Chapter 1111

The game in the morning ended soon, and there was nothing to pay attention to in the afternoon.

Jiameng and Lulu played two games in the afternoon, and both successfully finished today's game.

So far, the two have won a total of seven games.

The day's competition soon ended and the players began to leave.

This achievement made female reporter Wu Keman and photographer ecstatic. Now Jiameng and Lulu's performance has been eye-catching enough, and they have surpassed most of the contestants in the audition.

Especially today, Lulu defeated Duanmu Yuehua, a player from the top ten sects, which directly proved that Lulu's strength is not weaker than that of the top ten sects.

This made Wu Keman, a female journalist, not stingy in her praise for lulu in the press release. Until the press release was sorted out, Wu Keman also checked it several times.

"Well, I'm going to send the manuscript back to the company now! This time, we will rely on these news materials to become famous! "

Wu Keman clicked on his laptop and sent the manuscript to the company boss.

The photographer also said excitedly:

"This time, we have unique insight, directly reported a rare black horse, and obtained exclusive first-hand information! The boss will reward us a lot! "

After Wu Keman sent the mail, he couldn't help standing up and looking at the setting sun on the distant sea:

"I'm really looking forward to tomorrow's game! If Lulu and Zhang Jiameng win another day tomorrow, they will be able to win more than ten games in a row! At that time, it will be proved that they are people who do not lose at all to most of the top ten sects! "

The photographer can't help looking forward to it.

He raised the camera to aim at the sunset, which is his professional habit. Whenever he is excited, he can't help shooting.

Moreover, such beautiful scenery is also a good turning point, and it is worth photographing as a souvenir.

However, in the process of shooting, the camera seems to catch some strange black spots.

"What's that?"

The photographer couldn't help looking into the distance with his zoom lens. He saw that there seemed to be some strange black spots looming in the sunset.

Those black spots are too far away for people to see clearly. They can be blurred only after they are zoomed into a telescope through the camera.

But the photographer didn't care. No matter what it was, it didn't care about him.

His job is to shoot the news well.

Immediately, the photographer picked up the camera and began to leave with the female reporter Wu Keman.



At the end of the day's competition, Zhang Yi had dinner with Jiameng, Lulu and Jiang Zhiqiu.

After dinner, he had a short training, and then Zhang Yi arranged Lulu and Jiameng to have a rest.

However, when Zhang Yi returned to his bedroom, a knock on the door rang:

"Godfather, it's me!"

Zhang Yi said:

"Come in."

The bedroom door opened and Jiameng came in.

Jiameng came all the way to Zhang Yi and sat down with her head down without saying a word.

Zhang Yi did not speak and waited patiently.

After a while, Jia mengcai said:

"Godfather, I had a strange dream for two consecutive days. In the dream, I met many relatives! They are real relatives, the kind who are related by blood with me! And I think that dream is not false, it is true! "

Zhang Yi listened carefully without interrupting.

Jia Meng continued:

"I not only met my relatives in my dream, but also met one in reality. He is a contestant from the bald eagle country! And in my dream, I also told him... Some bad things... "

"Bad things?"

Zhang Yi asked:

"Is it convenient to say?"

Jia Meng shook her head:

"My brothers and sisters asked me to keep it a secret. They said it was related to everyone's life and death, but that thing... Was related to... And would have a great impact!"

Jia Meng stammered and was about to be incoherent.

In the end, her eyes were red with anxiety. She looked at Zhang Yi and said:

"Godfather, I don't mean to hide it, but... But..."

Zhang Yi smiled, then reached out and touched her head.

Under the appeasement of Zhang Yi, Jiameng gradually calmed down.

Just listen to Zhang Yi say:

"You don't want to betray your relatives or me, so it's very difficult for you to be caught in the middle. You want to be honest with me, but you have to abide by the agreement with your relatives. "

Jiameng nodded vigorously.

She felt that Zhang Yi was so powerful that she could make clear the tangled and painful contradictions in her heart in one sentence.

Zhang Yi smiled:

"Life is full of contradictions and entanglements. After all, there are only a few people who can be happy, happy and free. The vast majority of the world will inevitably be trapped in all kinds of troubles every day. Jiameng, I won't force you to be honest about this. I allow you to keep something, to have your own secrets, and to decide for yourself. Think about it first. When you think it's appropriate to say it, you'll talk to me then. "

After hearing this, Jia Meng seems to understand but not understand:

"Godfather, I don't know when it's the right time."

