Chapter 867

When invading the divine soul to know the sea, it is the most relaxed and unprepared time for both sides.

Therefore, in such a state, it is most taboo to have a distrustful third party around you, thinking that no one knows whether they will be stabbed in the back when invading the soul of the sea.

It is precisely because of this that Zhang Yigang deliberately angered the three distrustful people, the demon king, Yao Shenghao and Dongfang Yichen, leaving him alone to slowly start the invasion.

He has found that Yue Zhongzhe's spirit is very strange!

Yao Shenghao had already checked Yue Zhongzhe's spirit before, and no problem was found.

This is not because Yao Shenghao's inspection is careless or the method is wrong, but Yue Zhongzhe's spirit is so strange that an ordinary routine inspection method can't detect the problem at all.

Zhang Yi had a great enemy in his previous life. It was a talented soul repair. Even Zhang Yi almost died in the hands of that soul repair.

Finally, after Zhang Yi turned defeat into victory and killed the soul cultivation, he once found a lot of knowledge about the divine soul from the soul cultivation, which also made Zhang Yi's understanding of the divine soul far better than ordinary people.

Zhang Yi learned a very strange but unprecedented theory from that soul cultivation place. The theory here is simply that everything in the world has weight, and so do human spirits. However, because the human spirit is too light, it is often invisible to people, so that they feel that the spirit is weightless.

That spiritual cultivation once weighed the weight of human spirits, and also created a method to measure the weight of human spirits.

When Zhang Yi checked Yue Zhongzhe's spirit just now, he didn't find any problems at first.

However, when he carried out the inspection with the method of weighing the human spirit learned from the soul cultivation department, he was surprised to find that Yue Zhongzhe's spirit was twice as heavy as that of a normal person!

This feeling is like that Yue Zhongzhe has two spirits at the same time.

But if he really had two spirits, not to mention Zhang Yi, Yao Shenghao had already checked them out.

So that's what's wrong.

Yue Zhongzhe clearly has only one soul, but his weight is twice that of a normal person.

After noticing this strange place, Zhang Yi plans to invade Yue Zhongzhe's soul to know the sea and go to see what's going on in person.

With Zhang Yi's use of the forbidden art, Yue Zhongzhe's body and soul fall into a deep sleep, his invasion will become much easier.

Immediately, Zhang Yibian began to meditate and gradually invade Yue Zhongzhe's spirit.

With Zhang Yi's invasion, a strange scene appeared in front of Zhang Yi.

"Is this Yue Zhongzhe's knowledge of the sea?"

I saw a blue sea around, rippling blue waves and gentle breeze.

Zhang Yi floated on the sea and looked around.

At this time, all of a sudden, I heard a flute sound on the sea.

Zhang Yixun went and saw a boat coming slowly in the distance of the sea. On the boat, a figure was standing tall and straight, a green flute was across his mouth, and a beautiful song was slowly played by him.

This man is not someone else, it is Yue Zhongzhe.

Yue Zhongzhe came to Zhang Yi in a small boat and saluted slightly:

"Lord Zhang, I knew you would come to me! I also believe you have the ability to find me. "

Zhang Yi frowns at Yue Zhongzhe:

"How could this happen? I've already used blocking against you. Why can you still appear and communicate with me? And isn't your consciousness crazy? "

Yue Zhongzhe smiled:

"Let me answer your questions one by one. First of all, yes, you used the blocking technique on me, making my flesh and soul fall into a deep sleep. But I don't know if sect leader Zhang can remember that when I first met you, I told you that our Huashan sect started from the secret place of Chen Tuan and got the cultivation script of Chen Tuan. "

When Zhang Yi heard this, he suddenly realized:

"Is it..."

Yue Zhongzhe nodded and said:

"Yes, it is the unique method of Chen Tuan's practice in his sleep. What this dharma stresses is that the more you sleep, the more smoothly you practice. So when you use the blocking technique to make me fall into a deep sleep, it makes me enter the most sober state! "

Zhang Yi nodded slightly when he heard this.

I've long heard that Chen Tuan's cultivation skills are mysterious. I didn't expect that there is such a magical effect.

Then Yue Zhongzhe continued:

"Lord Zhang, you have forbidden my spirit. In fact, you have helped me get rid of it."

Zhang Yi asked:

"What do you say?"

Yue Zhongzhe saw a wave as like as two peas.

As like as two peas, Yue Zhongzhe is the same as the one who is standing on this boat.

But the only difference is that the "Yue Zhongzhe" appeared later with his eyes closed, as if he were sleeping.

When Zhang Yi saw this "Yue Zhongzhe", he immediately understood:

"He was banned by me, so he fell into a deep sleep! So who is he? How can there be two spirits in your body? And as like as two peas! "

It's not that Zhang Yi has never seen two spirits in a person's body.

When he invaded the sea of song Yuyao's divine soul, he saw that there was still a divine soul like a queen in the sea of song Yuyao's divine soul. Although the spirit looks very similar to song Yuyao, it can still be seen that there are obvious differences between them.

