutral party, and the blood clan emperor Nicholas I killed is only their nominal leader, but in fact they don't have much real power. It is precisely because of this that Nicholas, the blood emperor, is so eager to expand his territory in the United Kingdom. "

Among the blood clans, the secret party is also called the secret alliance. It is composed of Bruges, gongro, micavi, nofel, torredo, SIMORE and Fanzhuo.

The devil party is also called the devil banquet alliance. It is composed of lesenba and zMi.

The neutral party, also known as the independent clan, is composed of asamai, Xitai, Giovanni and rivno.

The secret party is more gentle to human beings, only regards human beings as food, while the devil party is more cruel to human beings, just like pigs, dogs and slaves.

And the blood clan is not united. The battle between the devil party and the secret party has been going on, and conflicts occur from time to time.

With the advent of the Reiki recovery era, finally under the leadership of the neutral party, the major parties of the blood clan finally calmed down their quarrels with each other and achieved peace for the time being.

Nicholas, the blood emperor, was elected at this time. He was a symbolic leader to achieve peace between blood families.

However, although Nicholas is known as the blood emperor, in fact, he does not have much real power, that is, only the blood of the neutral party supports him, and the power of the secret party and the devil party will not be distributed to him.

The leaders of the devil party and the secret party are strong enough not to lose to the blood emperor Nicholas. Some people even think that the strength of the two party leaders is even better than Nicholas.

Monica continues to explain to Zhang Yi:

"The blood clan has a very long history in the western world. They fight with werewolves and demon hunters all the year round without losing the wind. It can be seen that they have a strong foundation. Now it is said that some small countries in the western world have been completely controlled by the blood clan, and all humans have become poultry and livestock that provide blood for the blood clan. "

After listening, Zhang Yi has a certain understanding of these situations.

Monica couldn't help asking:

"Dear master, do you want to know about the blood clan? Do you have any plans?"

Zhang Yi said coldly:

"I've always been fastidious about weeding out the roots! Now that I have made a complete enmity with the blood clan, they will either surrender or perish. There is no other way to choose! "

Monica couldn't help getting a little excited when she heard Zhang Yi's overbearing words.

Since ancient times, no one has dared to threaten to destroy or surrender the blood clan, and only the man in front of him dared to say this.

But Monica doesn't know why. She faintly feels that the man in front of her may really be able to do it.

After all, he is the strongest man in the eastern world that even the blood emperor Nicholas can easily kill!

Immediately, Monica held her head high and said seriously:

"Dear master! Monica is willing to fight her life to help her master accomplish such a great ambition! "

Blood clan has been seriously harming the world since ancient times.

In the western world, I don't know how many people were brutally killed by the blood clan, and how many people were transformed into low-level vampires by the blood clan. Countless families were torn apart by blood and plunged into eternal grief.

So when she heard that Zhang Yi was going to defeat or destroy the blood clan, Monica was the first to support her.

She is even willing to do everything to help Zhang Yi achieve this goal.

Zhang Yi asked:

"Where are the most blood families in the western world now? We'll go to that place first. "

Although Cain, the ancestor of the blood family, has been resurrected, the world does not know Cain's whereabouts.

Therefore, Zhang Yi has no way to find Cain forever. Only when Cain himself comes out can he see the power of the ancestor of the blood family.

Monica replied:

"The most detailed and accurate person to master the latest information of blood clan trends is the demon hunter. There is a contact point of demon hunter in Lun city. There is a demon hunter stationed in this contact point, and the demon hunter has a little friendship with me. So dear master, please let me ask for accurate information before I tell you. "

Zhang Yi got up and said:

"Let's go together. I also want to see these loyal and brave people guarding mankind in the western world!"