Chapter 970

Zhang Yi decided to find another exit hidden here.

So he stood firm, took a slight breath, then raised his palm and suddenly slapped it on the ground.

This slap on the ground, it seems that there is nothing unusual except a small piece of dust.

If so, then after Zhang Yi's palm, a buzzing sound was generated in the whole tomb.

What he used in this palm was a dark force, not a clear force to destroy solid stones.

Zhang Yi's palm directly penetrated into the ground, and then passed along the ground to all directions of the whole tomb, such as walls, columns and so on.

With the collision of Zhang Yi's palm power, the buzzing sound came back from all the places where his power passed. If others listen, these are just ordinary echoes. However, in Zhang Yi's ears, they can hear the information contained in them.

When you hit an object, it will produce an echo.

The sound of knocking solid objects is dull, the sound of knocking hollow objects is clear, the sound of knocking metal is loud, and the sound of knocking bricks and stones is dull; The sound of knocking on wet wood is very low, and the sound of knocking on dry wood is very high... Knocking on everything will produce all kinds of very strange sounds.

When these different sounds fall into Zhang Yi's ears, Zhang Yi can know what objects there are in the ancient tomb, the general situation of the object, and various structures of the tomb.

Some hidden secret doors may be camouflaged and difficult to find with eyes.

But through the vibration of the sound, the location of those secret doors will fall very clearly in Zhang Yi's ears and appear clearly in his mind.

Through these sounds, Zhang Yi can distinguish the structure of the ancient tomb, and he can hear some hidden mechanism channels clearly. It can be said that in a big way, the structural drawings of this ancient tomb are basically constructed in Zhang Yi's mind.

This is an ordinary situation, but this ancient tomb reveals something unusual

After hearing the sound of his percussion, Zhang Yi raised his head in doubt:

"The other entrance to the tomb is above?"

On the ceiling of the palace, there is a big hole. It is the entrance of the ancient tomb where people enter.

However, who could have thought that another entrance in the whole palace was also on the ceiling.

I saw some faint fluorescence on the ceiling, which was the light emitted by gemstones such as night pearls. These night pearls are generally used to represent the stars in the sky and the bright Milky way.

However, most of the night pearls have been pried away, and only some remote and very small night pearls have been preserved.

"This ancient tomb is really abnormal..."

Zhang Yi did not expect that another passage of the ancient tomb was on the top of the ancient tomb.

Of course, the passage is at the top of the tomb, which doesn't mean anything.

What really surprised Zhang Yi was that Zhang Yi heard that there was a vast space behind the channel. That is the space of the ancient tomb, which extends upward and has a complex structure.

It doesn't make sense.

Because after the top of the ancient tomb is only a few meters up, it has returned to the ground.

When Zhang Yi went to the tomb, he saw the surrounding terrain. It was flat. It was already at the top of the mountain.

If the top of the mountain goes up again, that's the sky.

It can be said that a few meters away from the top of the ancient tomb, it is already the sky.

What Zhang Yi heard was that he could go up through the entrance at the top of the ancient tomb and go to another complex and tortuous architectural structure.

And this structure extends upward, at least thousands of kilometers or even more.

It's like the ancient tomb leads to the sky, but others can't see it on the ground.

"It seems that the space behind the passage is already a space-time similar to the secret realm. Well, let me go and have a good look. What surprises and surprises will there be? "

After Zhang yisiding, the whole person began to fly up.

He gradually rose to the top of the tomb and came to the ceiling inlaid with night pearls.

It can be seen that the grooves of the night pearls on the ceiling can be moved. It seems that some special arrangement and rotation method is needed to open the entrance.

But for Zhang Yi, he only needs brute force.

Immediately, I saw Zhang Yi slamming his fist at a position on the ceiling.


With a violent noise, a big hole was suddenly blown out of this position.

After the big hole, there was a long passage.

Zhang yizao already knew the deconstruction here, and also knew that his brute force destruction would not trigger any other mechanism.

At the same time, I saw a lot of blood falling from the passage like rain.

Zhang Yifei looked up at the hole.

I only saw the long same road extending straight upward, which looked like a vertical sewer.

