Chapter 1167

No one expected that the king and Prince of a country would kneel towards a coffin!

The king, in particular, called the coffin his master!

If the people of the United Kingdom learned of such a scene, I'm afraid everyone would lose their chin.

Coffins are used to hold the dead.

Edward II and the prince spoke and knelt towards the coffin, but they seemed to expect that they would not be unresponsive.

Sure enough, after Edward II and Prince Charles said, the coffin reacted.

The lid of the coffin opened slowly like two doors.

Following closely, I saw a man lying inside.

It was a middle-aged man in a suit and shoes. His hands crossed in front of his chest, his eyes closed, and his skin was pale, as if he were really a dead man.


He opened his eyes, a pair of scarlet eyes in the tomb looked particularly dark and bright.

Following, I saw the man floating slowly.

He faced Edward II and Prince Charles kneeling on the ground as if looking at two dogs.

Indeed, he is also the true master of all royal members of the United Kingdom!

The king dominates his subjects, and he dominates the king and his relatives and nobles.

Then the man finally spoke:

"King, who were you talking about just now? "Light Knight Monica?"

Edward II replied:

"Yes, the light Knight Monica has awakened. She should have sworn allegiance to the royal family. She should have been my sword and shield! But now she has betrayed her oath! "

The middle-aged man seemed to fall into memory when he listened to Edward II.

After a while, he said:

"I remember, it was a beautiful girl. She is loyal and strong. If she was not afraid that killing her would cause a strong backlash from the hardliners of the royal family, she should not be allowed to live. "

Edward II immediately said:

"He betrayed the royal family and turned to Zhang Yi! The Oriental! "

Prince Charlie echoed:

"Zhang Yi almost killed me! Master, you must avenge me! "

The middle-aged man was floating in the air. He seemed to be impatient with Edward II and Charlie in front of him.

Only the middle-aged man said:

"I've never heard of an oriental. You can deal with such trifles by yourself. Whoever offends you will kill you. If you can't fight, go and call the people of the magician guild. Don't disturb my sleep because of a trifle, especially during the day. "

The middle-aged man was elegant, but when he said this, he was full of a cold killing intention.

It seems that if anyone does not carry out his words, he will suffer the end of death.

Edward II hastily explained:

"Master, he is Zhang Yi!"

The middle-aged man became more and more impatient when he heard the speech:

"I haven't heard of Zhang Yi!"

As for the names of Oriental people, it is not easy for middle-aged men to make them clear.

Just as in his eyes, basically all oriental people look the same, and it is difficult for him to distinguish them.

Edward II hastily explained:

"Ignore young Zhang Yi! It's the one called 'Romani butcher'

When the man in mid air heard this, his body suddenly trembled, and then the whole man lost his ability to float and fell from mid air.

While he fell, he even knocked over the coffin.

The middle-aged man quickly got up from the ground and quickly stabilized his body. However, his expressionless face, which was like a dead man, was full of infinite horror and fear.

"Butcher Romani... Are you sure it's butcher Romani? Is the Romani butcher who slaughtered the whole Romani 50 years ago, from the northern border of Romani to the west, from sunrise to sunset? "

When the middle-aged man said this, his voice was full of infinite panic.

Fifty years ago, the middle-aged man was just a blood clan child.

His most impressive memory at that time was to avoid the Romani butcher in his hometown of Romani.

The memory of childhood is always full of panic and panic. When he was young, he could clearly feel the fear and fear of adult blood families.

At that time, a word that frequently appeared in the mouth of adult blood families was the Roman butcher. Every day, all blood families are most concerned about which ancient castle in Romani has been bloodwashed by Romani butchers, resulting in the death of many compatriots and so on.

In the blood clan's description, Romani butcher is completely a terrible monster. It is said that he has three heads and six arms, green face and tusks. He often breaks the hearts and livers of blood clans and eats them. Wherever they pass, the blood clan will not leave any women and children.

The middle-aged man clearly remembered that when he was a child, whenever he was disobedient and bitter, the adult blood families would scare him with the Romani butcher. As soon as he heard the reputation of the Romani butcher, he couldn't help but make up an extremely terrible image in his mind, so that he didn't dare to cry any more when he was young, for fear of being caught and eaten alive by the Romani butcher.