However, as like as two peas, Yue Zhongzhe is the same as Yue Zhongzhe, and even a slight difference can not be seen.

As like as two peas, there are two as like as two peas in the world, but the two Yue Zhongzhe spirits are completely alike at the moment, which makes Zhang Yi never see any difference.

Facing Zhang Yi's inquiry, Yue Zhongzhe replied:

"Sect leader Zhang must be very surprised that I have a spirit. In fact, I am also very strange. All this should start from the beginning when I and door owner Zhang were in the hotel... "

Zhang Yi clearly remembers that day.

On that day, after Yue Zhongzhe and Zhang Yi told the secret of jiuchongtian, they planned to leave for Mount Tai for a prior investigation. However, when Zhang Yi saw him again, he was crazy in the bronze city.

At this time, when Yue Zhongzhe talked about that day, Zhang Yi also wanted to listen.

Yue Zhongzhe continued:

"At the beginning, I sneaked into Mount Tai secretly and came to the Jade Emperor's top. After passing through eight clouds, I finally reached the top and saw the ninth cloud and the bronze city. But I was curious, so I began to explore the bronze city. However, when I explored it for less than a day, something strange suddenly happened! I saw that the colorful stone in the center of the cloud vortex in the sky moved slightly, opened a gap, and then a man appeared. That man... Is Ling Tianyi! "

Zhang Yi was shocked when he heard this.

Ling Tianyi told everyone at the meeting that he needed to destroy the colorful stones in the sky, so as to enter the space behind the colorful stones and solve the mystery of ancient truth cultivation.

Judging from his tone, there seemed to be no way to get near multicolored stones. However, at this time, Yue Zhongzhe said that he could appear behind the colorful stones?

Yue Zhongzhe continued:

"I was lurking in the dark, watching carefully. Finally, I finally found the way to open the multicolored stone, so I finally stole the world behind the multicolored stone after I seized an opportunity! "

Hearing this, Zhang Yi was surprised:

"You mean, you can get directly close to the multicolored stone?"

There is time-space turbulence between the bronze city and the multicolored stones, so ling Tianyi arranged an array platform that can cross and shuttle like a time-space channel, hoping to gather people's strength to open the channel to the multicolored stones.

At this time, Yue Zhongzhe said that he could get close to the colorful stones directly?

Yue Zhongzhe continued:

"In fact, the head here is regular! At the beginning, I also found the law after observing Ling Tianyi's going in and out of the multicolored stones several times! If people who don't know the law break in, they will die without a burial place! Well, this is not the time, but the world after the colorful stones... "

Just at this moment, a loud noise suddenly sounded.

This loud noise seems to be a real sound, but also seems to be illusory. It seems to come from the sky of the sea and from the depths of the sea.

With this sound, Zhang Yi only felt that he was becoming lighter and lighter, as if he was about to leave the sea of knowledge at any time.

Zhang Yi was startled. He knew that someone was breaking into the killing array he set up! As a result, Zhang Yi's array sends an alarm to Zhang Yi, reminding Zhang Yi to withdraw from Yue Zhongzhe's knowledge of the sea.

Invading the sea of knowledge, the most taboo is to be disturbed by others. Now, with the loud noise, Zhang Yi will soon be excluded by Yue Zhongzhe, a gradually awakening sea of knowledge.

Yue Zhongzhe also seemed to be aware of the situation. He hurriedly said:

"Lord Zhang, I have too much time to tell you in detail! I just need one last word to remind you! Never break that multicolored stone! Remember!!! This is a matter of life and death for billions of people in the world! Also, don't enter the world behind the colorful stones, otherwise you will become the same as me! "

Zhang Yi has felt his body flying away from the sea.

Before long, he will be completely excluded from the sea of knowledge.

Immediately, Zhang Yi hurriedly asked:


Yue Zhongzhe replied anxiously:

"Because the mountain we are on is not the Jade Emperor's top of Mount Tai at all! But the mythical Tianzhu Buzhou mountain! The multicolored stone in the sky is the divine stone used by Empress Nu Wa to mend the sky! The heavenly pillar cannot fall, and the divine stone cannot be destroyed! Otherwise the world will be destroyed! "

Zhang Yi was flying higher and higher. He hurriedly asked:

"How did you know all this?"

Yue Zhongzhe replied anxiously:

"Because I have been to the world after the colorful stones, I saw it there..."

Before he finished his words, a sudden change appeared!

I saw another "Yue Zhongzhe" standing on another leaf boat suddenly open his eyes at the moment!

Then, the "Yue Zhongzhe" suddenly showed a strange smile, and then he suddenly jumped at Yue Zhongzhe and grabbed Yue Zhongzhe's neck.

Yue Zhongzhe was choked by another himself. He couldn't speak at once. He could only look anxiously at Zhang Yi.

Seeing the sudden scene, Zhang Yi hurried to help, but... With the change of the scene in front of him, he had left Yue Zhongzhe's knowledge of the sea.