However, at this time, countless sharp spears were pierced on the inner wall of those channels, and some bodies were pierced and nailed in the channels by those sharp spears.

The blood that fell from the passage like rain came from the eight bodies nailed to death in the passage.

These bodies are the group of people who went to the grave after the Youkong theft door that Zhang Yi saw.

Ancient tombs are often filled with all kinds of dangerous organs, especially in such a round narrow and lengthy passage, it is easy to have organs in ambush.

I think those who were nailed to death triggered the mechanism when they passed through this channel, which led to such an end.

"I have to take some measures to prevent the mantis from catching cicadas and yellow finches."

After glancing at the entrance, Zhang Yi withdrew from the immortal palace and came to the square.

I can see the steal hole at the top of the square. Even through the steal hole, I can see the stars in the night sky. Everyone came down from the steal hole.

The people who stole the door from Youkong went to the tomb first, then someone went to the tomb, and then Zhang Yi followed them.

In order to avoid other people following after Zhang Yi enters, Zhang Yi has to make some arrangements.

So Zhang Yi began to decorate at the entrance of the stealing cave, the only way to leave the ancient tomb.

He arranged two arrays in a row just in case.

One of these two arrays is magic array and the other is kill array. There are two arrays that are enough to deal with most experts in this era.

After arranging the two arrays, Zhang Yi returned to the entrance of the ceiling of the immortal palace.

Zhang Yi looked at the dripping blood and frowned slightly. As soon as his hand was raised, an invisible Qi formed a protective cover on his head to cover the falling blood for him.

Then Zhang Yicai flew into the passage and flew upward.

During the flight, the spears blocking the way were broken one after another with a wave of Zhang Yi's hand.

These spears seem to be disposable mechanisms, and there is no response after one use.

Zhang Yi took a look at the nailed bodies and found that there were no people he had seen.

This long passage is at least 20 meters long. Zhang Yi soon flew to the top of the passage, and there is no seal here.

After leaving the passage, a wide room appeared in front of Zhang Yi.

Although it is not as wide as the palace on the lower floor, it is not small.

And in this room, impressively covered with corpse skeletons everywhere.

These skeletons include human, horse and some livestock.

In particular, these skeleton bones are stacked layer by layer, at least several meters high, so people don't know how many skeleton bones are in them.

It can be said that in this wide space, there are all these skeletons that have long been turned into white bones.

"Human bones and livestock bones are stacked together. It seems that this is a martyrdom pit, and these killed people seem to be slaves."

This room is like a warehouse, as if it was used to hold these corpses, and there are no decorations and treasures. Therefore, Zhang Yi feels that this is a martyrdom pit where the lowest slaves and livestock are located.

And these bones seemed to be rotten. When he fell on the bones, many bones were cracked and crushed by him.

These crushed bones are not a few. It can be seen that many people have stayed in this place.

At this time, a sound came from those bones.

Then a faint voice sounded:

"Is there anyone... Is there anyone to help... Help me..."

Zhang Yi turned his eyes and looked at a pile of skeletons.

He walked over and raised his hand. The skeleton flew up and scattered around, and the things buried in the skeleton finally revealed.

I saw a living man buried in the countless bones.

It was a young woman, but at this time she seemed to be injured. Her wound seemed to be in her abdomen. She saw that her clothes on her abdomen had been soaked with blood. At the same time, there was a lot of blood from her lying bones.

The young woman, wearing the sect uniform of Youkong thief, is obviously a disciple of Youkong thief.

When the young woman saw Zhang Yi, she quickly shouted:

"Help me... Help me..."

Zhang Yi looked coldly at the young woman and asked:

"Who are you?"

The young woman replied:

"My name is Jiang Xue... I'm Youkong bandit sect... Elder zhenzhuan disciple..."

Zhang Yi continued:

"Why don't you stay with the people of your school?"

The young woman who claimed to be Jiang Xue was frightened when she heard the speech. She stretched out her fingers and pointed to her head:

"There are monsters... Many people are dead... All dead, everyone is dead... I escaped from above... I don't want to die... Please take me out of here!"

When the woman who claimed to be Jiang Xue said this, her eyes were round and her face was pale, as if she had encountered great fear.