Chapter 826

This group of tenants could not get down to the fifth floor from the stairs, let alone escape from the restaurant, which made them feel desperate.

By now, they will use whatever means they can, even if they use the elevator regardless of danger.

At that time, many residents have pressed the elevator button, and the elevator also shows that they are coming up from the first floor to the seventh floor.

Seeing this scene, Yin Qingping couldn't help saying to Zhang Yi:

"Benefactor, they are already using the elevator. Will they encounter danger?"

Zhang Yi replied:

"It's possible."

Yin Qingping could not help asking:

"Shall we stop them?"

Zhang Yi said faintly:

"At this time, they want to live, and they can't listen to anyone. If you don't believe it, you can try it. "

Of course, Yin Qingping listened to Zhang Yi and didn't ask much.

At this time, there was no need for Yin Qingping to persuade, but someone had already begun to advise.

The person who advised the guests not to use the elevator was a mature and prudent man, and he was also the first person who opposed the use of the elevator.

He thinks that under such strange circumstances, using the elevator will bring some unpredictable dangers. His personal view is that everyone will wait until dawn. After dawn, people outside will find the abnormality of the hotel. At that time, someone will notify the experts of Quancheng sect to deal with it.

But obviously, no one wants to listen to this old man.

Even the two sides thought they had differences of opinion and clashed. Finally, the old and prudent man dared not persuade after he was beaten by people.

Yin Qingping couldn't help but rejoice secretly when he saw this scene. Fortunately, he didn't persuade him, otherwise he would be the one who was beaten now. At the same time, he also marveled at Zhang Yi's accurate grasp of human nature and knew that now those people have begun to go crazy in order to leave the hotel, and they can't listen to anyone.

With no one to stop, the residents have been able to wait for the elevator to the seventh floor.

As for people, they were also attracted by this scene. People just started to stand around the elevator. When the elevator gradually approached the seventh floor, people couldn't help retreating one after another, lest they might see something terrible in the elevator.

Gradually, the elevator was about to rise to the seventh floor, and people couldn't help breathing.


With a clear sound, the elevator has successfully reached the seventh floor.

The people took a step back and stared nervously at the elevator.

Finally, the elevator door opened.

Everyone was stunned.

Confusion and panic appeared in everyone's eyes, because the scene in the elevator made everyone feel incomprehensible.

After the elevator opened, there appeared the inner wall of the elevator.

However, up to now, it is a darkness.

As the elevator door opens, there is darkness behind it. This darkness is pure darkness. You can't see anything even with the light of a flashlight.

People do not know whether it is an illusion, and the darkness seems to have substance, as if it will creep slowly.

Fortunately, this strange darkness has been behind the elevator door and has not spread out to the outside world.

"Where's the elevator?"

Someone asked everyone's doubts:

"What the hell is this?"

It has been shown that the elevator is coming up, but why is it a strange darkness after the elevator door is opened? Has the elevator been covered by this darkness?

Although people have such doubts, at this time, no one dares to reach out and touch the darkness. No one knows what will be inside.

At this moment, none of the tenants who had planned to take the elevator to leave dared to come forward.

In this strange and terrible atmosphere, only fools will venture into this darkness.

At the moment of seeing the darkness, Zhang Yi frowned:

"The familiar breath... Although it has been decades, I will not forget it! It is the breath from Mount Tai! "

When Zhang Yi was invited by Cheng Youshan, Mr. Yu Longlao and Mr. Wei joined hands to investigate Mount Tai.

When Zhang Yi went deep into the fog shrouding Mount Tai, he found that his divine consciousness was hindered, so that his divine consciousness could not spread out. At the same time, a strange smell enveloped around, and that smell is very special, Zhang Yi will never forget.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Yi can feel the same breath here in a hotel in Nanshi.

The nearest airport to Mount Tai is Nanshi International Airport. Now, the strange smell of Mount Tai has been found in Nanshi. Can we say... There has been a problem with the peerless array that seals Mount Tai, resulting in the things in Mount Tai running out?

Zhang Yi frowns. He doesn't know what Ling Tianyi has done hiding in Mount Tai over the years. He doesn't know why Ling Tianyi convened the leaders of the first-class forces of the Dragon kingdom to gather in Mount Tai this time. What's more, he doesn't know whether this strange thing that happened in the hotel tonight has anything to do with the previous two things.

Yin Qingping asked at this time:

"Benefactor, can we get into the elevator now?"

Zhang Yi glanced at him angrily:

"Dare you enter?"

Yin Qingping quickly shook his head.

Let him go in alone. Of course he doesn't dare to go in.

Unless Zhang Yi goes in, he can go in with Zhang Yi.