Zhang Yi stood up. He came to the window and looked at the sea in the dark:

"Look at the sea, it has a sea level, that is the junction between heaven and the sea. Up one millimetre is the sky, down one millimetre is the sea. In people's hearts, there is also such a line called the bottom line. Jia Meng, when you feel that the development of things exceeds the bottom line you can bear, it's the right time. "

Jia Meng finally understood.

She stood up happily and came to Zhang Yi:

"Godfather, I see! Thank you for teaching me this and being so tolerant of me! "

Zhang Yi smiled and patted her on the head:

"Well, go to bed. Stop thinking and get ready for tomorrow's game. "


Jiameng nodded, immediately turned around and went to her bedroom.

After Jia Meng left, Zhang Yi went back to bed and began to heal himself.

In the two days since he came to the island, Zhang Yi has never relaxed his healing. He has felt that his injury has improved again.

"Before long, my strength will be able to restore a new small realm."

Zhang Yi continued to prepare for treatment.

But he thought of Jiameng's words and dreams.

Although Jia Meng did not describe it in detail, Zhang Yi guessed what was going on.

In this world, there is a very special induction situation called telepathy.

This telepathy often occurs between twins, commonly known as twins. Some twins can have some wonderful connections that others cannot perceive. Although they are not with each other, they can feel each other's emotions and even their bodies.

In fact, telepathy exists as long as people related by blood. Some mothers suddenly feel uncomfortable, and then cry, thinking that their son had an accident. Later, the bad news came that her son died. There are too many similar things.

But for ordinary people, the telepathy between blood vessels is so subtle that normal people can't feel the existence of this telepathy.

And some powerful monsters or some special existence, the telepathy between them is very strong, and they can perceive many things that human beings can't perceive.

Zhang Yi is not surprised if there is a special telepathy between the descendants of ancient gods like Jiameng.

It just sounds like this telepathy is very special. It can create a dream and communicate in the dream.

"It seems that there are not many descendants of ancient gods on earth..."

All thoughts in Zhang Yi's eyes.

Judging from Jia Meng's words, she has many similar people, and some even appeared on this island and had contact with Jia Meng.

In this way, Zhang Yi can conclude that there are not many descendants of these ancient gods on earth.

"They are buried deep. Are they really planning something, as Jia Meng said?"

If Zhang Yi had not brought back flowers from the divine world that could detect the blood of ancient gods, otherwise Zhang Yi would not think that there really existed descendants of ancient gods in reality.

Although Zhang Yi has known through many materials of ancient tombs and Youkong theft gate that there are descendants of human beings and ancient gods in this world.

But Zhang Yi once thought that the descendants of these ancient gods passed down so many generations, their blood must be thinner and thinner, and even completely cut off. Most of the descendants of ancient gods should survive in the world as ordinary people. Like Jiameng, they don't know that they have blood.

However, this time through Jiameng, Zhang Yicai knew that he seemed to have guessed wrong.

He is inferring the ancient god's blood from the blood of people and monsters, but now it seems that the inheritance of the ancient god's blood is more special, and the descendants of the ancient god are also very clear about their identity and purpose.

"I'll let you go first. When the game is over, I'll have a good talk with Jia Meng. Ancient gods... Descendants of ancient gods... It's getting more and more interesting! "

Zhang Yi's mouth curled up with a sneer.

He was basically sure that the terrible existence that almost killed him with a trident in Buzhou mountain was probably the legendary ancient god.

Although I don't know how the ancient god unlocked and got out of trouble, let alone why he did it to himself, there was an ancient god behind the series of things at the beginning.

Especially in Taiping Lake in Fengshan Town, Zhang Yi found that the ancient god once sealed there seemed to have been out of trouble.

There must have been some unknown mysterious changes in this world.

Now that Zhang Yi has descendants of ancient gods around him, he can approach the world of ancient gods through Jiameng, a descendant of ancient gods, so as to see some hidden secrets.

Zhang Yi thought about it and closed his eyes again to heal.

All things have to wait until the end of the game.