What impressed the middle-aged men most was the great migration.

In those years, as the Romani butcher bloodwashed one blood clan Castle after another, more and more blood clans died, and the Romani butcher did not have the slightest intention to stop, but showed a posture of slaughtering all blood clans.

The adult blood clan finally couldn't sit still. They didn't dare to fight the Romani butcher, but chose to flee.

The middle-aged men will never forget the scene of fleeing with the adult blood families. They abandoned their homes, supported the old and the young, and fled outside Rome in groups.

The blood clan was afraid of the sun and came out day and night. However, in order to avoid being noticed by the Romani Butcher at night, they had to change their living habits and risk their lives to sneak away during the day, trying to avoid meeting the Romani butcher in the opposite way.

The middle-aged man's neck was burned by the sun during the escape. The sun left an indelible scar on his neck, and he will never forget the pain of being burned by the sun.

He could not forget the pain in the escape.

Obviously, he is hungry, but he can't eat when he meets human beings, for fear that he will leave beads and traces to be tracked down by the Romani butcher. All blood clans had to suffer from hunger and hide under the deadly sun.

In this process, there are blood families who either starve to death or are accidentally exposed to the sun. The middle-aged man clearly remembers that he saw blood families fall in the process of fleeing, including even his relatives. That kind of day is simply not the life of blood clan.

It can be said that for a middle-aged man, the biggest shadow and devil in his childhood is the Romani butcher.

However, as the middle-aged man gradually grew up and became strong, he became the middle-level of the blood family through his own efforts, and even reached the status and height of being sent by the party leader to the royal family in the United Kingdom to dominate and control the members of the royal family.

He had thought that the shadows and nightmares of his childhood were gone.

However, when Edward II suddenly said that the Romani butcher had returned and was still in the palace, those fears suddenly hit the heart of the middle-aged man, making his heart almost beat.

"Are you sure it's Romani butcher? impossible! You must be lying to me! "

The middle-aged man was roaring, but his voice was very low for fear of being overheard by others:

"Butcher Romani died in the Oriental Dragon Kingdom 50 years ago. He has already died! The dead cannot be reborn! He can't come back! "

Edward II and Prince Charles looked at the blood family in surprise.

They did not expect that the reputation of the Romani butcher was so loud for the blood clan.

Immediately Edward II explained:

"I don't know why, but he did come back. Even Monica, the knight of light, has confirmed his identity. There can be no mistake. "

However, middle-aged men do not believe:

"Lies! This must be a shameful lie! It must be a lie made up by the bitch of the light knight in conjunction with outsiders. The purpose of their doing so is to deceive me and frighten me! "

Edward II couldn't help feeling helpless when he heard the speech.

If the knight of light really wants to make up a lie, then the time to make it up 50 years ago is undoubtedly the best. Why did he wait until 50 years to make up such a lie?

However, Edward II could not explain it to the angry blood family.

Blood clan is noble and humble in terms of blood lineage.

The first generation of blood clan who can get the blood of their ancestors is the most noble, and then each generation will become more and more humble.

Edward II and the members of the royal family are not pure blood families. They are a mixture of blood families and human beings, especially the part of their blood family comes from the lowest slaves.

Therefore, although the royal family members of the United Kingdom live in dignity in front of ordinary citizens, they still deserve to be humble slaves when facing blood families.

Since you are a slave, you should try your best to please your master.

Immediately Edward II asked:

"Then master, how should I face this lie? The strength of the light knight is so good that even master Kager dare not fight against her, and the strength of Zhang Yi is unknown. That's why we want to invite the master to solve the traitor Monica and the Oriental Zhang Yi! "

When the middle-aged man heard this, his face immediately became ferocious.

His teeth were exposed, his ears became sharp and long, his skin showed a dead gray, and his whole face became cold and evil.

He raised his hand, which had become a sharp claw, and then waved it violently to Edward II.


Edward II was immediately photographed flying out and bumping heavily against the stone wall.

Edward II groaned bitterly, then hurried up from the ground and knelt again.

He didn't know why his master hit him suddenly, but he didn't dare to resist.

Only the middle-aged man shouted angrily:

"Humble slave! Are you trying to kill me? Even if it's only one in ten thousand, I can't take the risk! If that guy is really a Romani butcher, I will die! "