Zhang Yi continued:

"In fact, the elevator has come up, but it is shrouded in the darkness. That darkness must not be entered by mistake, otherwise no one can say where it will go in the end. "

With Zhang Yi's eyesight and knowledge, we can naturally know that in this distorted circular space-time, the position of the elevator is very special, and it is very possible to escape this strange place through the elevator.

It seems that the elevator is a new door.

However, in fact, the elevator is the biggest dead door.

Because this strange darkness envelops the elevator, anyone who wants to enter the elevator will be swallowed up by that darkness.

Zhang Yi can see that the darkness connects a strange place. Those who enter the darkness will not enter the elevator, but will enter another exotic time and space.

No one knows where the exotic time and space is, whether it is like everything outside the hotel is quiet, or a death place full of crisis.

Therefore, Zhang Yi himself will not step into the darkness. Entering the darkness is full of too much uncertainty and risk. At present, it is not worth taking such a reckless risk.

The other tenants saw this strange scene, and naturally no one dared to step into the darkness and die.


As no one entered the elevator for a long time, the elevator door closed automatically again.

As the elevator door closed, the darkness began to disappear. And the elevator again shows that it is falling towards the first floor.

Until now, people have gradually regained their consciousness.

"Why didn't anyone go in and see what was in the darkness? Who can go in and test it, so as to help everyone find out the situation! "

"Joke! Why don't you go in and help everyone find out, just wait for others to find out, and then you enjoy yourself? "

"I'm a big restaurant owner. Dozens of employees are waiting for me to eat! And I have old people and young people waiting for me to support! So how can I take risks? "

"That's bullshit! Other people's lives can be used to risk? Others have no family, no career? Is your life expensive? "

"All right! Let's stop quarrelling. Instead of quarrelling, we might as well think about what to do now? "

"What else can I do? Of course, continue to press the elevator and wait until the elevator door opens to see what the situation is. Maybe after the elevator comes up later, the inside of the elevator door will be normal! "


People talked a lot and finally pressed the elevator again.

After a while, the elevator came from the first floor to the seventh floor again.


The elevator door has been opened, and people look forward to it, but they see that there is still endless darkness inside.

Seeing the scene in front of us, people couldn't help being stunned again.

The last resident couldn't help throwing a mineral water bottle into the darkness behind the elevator.

But... There was no sound.

"Is it really an elevator in the dark? Can't it be hell? "

Suddenly someone couldn't help asking questions.

If it's really an elevator, after the mineral water bottle is thrown in, you can at least hear the sound of the bottle falling to the ground or hitting the wall.

But now there is no sound, which means that there may not be an elevator at all.

Now, the tenants stared at the darkness in the elevator one by one, but no one dared to go inside.


The elevator door closed again, and then the elevator landed back on the first floor.

Then the unwilling residents continue to press the elevator to make the elevator rise again and open the elevator door.

It's still dark.

The guests kept trying and pressed the elevator again and again.

However, the result of each test is the same.

In the end, people pried the elevator door open even before the elevator came up, but it was still dark in front of people.

It seems that there is an indelible darkness blocking the seventh floor of the elevator, and this darkness seems to lead to another time and space.

So people went to the fifth and sixth floors to check again, but the same result was still the same.

Yin Qingping watched the guests busy for a long time and knew that they had no way to leave.

Immediately Yin Qingping asked Zhang Yi:

"Benefactor, your strength is so strong. Is there any way to destroy this restaurant so that we can escape?"

Zhang Yi looked at the static world outside the window and answered faintly:

"I hate you for saying that this is a circular space-time, and the passage of time outside is different from that inside. All this means that the hotel is particularly fragile. If I destroy it, countless time and space turbulence will inevitably occur here. At that time, I can protect myself by virtue of my strong physical body, and you ordinary people will be torn to pieces in the turbulence of time and space. "

In fact, if Zhang Yi wants to escape the hotel alone, it is not difficult. Directly destroying the hotel is the most direct and simple way.

But it is difficult for him to escape alone, but it is difficult to protect more than 20 lives here.

In such a complex and strange time and space, Zhang Yi can only protect himself and is not sure to protect others.

Therefore, Zhang Yi will not kill these people unless he has to. He will strive for the greatest opportunity to let everyone out alive.

Yin Qingping was startled when he heard this:

"Forget it! Can't break! Just think I didn't say it! "

Yin Qingping certainly can't agree with dangerous things.

At this time, I heard someone among the guests scream and then point out the window and shout. Obviously, someone also found that the world outside the window of the hotel has completely become static.

As the guest shouted, the other guests saw the scene one after another, and they couldn't help looking at the strange scene outside the restaurant window in horror:

"Oh, my God! What about the outside world... It's like time has stopped? "

"It's over! The outside of the hotel is still, so what's the point of our escape? "

"What happened tonight? Who can tell me why we met such strange things!"
